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Community Resources/Annual Plan

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

This is our 2018-19 annual plan.

Resourcing communities


GOAL: Empower and support communities through funding, targeted capacity building, and events: Provide community organizers worldwide with resources to pursue ideas, address the problems they identify, and ultimately to grow and diversify the Wikimedia movement.


  1. Knowledge: Content on the Wikimedia projects is created, curated, or improved, resulting in  the expansion of knowledge available through our projects. See our targets.
  2. Participation and Diversity: New and diverse people participate in our global movement, particularly non-male participants, Emerging Communities, and those from other communities and intersections who are not yet participating enough in Wikimedia projects.



Run grant programs to distribute funds.


WMF Grant program are run throughout the year, and support individuals and organizations with various needs. They include:

  • Rapid grants:
    • We will continue to support both new and experienced individuals, groups and organizations to run discrete projects through rapid grants.
    • We will engage more proactively with growing communities around strategic planning, proposal development, and project management.
    • We expect to fund ~ 200 grants with 70% to emerging communities.
    • We will consider implementing a $500 minimum and will close the Travel & Participation Support program in order to decrease the volume of Rapid Grants due to capacity issues, as well as to make space for strategy work.
  • Conference & event grants
    • We will continue to fund local, regional, thematic and movement conference grants through two grant cycles with awards made in November and April.
    • We expect to fund at least 11 conferences and events attended by ~1100 participants, and including scholarships for ~500 people primarily from emerging communities.
    • We hope to provide travel and logistical support to 2 regional or thematic events hosted by groups without paid staff.
  • Annual plan grants (APG)
    • We will continue to provide organizations and groups currently receiving annual plan grants with grants to continue their operations. Most funding decisions will continue to occur in December and June, while a few may occur at other times throughout the year.
    • We will provide limited non-monetary support to select organizations, with the limited resources we have available. Over the next year, this will include supporting organizations to interpret the strategic direction in their own contexts, and guiding organizations through critical transition points in their development through consultation and mentorship.
    • We will not engage committees in participatory decision-making processes.
  • Wikimania scholarships
    • We will make 100-120 scholarships to Wikimania 2019 (Sweden) in Q4. These scholarships will largely support community members from the global south/emerging communities.
  • Project grants
    • We anticipate 2 rounds of grants (awarded in May and October) that will support community-led new and proven project ideas in the areas of software, offline outreach, and online organizing.

Through these programs, we estimate 400 grants will be made in this fiscal year to at least 80 countries. We track our grants spending here.

Through IdeaLab, run one Inspire Campaign


Inspire Campaigns invite movement-wide idea building on topics consistent with community needs and our strategic priorities.  This month-long campaign will be run once each year, with one theme directly aligned with a strategic priority (e.g. community health) or derived from community feedback and activity.

Manage and coordinate all aspects of Wikimania


Oversee and deliver Wikimania, including coordinating the local organizing team and program committee, securing fiscal sponsorships, and managing the Wikimania Scholarship program (which brings ~100-120 community members to the event, majority from emerging communities).

Deliver capacity building through targeted training and support

  • Add to and refine Community Capacity Map, based on feedback and input m:CCM
  • Use map as tool to prioritize the development of capacity building services to select communities.


Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method
More participants are engaged, more knowledge is created, and more diverse communities have resources to improve the diversity of Wikimedia projects. Contributors:
  • 50,000 participants engaged through WMF grants
  • 10,000 new editors engaged through WMF grants

Diversity: 70% of grants awarded to emerging communities Content: Over 500K Wikimedia pages will be created or improved

Grantees reporting
Outcome 2 Target 2 Measurement method
Community members collaboratively develop ideas to solve some of the most intractable problems we face in Wikimedia.   Contributors: Over 100 ideas submitted that are related to campaign theme.

Content: Provide active staff support of 5%-10% of developed, relevant ideas to move into implementation (e.g. phabricator task, WMF Grants, referring to affiliate grants, advising)

Inspire Campaign metrics
Outcome 3 Target 3 Measurement method
Wikimania 2018 is executed  and Wikimania 2019 is prepared for. 500 Wikimania participants

100-120 Wikimania scholarships, dependent on budget

Wikimania 2018 registration Wikimania 2019 scholarship awards
Outcome 4 Target 4 Measurement method
Specific capacities are built, cost-effectively, in specific communities, in ways that are sustainable (i.e., continue to yield, and ideally multiply, after capacity-building project ends). 3 to 5 communities

30 to 60 participants Combination of intensive in-country training events and ongoing remote mentorship and support.


Reports Self-assessment (CCM)

Community Resources Funding strategy


GOAL: Movement funds are invested in a way that is:

  • Aligned with the movement’s new strategic direction
  • Aligned with the values of sharing power in decisions, being transparent, and being accountable as stewards of the movements resources.

outcome 1


The Community Resources team is able to prioritize investments (of money, staff resources, etc.) toward a concrete set of goals that we believe will make meaningful progress toward our movement strategic direction.


  1. Conduct research (movement-external input): Conduct external benchmarking of other movements and funders focused on equity to understand how they have translated a vision of equity into a coherent funding strategy. Benchmarking will help us identify what’s possible as an impactful grantmaking organization focused on equity. (Same for Knowledge-as-a-service
  2. Consult community (movement-internal input): Collect and analyze community input to understand how our interpretation of strategic directions Knowledge Equity and Knowledge-as-a-Service would impact past, current and prospective grantees.
  3. Adjust/revamp programs to align to strategy: Translate our movement strategic direction into a meaningful set of funding priorities, through which CR would invest its resources (money, staff resources, etc.) and measure impact.

outcome 2


Wikimedia has a grantmaking ecosystem (e.g. programs, processes, committees, culture, incentives) that appropriately supports and incentivizes work in support of the movement’s strategic direction.


  1. Conduct external benchmarking of other movements and funders focused on equity to understand how they have set up culture norms and processes that support their end goals. Benchmarking will help us identify what new investment models are possible as an organization focused on equity. (Same for Knowledge-as-a-service)
  2. Collect community input to help us identify what potentially radical change is possible, needed, or challenging as movement resources are redirected toward the new movement strategic direction.
  3. Re-design CR’s grantmaking ecosystem (e.g. programs, processes, committees, culture, explicit and implicit incentives) into one that supports CR’s new funding priorities, and ensure accessibility (grant requirements, language, etc).


Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method
Community Resources prioritizes investments (of money, staff resources, etc.) toward a smaller set of goals that we believe will make meaningful progress toward our movement strategic direction. A concrete and limited set (3-5) of funding priorities are created for Community Resources team Funding priorities are set and posted on wiki
Outcome 2 Target 2 Measurement method
Wikimedia has a grantmaking ecosystem (e.g. programs, processes, committees, culture, incentives) that appropriately supports and incentivizes work toward the movement’s strategic direction. A new or improved set of CR programs exist, and are aligned to CR’s funding priorities Grantmaking programs are set and posted on wiki