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*** Add "quick access" boxes on Special:CentralAuth
*** by [[m:user:Pathoschild]]
function add_QuickCentralAuth() {
        if(wgPageName=='Special:CentralAuth' && document.getElementById('delete-reason')) {
                /* grab body & token */
                var body      = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
                var token     = body.innerHTML.match(/name="wpEditToken"[^>]+value="([^"]+)/)[1];
                var user_name = document.getElementById('target').value;
                /* generate 'Quick Access' section */
                function new_form(wpmethod, text_label) {
                        return '<form method="POST" action=";target=' + encodeURIComponent(user_name) + '">'
                                + '<input name="wpMethod" type="hidden" value="' + wpmethod + '" />'
                                + '<input name="wpEditToken" type="hidden" value="' + token + '" />'
                                + '<label for="' + wpmethod + '-reason">Ástæða:</label> <input name="reason" size="" value="" id="' + wpmethod + '-reason" />'
                                + '<input type="submit" value="' + text_label + '" />'
                                + '</form>';
                /* generate quick access section */
                var quick_access = '<div style="padding:0.5em; border:1px solid #000;"><b>Quick access for "' + user_name + '":</b><br />Enter a reason in the box next to the button.'
                        + new_form('delete', 'Eyða')
                        + new_form('lockandhide', 'Læsa og fela')
                        + new_form('lock', 'Læsa')
                        + '</div>';
                /* add */
                var siteNotice = document.getElementById('contentSub');
                siteNotice.innerHTML += quick_access;
$(function() {add_QuickCentralAuth()});