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	noteTAViewer = ( function() { $( function() {
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				text: wikitext,
				prop: 'text',
				variant: mw.config.get( 'wgUserVariant' )
			} ).done( function( results ) {
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			} else {
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			wikitext += '<span style="float: right;">{{edit|' + actualTitle + '|section=0}}</span>\n';
			wikitext += '; 本文使用[[w:zh:Help:中文维基百科的繁简、地区词处理#條目標題|标题手工转换]]\n';
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					text: '{{noteTA/multititle|' + actualTitle + '}}',
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						multititleText += '; 本文[[w:zh:Help:中文维基百科的繁简、地区词处理#條目標題|标题可能经过转换]]\n';
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						var multititle = [], titleConverted = variantText[mw.config.get( 'wgUserVariant' )];
						for ( var variant in variantText ) {
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								variantText[this] = null;
							} );
							var variantsName = $.map( variants, function( variant ) {
								return '-{R|{{MediaWiki:Variantname-' + variant + '}}}-';
							} ).join( '、' );
							multititle.push( variantsName + ':-{R|' + text + '}-' );
						multititleText += multititle.join( ';' );
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			case 'module':
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			case 'none':
				wikitext += '; 本文使用的公共转换组“' + $this.attr( 'data-noteta-group' ) + '”尚未创建\n';
				wikitext += '* {{edit|Template:CGroup/' + $this.attr( 'data-noteta-group' ) + '|创建公共转换组“' + $this.attr( 'data-noteta-group' ) + '”}}\n';
				wikitext += '; 未知公共转换组“' + $this.attr( 'data-noteta-group' ) + '”来源“' + $this.attr( 'data-noteta-group-source' ) + '”\n';
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			wikitext += '<span style="float: right;">{{edit|' + actualTitle + '|section=0}}</span>\n';
			wikitext += '; 本文使用[[w:zh:Help:中文维基百科的繁简、地区词处理#控制自动转换的代碼|全文手工转换]]\n';
			var $noteTAlocals = $noteTAlocal.children( '*[data-noteta-code]' );
			$noteTAlocals.each( function() {
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} ); } );
mw.hook('wikipage.content').add( function ( $content ) {
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