
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

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@import url('|Lato');
/* Search bar styling */

div#simpleSearch #searchInput {
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a { color: #080; text-decoration: none; }
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a:active { color: #111; }
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#bodyContent a.extiw:active { color: #020; }

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 textarea {
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/* Remove the "You have new messages" text while my user talk page is edited */
#pt-mytalk {
	color:#FF00FF; font-family:Courier; font-size:13px;

/* Label anonymous userlinks (IPs) differently from others */
.mw-anonuserlink {
    background-color: #CCC;
    font-family: "Courier";

/* Make the "changed since your last visit" on page history have a cyan background and darker cyan outline
   Basically a cyan version of the "You have new messages" box */
.updatedmarker {
    background: #00FFFF;
    border: 1px solid #00BEFF;
    padding: 1px;

/* Hide diff markers, the colours make it obvious */
td.diff-marker {
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table.diff col.diff-marker {
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table.diff col.diff-content {
	width: 50%;

/* Stop pre (often used for code blocks) from breaking out the page */
pre {
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/* Make redirect links purple while reading a page, to easily see links who are redirects */
body.action-view .mw-redirect,
body.action-view .mw-redirect:link,
body.action-view .mw-redirect:visited {
	color: #800080;

/* Prism syntax highlighting */
 * prism.js default theme for JavaScript, CSS and HTML
 * Based on dabblet (
 * @author Lea Verou

.mw-code {
	font-family: Courier, monospace;

pre[class*="mw-code"] {
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.token.comment {
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.token.cdata {
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.token.punctuation {
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.namespace {
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.token.boolean {
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.token.regex {
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.token.url {
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.token.keyword {
	color: #DD0058;

.token.important {
	color: #e90;

.token.important {
	font-weight: bold;

.token.entity {
	cursor: help;

/* Make links in code keep their syntax highlighting colours
 * but add an underline so it's still obvious they're clickable */
.mw-code a:not(:hover) {
	color: inherit;
	text-decoration: underline;

/* Remove the <code> tag borders */
pre code {
	border-style: none;
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/** Testing stuff **/

/* Navpops */
.popupMoreLink {
  display: block;
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  cursor: pointer;

ins.popupDiff {
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del.popupDiff {
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#selectionPreview {
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.navpopup {
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  word-wrap: break-word;

.navpopup hr {
  color: #aaa !important;
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/* Configure Drag bar color */
.popupDrag {
  background-color: #ffbe20;
  height: 5px;
  margin-top: -5px;
  margin-bottom: 5px;

.popupDragHandle {
  cursor: move;
  position: relative;

/* menu magic - many thanks to [[User:Zocky]]! */

/* popups */
.popup_menu {
  display: none;
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  margin: 0;
  margin-top: 1.4em;
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.popup_menu li { /* both: popup_menu_row and popup_menu_item */
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.popup_menu a {
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.popup_menu_row a {
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.popup_menu_row {
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.popup_drop {
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.popup_drop a,
.popup_drop a:visited {
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.popup_drop:hover .popup_menu,
.popup_drop .popup_menu:hover {
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.popup_drop:hover {
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/* other colours, styles and so on */
.popup_menu a:hover {
  background: grey;
  color: #fff;
  text-decoration: none;

.popup_mainlink {
  font-size: 140%;
  font-weight: bold;

.popup_mainlink a {
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a.popup_change_title_link {
  color: #152;

.popup_diff_dates {
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  background: none;

.popup_menu_item a {
  display: block;

.popup_history_row_even {
  background: #eee;

.popup_history_date {
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 120%;

/* disable interwiki styling */
.popupPreview a.extiw,
.popupPreview a.extiw:active {
  color: #36b;
  background: none;
  padding: 0;

.popupPreview .external {
  color: #36b;

/* this can be used in the content area to switch off
special external link styling */
.popupPreview .plainlinks a {
  background: none !important;
  padding: 0 !important;

/* Emoticons page from SU */
.emotable {
    width: 98%;
.emotable td {
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.emotable ul {
    margin: 0;
    text-align: center;
    list-style: none;

.mw-body h1, .mw-body h2 {
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.gadget-groupindicator {
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#gadget-blockindicator {
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/* Move section [edit] links to the right side of the screen. */
.mw-editsection-like {
    float: right;
    line-height: inherit;
#firstHeading .mw-editsection,
#firstHeading .mw-editsection-like {
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.skin-modern #firstHeading .mw-editsection,
.skin-modern #firstHeading .mw-editsection-like {
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.skin-vector #firstHeading .mw-editsection,
.skin-vector #firstHeading .mw-editsection-like {
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/* @noflip */
body.ltr h1.firstHeading .mw-editsection-bracket:first-of-type,
body.rtl h1.firstHeading .mw-editsection-bracket:not(:first-of-type) {
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/* @noflip */
body.rtl h1.firstHeading .mw-editsection-bracket:first-of-type,
body.ltr h1.firstHeading .mw-editsection-bracket:not(:first-of-type) {
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/* Bold my userlinks and color them blue */

#bodyContent a[title="User:Psl631"] { font-weight: bold; color: blue; }
#bodyContent a[title="User talk:Psl631"] { font-weight: bold; color: blue; }

#mw-createaccount-join,, {
  font-family: Fira Sans; sans-serif;

select {
  font-family: Lira Sans; sans-serif;

 /* Talk page notice for getting new msg */
#mw-echo-close-box {
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	height: 17px;
	width: 17px;
	margin: 10px 13px 0 2px;
	cursor: crosshair;
#mw-echo-sliding-alert {
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	top: 0.5em;
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#mw-echo-alert-text {
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	font-weight: bold;
	font-family: Open Sans;
	line-height: 38px;
	white-space: nowrap;

a.user-blocked-temp {
  opacity: 0.7; 
  text-decoration: line-through;
  color: orange;

a.user-blocked-indef {
  opacity: 0.4; 
  font-style: italic; 
  text-decoration: line-through;
  color: red;

.user-blocked-tipbox {
  font-size: smaller; 
  background: #FFFFF0; 
  border: 1px solid #FEA; 
  padding: 0 0.3em; 
  color: #AAA;

.ipInfoField {
	float: right; 
	border: 1px solid rgb(47, 111, 171); 
	padding: 0 7px 5px 5px;
	margin: 0 0 10px 10px;

.ipInfoField legend {
	padding-bottom: 3px; 
	margin-bottom: 0;

.ipInfoSubLink {
	font-size: .9em;

.ipInfoSubLink a {
	font-weight: bold;

/* Style errors and warnings */
.permissions-errors {
	background-color:#ffdbdb; color:red;

.mw-missingsummary {
	background-color: orange; color: black;

#mw-protectedpagetext {
	background-color: #ffdbdb; color: red;

#mw-blocked-text {
	background-color: #ffdbdb; color: red

/*************** Color "tags" to make them easier seen *********************/
.mw-tag-marker-mw-undo {
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.mw-tag-marker-mw-rollback {
	background: cyan; background-color: cyan;
.mw-changeslist-log {
	background: cyan; background-color: cyan;

.mw-tag-marker-emoji {
	background-color: yellow; background: yellow;

.mw-tag-marker-mw-blank {
	background: red; background-color: red;

.mw-tag-marker-mw-replace {
	background: orange; background-color: orange;

.mw-changeslist-bot {
	background: purple; background-color: purple;