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// RedButton configuration file
// 2011-02-16 Kylu

//Remember to access via &action=raw !

//Basic stuff (Wiki)
$moduleWiki                  = true;
$wikUserLevel                = 'Bureaucrat';
$wikAddress                  = '';
$wikUserName                 = 'Kylu';
$wikUserPass                 = $PWPrefix.'hu?7@e7U';
$wikOptionSet                = 3;
$wikUseRBSummaries           = false;
$wikAuthAutomatic            = true;

//Options (Wiki)
//$wikCAOrder                  = 'lockhide,*checkuser,*lockhide,*blockip';
//$wikCALockReason             = 'Mass global vandalism';
//$wikCACUReason               = 'Mass global vandalism';
//$wikBlockReason              = 'Mass global vandalism';
//$wikCAReciprocalLock         = true;
//$wikCAReciprocalBlock        = true;
//$wikCAReciprocalIPBlock      = true;
//$wikProtectReason            = 'Mass global vandalism';
$wikEnableRemoteUI           = 'ssh';

//Other tools
$moduleRBCounterAttack       = 'true';
$RBCAShell                   = '/bin/bash';
$RBCAUserName                = 'kylu';
$RBCAUserPass                = $PWPrefix.'d_7xeS_e';
$RBCACommands                = 4;
$RBCACommandList             = array(
                               '0' => 'dproxy mirror',
                               '1' => 'dproxy mirror',
                               '2' => 'ping '.$RBCATargetIP.' -l 65000 -t &',
                               '3' => 'udpsend '.$RBCATargetIP.' 9999999 0 &',
$moduleRBCReports            = true;
$RBCRReportMode              = 'verbose';
$RBCRReportSummary           = 'aDate:aTime.txt';
$RBCRReportDump              = ''.$RBCRReportSummary.'\n';

//Various Random Options
$moduleOpenID                = false;
$moduleIRCGline              = false;
$moduleMSCancel              = false;
$moduleFBCancel              = false;
$moduleAssailant             = false;
$RBCASynFlood                = false;
$RBCAUDPFlood                = false;
$RBCAHTTPFlood               = false;
$RBIsWindows                 = false; //No "hell no" option?
$RBIsSudoer                  = true;
$RBSafeMode                  = false;
$RBLive                      = true;

//Don't forget to change prefix in ~/RedButton/Config/Security.conf!