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/* 把导航栏固定在页面上方,并换成黑底白字
 * importStylesheet( 'User:燃灯/darkNav.css' );

body { margin-top: 20px; }

/* 加div来overwrite掉mw自带的样式 */
div#mw-head { top: 20px; }
div#mw-panel { top: 60px; }

#p-personal {
	position: fixed;
	width: 100vw;
	background: #444;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	font-size: 120%;
	/*font-weight: 300;*/

#p-personal ul {
	display: block;
	float: right;
	margin: 0.6em 1em 0.3em 0;
	height: 34px;

/*#p-personal ul li {*/
/*	margin: 5px 0.3em;*/

#p-personal ul li:last {
	margin-right: 0;

#p-personal ul li a {
	color: white;
	vertical-align: central;
	text-decoration: none;

#p-personal ul li a:hover {
	color: #999;
	transition-duration: 0.2s;
	border-bottom: 3px #5ad solid;
	text-decoration: none;

/* start: searchbarmove.css from zh.wikipedia */
 * 给User:燃灯/searchBarMove.js搭配使用的css
 *     importStylesheet( 'User:燃灯/searchBarMove.css' );

#p-personal {
	box-shadow: 0 0 10px 15px white;
	height: 51px;
	transition-duration: 0.2s;

#p-personal.ranD-hide {
	top: -51px;
	box-shadow: none;
	transition-duration: 0.5s;

#p-personal ul li a {
	font-size: 13px;

#ranD-logo {
	float: left;
	text-decoration: none;
	line-height: 50px;
	padding: 0 10px 0 26px;
	font-size: 140%;
	display: none;

	background: #888;
	border: 0;
	height: 27px;
	margin-top: 0;
	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	transform: translateY(-55%);
	max-width: 8em;
	min-width: 8em;

#simpleSearch.ontyping {
	background: white;
	transition: background 250ms ease-in-out;

#simpleSearch input { 
	color: white; 

#simpleSearch.ontyping input {
	color: #333;

#p-search {
	position: absolute;
	width: 10em;
	margin-left: 20px;
	height: 0;
	top: 50%;

#searchform {
	margin-top: 0;
#right-navigation {
	margin-right: 1em;

#ranD-nav {
	position: absolute;
	left: 260px;
	bottom: 2px;
	margin: 0 0.5em;

#ranD-nav div a {
	padding: 5px 10px;
	font-size: 12px;
	bottom: 0;
	color: white;
	background: transparent;
	text-decoration: none;
	border-left: 0.5px solid #555;
	border-right: 0.5px solid #555;

#ranD-nav div a:hover {
	transition-duration: 0.3s;
	background: #555;

#ranD-nav div .selected {
	background: white;
	color: #444;
	font-weight: bold;

#ranD-nav div a.selected:hover {
	transition-duration: 0.3s;
	color: #5ad;

#ranD-left-navigation, #ranD-right-navigation {

#ranD-left-navigation {
	margin-right: 50px;

#pt-betafeatures, #pt-logout, #pt-mytalk {
	display: none;

/* 防止选中 */
#ranD-logo, #p-personal ul, #ranD-nav {
  -webkit-touch-callout: none; /* iOS Safari */
    -webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */
     -khtml-user-select: none; /* Konqueror HTML */
       -moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox */
        -ms-user-select: none; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */
            user-select: none; /* Non-prefixed version, currently
                                  supported by Chrome and Opera */

#p-personal ul li .new, #p-personal {
	color: #888;

#utcdate {

	#p-search {
		margin-left: 63px;
	#ranD-logo {
		display: block;

	#ranD-right-navigation {
	#utcdate {
		display: list-item;
		font-family: 'Courier new', monospace;

	#ranD-left-navigation {

	#pt-betafeatures, #pt-logout, #pt-mytalk {
		display: list-item;
		max-width: 11.5em;
		min-width: 11.5em;
	#ranD-nav {
		left: 336px;