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Grants:PEG/WM NL/Annual Program Plan 2012/Report/Q2

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Interim report accepted
This interim report for a Project and Event Grant has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.

Wikimedia Nederland Quarterly Statement of Activities for the second quarter of 2012


This is the report of activities of Wikimedia Nederland for the second quarter of 2012, as required by the chapter grant agreement for 2012. Actual goals for this year have been defined in the program plan for 2012 mostly in terms of goals at the end of the year, and so it is not really possible to measure the current state against those targets. However, most of the budgeted activities came with a definite timeframe, and so we can measure progress against that timeline, as is done in the table below. We are glad to report Sandra Rientjes has started working on May 1, 2012 as director.



The current composition of the Board is (board roles per board resolution of April 14, 2012) :

  • Ziko van Dijk, president
  • Paul Becherer, secretary
  • Ad Huikeshoven, treasurer
  • Cyriel Brusse
  • Sandra Fauconnier
  • Frans Grijzenhout
  • Sarah Morassi



Activities have mostly been extracted from the Chapter Reports as available on Meta.



Content projects

  • At Teylers Museum in Haarlem a Edit-a-thon took place on April 28th.
  • Discussions with Tropenmuseum and Stichting Academisch Erfgoed concerning a new challenging project about the great expeditions (VOC, Beagle, etc.)

Technical projects

  • Europeana project, PID in final stage.

Press and outreach

  • Ziko talked with an active member about a certain project for promoting free licences.

Board and staff

  • The board met on April 14th/15th in Soesterberg. The transition from the old to the new board took place, and the board spoke to two candidates for the new position of a director. The board decided on asking the candidate Sandra Rientjes to become director of WMNL.

Other meetings

  • WikiSaturday on April 21st



Technical projects

  • Europeana project. PID approved.

Press and outreach

  • Presentation during the Cultural Freedom Day.

Board and staff

  • On May 1st Sandra Rientjes had her first work day on our office. May was the month for her to accomodate with the position.
  • Board meeting on May 10th, with e.g. a clearer definition of the tasks of the board members

Other meetings

  • May 21st, WMNL members met CoSyne coworkers at the Beeld & Geluid building in Hilversum



Content projects

  • Teylers Multilingual Challenge ended 3 June. At Teylers Museum in Haarlem the winners were announced on June 16th.

Technical projects

  • Europeana project. PID approved.

Press and outreach

  • Presentation during the Cultural Freedom Day.
  • Gave financial support for a Chapter-meet of Wikimedia Belgium and a preparation-meeting for WLM Belgium & Luxembourg

Other meetings

  • On June 30th, a WikiSunday replaced the originally planned barbecue. People worked together on articles for the Teyler Challenge and learned about the recent international developments.

Measurement against timeline and targets


Most targets as put forth in the Annual Plan cannot yet be evaluated as they are end-of-year targets. Nevertheless, we have attempted to measure activities against the timelines provided in that same document. This is included in the table with financial information. An explanation of the colours and statuses:

OK Continuous item. Spending is within reasonable limits
On schedule Timed item. Activity is on schedule to be finished (delivered) on time
Not yet started Timed item. Timeframe for that activity has not yet arrived.
Needs attention Continuous item. Currently underspending or too little activity
Overdue, in progress Timed item. Delayed, but being worked on, with reasonable expectation of delivery
At risk of delay Timed item. Possibly delayed because an item that it requires is delayed and is not yet worked on.
Overdue, not started yet Delayed, and not being worked on. Risk of non-delivery.
Overdue, postponed/cancelled Delayed, and postponed until next year or cancelled.

No items have yet been postponed until next year or cancelled, but as the year unfolds, we may encounter this.

Individual description of yellow and red items follows below the table. Some of the items contain references to events past the reporting period.

Summary of activities statement Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland Jan 1, 2012 - June 30, 2012


Preliminary figures, not audited

Expenses Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
General public
Press releases and contacts - - cont OK
Improve communication methods - - jan - jun On schedule
Reiterate strategic goals, vision, plans, objectives on website - - jan - mar On schedule
Develop and publish reporting standards - - jan - mar Overdue, in progress
Annual report - 3.000,00 jan - mar Overdue, in progress
Total general public   0,00   3.000,00      
Research CBF prerequisites - 1.200,00 jan - mar Overdue, in progress
Set up recurring donations process - 1.500,00 jan - mar Overdue, not started yet
Draft test and send appeal - 2.000,00 mar - jun At risk of delay
Communicate achievements and plans to donors - - mar - jun Needs attention
Research charity websites and submit information - - mar - jun On schedule
Total donors   -   4.700,00      
Community and members
Wikimedia Conference Netherlands or similar - 10.000,00 may - nov Delayed, in progress
Small-scale community events [C] 11,59 2.000,00 cont On schedule
Improve membership application process - 400,00 mar - jun Not yet started
Approach existing donors for increased participation - - mar - jun Needs attention
Research membership types - - mar - jun Needs attention
Wiki Loves Monuments NL 2012 268,97 10.000,00 mar - sep On schedule
Placing articles/how-tos in relevant "traditional media" - - cont Needs attention
Small activities budget 44,22 1.500,00 cont Needs attention
Consider/develop additional "specialist" volunteer position and/or advisory board - - jan - mar Overdue, not started yet
Budget for unspecified programs [S] 7.364,31 20.000,00 cont On schedule
Total community and members   7.689,09   43.900,00      
Reps to Chap. Conf. / Fundraising Summit - 1.500,00 feb-apr On schedule
Reps to Wikimania [W] 2.700,53 3.000,00 jul On schedule
Travel budget for volunteers [W] - 5.000,00 cont OK
Wiki Loves Monuments International 213,22 15.000,00 mar - sep On schedule
Support translation rallies 1.000,00 2.000,00 cont On schedule
Software testing for CoSyne project 1.233,51 10.023,00 cont Delayed, in progress
Total international   5.147,26   36.523,00      
Institutional contacts and cooperation
Create volunteer guide for partnerships - 1.000,00 jan - mar Overdue, not started yet
Recruit and train volunteers - - apr - jun At risk of delay
Respond to contact requests - - cont OK
Develop GLAM-tools - 40.000,00 cont Delayed, in progress
Institutional contacts and cooperation   -   41.000,00      
Create board manual - - jan - mar Overdue, in progress
Recruitment of board members - - cont OK
Training of board members / volunteers - 3.000,00 cont Needs attention
Hire and retain director - 10.000,00 jan - mar OK
Total internal   -   13.000,00      
Surveys and studies - 10.000,00 cont Needs attention
Office space [O] 5.500,02 12.000,00 cont OK
Accounting/controlling/advice 4.647,35 10.000,00 cont OK
Misc. travel and meeting costs 9.125,66 7.000,00 cont OK
Banking fees (incl. interest) 83,91 1.000,00 cont OK
Insurances - 5.000,00 cont OK
Salary administration - 1.500,00 cont Hiring delayed
Technical facilities - 3.000,00 cont OK
Total overhead   19.356,94   39.500,00      
Staff 16.282,07 120.000,00 cont Hiring delayed
Total expenses planned activities   --   --      
Activities added by GA
Legal advice - 5.000,00 cont Needs attention
Promotion 73,78 10.000,00 cont Needs attention
Total activities added by GA   73,78   15.000,00      
Total expenses   48.549,14   326.623      
Income Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Membership fees 3,205,00 3.500,00 OK
Donations 2.111,38 10.000,00 Lower than projected
Donations for WMF [D] 100,00 -
Chapters grant [G] - 233.123,00 Delayed
Interest 32,89 -
Total income   € 5.449,27   € 246.623,00      
Result Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Result   € -/- 43.099,87   € -/- 80.000,00      


[D] Donations that have been marked as 'For the WMF' by the donor. These will have to be accounted for in the final settlement of the 2012 Chapter Grant
[O] Rent and office supplies. Includes two months that have not yet been billed
[S] Support of Chapters Conference of 5.000 euro has been allocated to unspecified programs
[C] WikiSaturdays and New Year's get together with backstage tour at Teylers Museum
[W] Two flights to Wikimania that have already been booked
[G] Amount includes original plan and the amount for two lines added by General Assembly. Inclusion has subsequently been approved in writing by WMF.

Individual items


General public

Annual report 2011
The annual report has not been finished yet (timeframe was March), but work is in progress. Financial statements were presented to the membership at the AGM and have been approved. They will be published online in the coming weeks. Compilation and editing of annual report of activities is delayed.
Develop and publish reporting standards
Overdue, but closely related to the work on obtaining the CBF certification. Research on CBF certification has been carried out.
Promotion (activity added by GA)
At the request of the annual general meeting of October 22, 2011, an extra line item of EUR 10,000 was added to the budget, to be used for mass-communication on Wikipedia and Wikimedia. If significant progress is to be made this year, work on this should start in the coming months.


Research CBF prerequisites
The Centraal Bureau Fondswerving (CBF) is a Dutch independent monitoring agency for fundraising organisations and charities in the Netherlands. Its certifications are well-regarded, and involve a thorough audit of the organizational aspects of charities. Although this has been delayed, it is currently being worked on. The hiring of a director seems to be a major step towards being able to obtain this certification. One of the prerequisites for the CBF certificate is an auditor's report for charities with an income exceeding EUR 150,000, and having an employee enables the separation of duties that is required for such a statement.
Recurring donations
No process has yet been set up. This also puts the next item in line at risk, which is testing this process on our existing donor data base.
Communication to donors
We have not yet communicated plans and achievements clearly to donors, at least not in 2012. With a schedule of 4 mailings to donors and other interested people.

Community and members

Articles in relevant 'traditional' media
Somewhat related to the "Promotion" item under "General public", the same remark applies.
Small activities budget
Ever since this 'fund' was established in 2009, WMNL has been underspending on this, despite the fact that it is meant to support our core asset: volunteers with good ideas. The number of applications is generally very low. In June a plan for a new activitiy has been announced.
Consider/create 'specialist' volunteer positions and/or advisory board
This has not yet been concretely discussed by the board. Currently, we have a number of these 'specialist' positions, but no general policy has been set.
Budget for unspecified programs
This was meant as a way of not having to say no to volunteers with new but sound ideas for new programs that are too large for the small activities grants. Keeping in mind that projects like Wiki Loves Art NL and Wiki Loves Monuments pretty much came out of the blue, we consider it important to keep the momentum on such projects. The risk we identify is that this line item is used for important but unbudgeted expenses that are not fully volunteer-driven projects. Support of Chapters Conference of 5.000 euro has been allocated to unspecified programs.


Software testing for CoSyne project
Frans Grijzenhout, a new board member, and Sandra Rientjes, who has been hired as director, have stepped in to salvage relationships with CoSyne project partners, helping to rescue this EU subsidized project.

Institutional contacts and cooperation

Develop GLAM-tools
This refers to a larger project in collaboration with a cultural heritage partner and several other chapters (total budget EUR 400,000 over two years). In the second quarter formal agreements have been negotiated and are prelimarily signed. The project should start in the third quarter.
Create volunteer guide for partnerships and train volunteers
The current 'specialist' volunteers for cultural partnerships do not have sufficient time to properly deal with all requests for contacts and partnerships for cultural institutions. To alleviate that, the plan was to draft up a document that could serve as a guide for volunteers (Wikimedians and non-Wikimedians) interested in managing such contacts between WMNL and cultural partners. This guide can then be used to train new volunteers. The creation of this guide has not yet started, and that also puts the training of new volunteers at risk.


Hiring process
A director has been hired. Additional vacancies have been posted. New additions are foreseen in the third quarter.
Board manual
The intention is to produce a document that clearly stated tasks and responsibilities of the board as a whole and the various positions and roles within the board. While this has not been finished within the stated timeframe, it is work in progress (first draft is available). The board change and transfer of duties are much more deliberate this year than they were on previous occasions.
Training of board members and volunteers
No definite activities were undertaken on this subject in the reporting period. Concrete plans will have to be drafted up. Nevertherless, this has the attention of a specific board member, and the board change weekend (April 14/15) deliberately did involve a thorough introduction into the international aspects of the Wikimedia movement - one of the subjects that previous non-Wikimedian board members indentified as a gap in their knowledge. The new board members much appreciated this overview and it surely contributed to their knowledge.

Surveys and studies

Surveys and studies
While no definite timeframe was fixed in the Annual Plan, a successful set of surveys required concrete action in the coming months.


Chapters grant 2012
Finalization of the amount and the transfer is awaiting approval by WMF on the final report by Wikimedia Nederland on the use of the 'professionalization grant' of 2010 ([1]).