User:JSutherland (WMF)/fixingMarkup.js

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

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mw.loader.using('mediawiki.util', function () {
	$(document).ready(function () {
		//create a button the user can click to indicate they want to run this script 
		//(ganked from
		var transLink = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-personal', '#', 'Fix Markup', 'pt-fixMarkup');
         //what happens when they click it? this! 
         //(as long as you're in edit mode. If you run it while just viewing a page, nothing happens)
         	$.ajax( { // Get this URL
   			url: '/api/rest_v1/page/html/' + mw.util.rawurlencode( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' )), 
   			// Interpret the result as HTML (as opposed to XML or JSON or something)
   			dataType: 'html'
  			} )
  			.done( function( html ) { 
  				// Parse the result as HTML and put it into a variable called "doc"
	    		var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString( html, 'text/html' ),
	      		// You can now use jQuery to find stuff using $( 'selector', doc )
	      		// (you have to specify doc because $('p') finds paragraphs on the current page rather than in the parsed text)
	      		$bodies = $('b, i, dd, p, li, dt, di, td, th, h2, h3, h4, caption', doc);

	    		$texts = $bodies.contents().filter(function(){ 
	    			return this.nodeType === 3; //filters bodies for text nodes (i.e. displayable text, coded as "3") only
	    			//I have no idea what is magical about this combination of .contents().filter etc, though
	    			$(this).replace(/^\:\*/g, "*");

	    		$.ajax( { //now to pop the edited wikitext back into the edit window
	      			dataType: 'text',
	      			data:{ html: doc.documentElement.outerHTML}
	      		.done( function( wikitext ) {
	      			// wikitext is the result of the conversion
	      			$( '#wpTextbox1' ).val( wikitext );
	     		} ); //end the second .done ajax function
  		} ); //end the first .done ajax function
	});	//end click TransLink
});//end document.ready
}); //end mw.loader