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User:Keegan (WMF)/Rename confusion message/yi

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This page is a translated version of the page User:Keegan (WMF)/Rename confusion message and the translation is 57% complete.

ref: User:Pathoschild/2015_sul_rename_confusion

You can probably ignore the rename warning

א גוטן!

מ׳האט אײַך לעצטנס קאנטאקטירט אז מ׳דארף באנייען דעם נאמען פון אײַער קאנטע צוליב דער איינציגער־באניצער אריינלאגירן-שליסן.

You can likely ignore the notice you received. Your account is probably not going to be renamed, but please take a moment to check MergeAccount with your current username to make sure you own your global account. The message was intended for an old username previously used by your account, an alternate account of yours, or a bot account that you own that redirects to this talk page. The old username must be renamed to make room for the global account. If you still own the global account you can replace the redirect after finalization. The bot delivering the message followed the redirect and left a message here instead.

If you are a bot owner: please be sure to log in to any relevant bot account you own and visit Special:MergeAccount to unify your bot accounts if needed.

א דאנק אײַער צייט, און אנטשולדיגט די צעמישונג.

-- Keegan (WMF) (שמועס)