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Adiutor/Adapt to local wiki/Localization documentation/Gadget-Adiutor-TAG.json

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


This JSON file contains configuration data for the Adiutor tool's Tagging feature on your wiki. These settings allow you to define a set of tags that can be applied to articles, helping to categorize and identify specific issues within articles.


  • tagList: Defines a list of categories for tags, each containing multiple tags. Each tag includes a label, tag name, description, and optional parameters.
  • useMultipleIssuesTemplate: Specifies whether to use a template for handling multiple issues on an article (true or false).
  • multipleIssuesTemplate: The name of the template to be used for handling multiple issues, if enabled.
  • uncategorizedTemplate: The template name to be used when an article is uncategorized or doesn't match any defined tags.
  • apiPostSummary: Summary text to be displayed when tagging an article.



Here's an explanation of the key components:

"tagList": [
        "label": "Cleaning and maintenance tags",
        "tags": [
                "tag": "Cleanup",
                "description": "Article needs to be cleanup",
                "items": [
                        "name": "cleanup",
                        "parameter": "rationale",
                        "type": "input",
                        "label": "The reason it needs to be cleaned up:",
                        "required": false
            // Other tags in this category...
    // Other tag categories...
  1. tagList: This is an array that contains one or more tag categories. Each category is represented as an object within the array.
  2. Tag Categories (label): Each tag category is represented by an object with a "label" field. This label is a human-readable title for the category. For example, "Temizlik ve bakım etiketleri" means "Cleanup and Maintenance Tags."
  3. Tags (tags) within a Category: Each tag category has an array of tags ("tags") within it. These tags represent specific issues or topics that can be applied to articles within that category.
  4. Tag Properties:
    • tag: The "tag" field defines the unique name or identifier for a tag. This is what will be displayed when applying the tag to an article.
    • description: The "description" field provides a brief description of the issue or topic associated with the tag. It helps editors understand the purpose of the tag.
    • items: The "items" field is an array containing sub-items or parameters associated with the tag. These parameters can include input fields, checkboxes, or other types of user input.
  5. Tag Parameters (items): Tag parameters specify additional information or input required when applying the tag to an article. Here are some common fields within the items array:
    • name: The "name" field specifies a unique identifier for the parameter. It is used to reference the parameter within templates or scripts.
    • parameter: The "parameter" field defines the name of the parameter as it appears in the template or script when applying the tag.
    • type: The "type" field specifies the type of input or interface element to use for this parameter. Common types include "input" for text input fields and "checkbox" for checkboxes.
    • label: The "label" field provides a user-friendly label or prompt that describes what the parameter represents. It helps guide editors when filling out the tag.
    • required: The "required" field indicates whether the parameter is mandatory (true) or optional (false) when applying the tag.
  6. Example: In the example provided, the "Düzenle" tag within the "Temizlik ve bakım etiketleri" category has a single parameter named "gerekçe" (reason) of type "input." It allows editors to provide a reason for why the article needs editing. The "required" field is set to false, indicating that providing a reason is optional.

The structure of tagList allows you to define a hierarchy of categories and tags, each with its own set of parameters. Editors can then apply these tags to articles, providing specific information or context related to the issue within the article.

By customizing the tagList in the configuration file, you can tailor the tagging system to suit the specific needs and content guidelines of your wiki. This makes it easier for editors to identify and address various issues within articles effectively.


You can utilize various parameters within this file, which include the following:
  • $1: placeholder for dynamic data, such as article names.
  • $2: placeholder for parameters like rationale, URL, or other inputs.
Each tag can have its own specific description, parameters, and even subcategories. Tags help identify and categorize issues within articles, making it easier for editors to address them.


This configuration file allows you to define and manage tagging categories and tags within the Adiutor tool, making it easier to label and categorize articles based on specific issues or criteria.
Please refer to this documentation when configuring the "Gadget-Adiutor-TAG.json" file on your wiki. You can customize the tags and categories to match your wiki's specific needs. If you have any further questions or need assistance with specific settings, don't hesitate to ask.