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Research:Labs2/Getting started with Toolforge

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

This guide will bring you from zero to submitting a query to a live copy of Wikipedia's database.

We assume that:

  • You're using a Linux or Mac computer. This guide assumes you're working from Ubuntu or another Debian-based Linux distribution or using the Mac OSX terminal application. For more info for Windows (and an alternate tutorial, see here)
  • You have a basic understanding of
    • SSH
    • RSA-based security (i.e. using an RSA key for SSH generated by a tool like ssh-keygen), and
    • SQL.

Step 1: Register a Wikimedia Labs account


Wikimedia Labs is a cluster of servers designed to support the development of MediaWiki and tools to support wiki editors. By registering a labs account, you'll be able to access the servers on this cluster. Servers in the labs cluster have access to several databases "slaves" (read-only copies of the MySQL databases) for all language Wikipedias, Commons and even this site: Meta.

To register an account, fill out the new user registration form on wikitech.wikimedia.org. The "Instance shell account name" will be the username that you use when accessing the servers through SSH.

The WMF Labs registration page
WMF Labs signup page. The WMF Labs registration page
WMF Labs signup confirmation. 

Common issues

  • Make sure that you don't include any spaces or underscores ("_") in your shell username.

If you include invalid characters in your shell account name, you may see an error like this: Account creation error: There was either an authentication database error or you are not allowed to update your external account.

Step 2: Add your SSH key


By completing your user registration, you'll automatically be added to a queue of new accounts awaiting approval. While this approval is happening we can move onto the next step: filing your SSH key in the wikitech preferences section.

Wikimedia Labs servers do not allow you to login using a password. Instead, you'll be using a cryptographically secure public and private "key" pair. If you don't already maintain a public and private key, you'll need to generate them.

Quick how-to: Generating your SSH keys

In Ubuntu and Mac OSX, this can be accomplished quite simply through a utility called ssh-keygen. By typing in that command, you'll be prompted for some more information. For example (from Ubuntu):

$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/halfak/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /home/halfak/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/halfak/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|  E...o .        |
|     o *         |
|      * +        |
|       * o       |
|      o S        |
|       +         |
|      + *        |
|     =o* .       |
|    .oo..        |

It's up to you whether you'd like to set a passphrase or not. A good rule of thumb is to set a passphrase if anyone else has access to the machine that you will be working from.

By default, running ssh-keygen will have created two files for you:

  • id_rsa - This file is your "private key". Do not give it to anyone else, ever. Do not store it in a public place. You will use this file to prove your identity.
  • id_rsa.pub - This file is your "public key". You'll be giving this to Wikimedia labs to use to authenticate you.

To add your SSH key, go to this wikitech preferences section. (Alternately, from the wikitech site, click the "Preferences" link in the upper-right corner and select the "Open Stack tab".)

Click "Add public SSH key" and you'll be presented with a text box. Copy and paste your public SSH key's content into this box and hit submit. Note: if you generated the key above, the file you want to paste in is id_rsa.pub

Click "Add public SSH key" here.
SSH key preferences. Click "Add public SSH key" here.
Copy-paste your public key here.
Add SSH key form. Copy-paste your public key here.
Your pasted SSH key should look like this.
Pasted SSH key. Your pasted SSH key should look like this.

Common issues

  • If you accidentally pasted your private key's content into the box, delete it from your preferences and generate a new public and private key pair.

Step 3: Request access to the Tool Labs project


Tool Labs is a project group within Wikimedia Labs that is organized by and for Wikipedia tool developers. Historically, they have graciously allowed us researchers to share their development resources for doing research and analysis.

To request access to the tool labs account, fill out this access request form. Make sure to note that you're planning to participate in a research hackathon for L2.

Application form
Tool Labs access request form. Application form
Tool Labs access request. 

Step 4: Log into Tool Labs and run a query


Once your account has been approved, you should be able to use your private key to log into the Tool Labs login server with the shell account you named (instance_shell_account_name) above. First, you may need to run ssh-add to reload your keys. Then, connect with: ssh -i <location of private key> <instance_shell_account_name>@tools-login.wmflabs.org

The Tool Labs MotD is pretty.
SSH to Tool Labs. The Tool Labs MotD is pretty.
A query checks for the last update to English Wikipedia's recent changes.
Running a query. A query checks for the last update to English Wikipedia's recent changes.

For more information on how to run queries against particular slave databases (such as English Wikipedia), see this handy guide.

MediaWiki database layouts and SQL schemas are at MediaWiki and also at the toolserver documentation

@@TODO: Add more documentation about what to query