Learning and Evaluation/News/Learning Day for Wikimania Esino Lario/Outcome Mapping Workshop
Outcome Mapping
Session Abstract: Outcome Mapping is an evaluation approach developed in 2001 for evaluation which places people as the center and looks at changes in behavior to define outcomes. Outcomes are defined as “changes in behavior, relationships, activities, or actions of the individuals, groups, and organizations with whom a program works directly” as well as indirectly with “those potential partners with whom the program anticipates opportunities for influence.” (Earl, Carden, & Smutylo, 2001, p.1)
In the Wikimedia world of programs, outcome mapping strategies can help us to gather data on the contributions that our programs make in terms of bringing about changes in our partners around the world that help to build toward greater engagement in open and free knowledge. Further, outcome mapping can also help us to evaluate both the intended as well as unintended results of our innovative Wikimedia programs. In this way, outcome mapping can help to get beyond the more direct program outcomes to deeper environmental outcomes to measure a program’s contribution to complex change processes.
- Because it allows for qualitative outcomes and stories of our projects and programs and helps to better surface our shared impact.
- Because it provides useful framework for getting beyond - to measure those intermediate and longer-term qualitative outcomes that influence higher-level systems change in the socio-political environment.
- Because our projects seek deeper changes and impact on the world than may be directly linked to our own direct project environments.
Specific learning objectives:
- Participants will learn two core outcome mapping strategies to help identify the social influences related to their programs.
- Participants will learn of next steps for learning more about how to apply outcome mapping in their evaluation work.
- Amount of time required: 90 minutes
- Potential participant collaborators:
Teaching Lead: