Wikimedia Taiwan/COSCUP 2021/如果石碑會說話:從耆老口述小歷史到心智圖應用、大茅埔的維基書寫

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  • 講題:如果石碑會說話:從耆老口述小歷史到心智圖應用、大茅埔的維基書寫(若講碑石曉講話:對世大人嘴項个歷史到心智圖應用、大茅埔維基書寫;naˋgong^ bi+ shag hiau^ gong^ faˋ,duiˋshiˋtaiˋnginˇzhoiˋhong+ gai+ led sii^ doˋsim+ zhiˋtuˇrhinˋrhungˋ、taiˋmauˇbu+ gai+ vuiˇgi+ shu+ sia^)
  • 講者:吳哲銘(ngˇzhed^ menˇ)
  • 議程時間:20210731 1500 - 1530
  • 地點:台灣科技大學研揚大樓 TR411 教室(因應疫情改為線上舉辦)
  • 議程共筆


  • 演講語言:客家語東勢大埔腔 (hak)
  • 簡報語言:中文(zh)


客家語東勢大埔腔 (hak)[edit]


成立有四年外个大茅埔調查團,長久在地方項調查文史還有水圳生態,若做社 區營造,若聽世大人講轉東勢大茅埔个頭擺生活文化。2020年10月開始,撖團 員聘好,一禮拜有一日係調查日,透日在外背走;一日係維基日,定期鬥共下 處理共讀資料,來好好面對無共款个聲。跈緊恁大量圖文資料系統化還加維基 化,在整理過程當中,逐日累集著新个發現、新个線索嘛緊來緊複雜。吾等發 現緊來緊多在地相傳个古,撖文獻項个觀點會相觸,嘛對前駁尋著个老碑石盡 有興頭,可比佢曉講客,會仰脣改變近代中台灣客庄發展个歷史觀點,還過, 村史2.0敢使得結合維基,用客話來書寫?


shinˇlibˋiu+ siˋngienˇnguaiˋgai+ taiˋmauˇbu+ tiauˇcaˇtonˇ,chongˇgiu^ to+ tiˋfong+ hong+ tiauˇcaˇvunˇsii^ hanˇiu+ shui^ zhunˋsen+ taiˋ, naˋzoˋshaˋki+ rhinˇcoˋ,naˋten+ shiˋtaiˋnginˇgong^ zhon^ dung+ shiˋtaiˋmauˇbu+ gai+ teuˇbai^ sen+ fadˋ。ngiˋkungˋngiˋkungˋngienˇshibˋngiedˋkoi+ chi^,ga+ tonˇrhenˇpin^ ho^ ,rhid^ li+ baiˋiu+ rhid^ ngid^ heˋ tiauˇcaˇngid^,teuˋngid^ to+ ngoˋboiˋzeu^;rhid^ ngid^ heˋvuiˇgi+ ngid^, loiˇho^ ho^ mienˋduiˋmoˇkiungˋkuan^ gai+ shang+。tenˇgin^ an^ taiˋ liongˋtuˇvunˇzii+ liauˋneˋtung^ faˋhanˇga+ vuiˇgi+ faˋ,to+ zhin^ li+ goˋchangˇdong+ zhung+,liu+ sibˋdoˋsin+ gai+ fad^ hienˋ、sin+ gai+ sienˋsog^ ma+ gin^ loiˇgin^ fugˋcabˋ。nga+ nenˊfad^ hienˋgin^ loiˇgin^ do+ caiˋtiˋsiong+ chonˇgai+ gu^,ga+ vunˇhienˋhong+ gai+ guan+ diam^ voi+ siong+ chug^,ma+ duiˋcienˇbog^ cimˇdoˋgai+ lo^ bi+ shagˋcinˋiu+ hinˋteuˇ,ko^ bi^ giˇhiau^ gong^ kag^,voiˋngiong^ shunˇgai^ bienˋkiunˋtoiˋzhung+ toiˇvanˇkag^ zong+ fad^ zhen^ gai+ ledˋsii^ guan+ diam^, hanˇgoˋ,cun+ sii^ ngiˋdiam^ lenˇgam^ sii^ ded^ gied^ habˋvuiˇgi+ , rhungˋkag^ faˋloiˇshu+ sia^?


成軍四年餘的大茅埔調查團,長期在地方蹲點做地方文史、水圳生態等的調查,一邊做社造一邊聽耆老講述東勢大茅埔的生活文化記憶。2020年10月起 與團員訂出一天調查日在外面跑,一天維基日共讀資料的定期聚會,想好好面對觀點紛紜的眾聲。隨著大量圖文資料的系統化、維基化的整理過程,一 天天累積的新發現、新線索日益龐雜,我們意識到越來越多在地口述與既有文獻立論觀點存在著矛盾,也更加好奇近期找到的老石碑,如果它會講客語 ,將如何改變近代中臺灣客家聚落發展的歷史觀點!?以及維基客語拼寫書寫的可能性。


The Tamaopu Investigation Group has been founded for more than four years. We are focus on the investigation of local history and hydrology, we also document memories and stories from the elders of Tamaopu, Dongshi. Since October 2020, to listen to more diverse voices, group members have decided on a routine schedule for one investigation day and one Wiki studying day. By systemize and wikilize of numerous documentation, day by day, we discovered new clues that addressed contradiction of history from the archive and the oral history. We wondered if the recent-found old stele can speak its voice out, how it might change the explanation of the development of Hakka settlement in central Taiwan of modern times? and the writing ability Hakka spelling in Wikipedia.