CWMC 2006/Arrival
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Venue |
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Arrival |
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From China
[edit]Frequently-used station
Visitors may go pass the Custom in Shenzhen, and get interchange to KCR East Rail in Lo Wu Station to University Station (The venue of CWMC). Details of KCR services)
Visitors depart from Dongguan (Changping), Foshan, Guangzhou East, Zhaoqing, Beijing, Shanghaimay may also choose to take point-to-point speed train, yet with a higher price.
- From Dongguan(Changping), fare or First Class/Standard Class is around $133-$145
- From Guangzhou East, fare or First Class/Standard Class is around $180-$190
- From Foshan, fare or Standard Class is around $210
- From Zhaoqing, fare or Standard Class is around $236
- From Beijing, fare is around $574-$1191
- From Shanghai, fare is around $508-$1039
[edit]Passengers in Lok Ma Chau may chnage the following public transports to various places in Hong Kong.
- KMB 76K Yuen Long West ←→ Wah Ming Estate, Fanling. Alight / get off at Lok Ma Chau public transport terminus.
- KMB 276B Tin Fu Court, Tin Shui Wai ←→ Tai Ping Estate, Sheung Shui. Alight / get off at Lok Ma Chau public transport terminus.
- KMB 277 Long Ping Estate, Yuen Long ←→ Lok Ma Chau public transport terminus. Interchange with KCR West Rail at either Yuen Long or Long Ping station, and travel towards Tuen Mun, Tsuen Wan and West Kowloon.
- Green minibus 44B Lok Ma Chau public transport terminus ←→ Tuen Mun Ferry Pier.
- Green minibus 77 Lok Ma Chau public transport terminus ←→ Tin Chung Court, Tin Shui Wai.
- Green minibus 78 Lok Ma Chau public transport terminus ←→ Pat Heung Road near Tai Lam Tunnel bus stop.
- Red public minibus between Sheung Shui and Yuen Long.
- Some night buses and minibuses.
- Suggested route for Chinese University of Hong Kong venue from Lok Ma Chau
- Take KMB Route 76K (heading to Wah Ming) or Route 276B (heading to Tai Ping) and get off at Sheung Shui KCR station. Then change to KCR East Rail and get off at University KCR station.
There are public announce system on some Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB) buses to remind passengers for bus stops.
- 如何從文錦渡前往香港中文大學(會場)?
- 乘坐「文錦渡快線」前往上水站,再轉乘KCR East Rail到University Station
乘客如要經沙頭角過關,只可以乘坐直通巴士,或在沙頭角深圳口岸外乘坐「沙頭角快線」直接前往粉嶺帝庭軒及Kowloon Tong (KCR) and Kowloon Tong (MTR) stations.
- 如何從沙頭角前往香港中文大學(會場)?
- 建議先乘「沙頭角快線」直接前往粉嶺帝庭軒,轉乘九龍巴士路線73A直達中文大學。
There are public announce system on some Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB) buses to remind passengers for bus stops.
[edit]- 查詢電話: (852) 2380 8198 (旺角跨境全日通有限公司)
- 查詢電話: (852) 2590 0782 (灣仔跨境全日通有限公司)
- 查詢電話: (852) 3126 4046 (錦上路跨境全日通有限公司)
- 太子←→深圳皇崗口岸
- 灣仔←→深圳皇崗口岸
- 錦上路←→深圳皇崗口岸
[edit]查詢電話: (852) 6213 8822
- 荃灣←→深圳皇崗口岸
- 皇崗口岸←→藍田地鐵站(經創紀之城第5期apm、九龍灣地鐵站,回程加停鑽石山荷里活廣場)
- 皇崗口岸←→尖沙咀(香港童軍中心)
- 皇崗口岸←→香港迪士尼樂園
- 文錦渡口岸←→上水廣場
- 沙頭角口岸←→粉嶺帝庭軒
- 仙湖線:經祈福南灣半島、南海仙湖祈福酒店
- 九江線:經九江僑聯會、沙頭招待所、西樵山大酒店
- 新塘線:經鳳凰城碧桂園、新塘太陽城大酒店
- 順德線:經番禺賓館、番禺祈福新邨、順德碧桂園、長隆酒店、華南碧桂園
- 廣州線:往返廣州珀麗酒店
- 佛山線:經佛山金都酒店、佳寧娜大酒店
- 南澳線:經九龍塘、沙田、粉嶺 、沙頭角關口、大梅沙、葵涌、大鵬王母、南澳
- 廈門線:經湖濱汽車站、松柏汽車站、集美汽車站、常山、沙頭角關口
[edit]- 查詢電話: (852) 2365 0118
- 聯繫地址: 香港九龍紅磡暢運道8號紅磡大樓209室
- 深圳皇崗口岸 珠海 樟木頭 澳門 中山 東莞 廣州 惠州 博羅 花都 清遠 番禺 南海 佛山 順德 鶴山 新會 江門 台山 廣西 陽江 香港國際機場 深圳鹽田、小梅沙、葵涌鎮、大鵬(王母)鎮、南澳鎮 深圳龍崗區 番禺(市橋、祈福)、順德(碧桂園一東、正、西苑)、廣州市區 東莞(清溪、塘廈等) 東莞(長安、厚街、篁村、石碣等)、福建、江溫州、廣西
[edit]查詢電話: (852) 2391 1192
地址: 九龍旺角奶路臣街19號D得寶商場8號鋪
- 廣州 番禺 順德 恩平 開平 陽江 花都 陽春 中山 清遠 汕頭 南寧
- 深圳福永碼頭
- 深圳蛇口
- 中山
- 東莞虎門
- 珠海
- 九州
- 順德
- 番禺蓮花山
- 江門
- 南海平州
- 鶴山
- 高明
- 開平三埠
- 台山公益
- 斗門
- 肇慶
- 九州港
- 虎門
- 南沙
- 如何從中港客運碼頭前往香港中文大學(會場)?
- 建議先乘九龍巴士路綫K16(往尖東站方向),於廣東道官立學校對出(即中港城斜對面)上車,於East Tsim Sha Tsui Station下車,再轉乘KCR East Rail到University Station.
- 亦可以乘搭綠色小巴6或6A號,於中港客運碼頭正門外上車(亦可以乘搭計程車),於Hung Hom Station下車,再轉乘KCR East Rail到University Station
- Suggested route for Chinese University of Hong Kong venue from Macau Ferry
- Take cross harbour route 111 or 115 at Macau Ferry bus terminus and get off at Cross Harbour Tunnel toll plaza at Hung Hom. Take a walk to Hung Hom station and take a East Rail train to University station.
The two routes are jointly operated by Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB) and New World First Bus (NWFB). There are public announce system on some KMB buses to remind passengers for bus stops.
[edit]- 乘撘航班直接 Hong Kong International Airport
- 如何從香港國際機場前往香港中文大學(會場)?
- 建議先乘龍運巴士路綫E42(往沙田(博康邨)方向),於機場(地面運輸中心)上車,於KCR East Rail Tai Wai Station下車,轉乘九廣東鐵到University Station,或A41(往沙田(愉翠苑)方向),於機場(地面運輸中心)上車,於沙田市中心巴士總站下車,轉乘72線巴士直達中文大學。
There are public announce system on buses to remind passengers for bus stops.
- 乘撘航班到Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport再轉乘
- 高速船到中港客運碼頭/中環港澳碼頭 (班次較疏)
- 大巴直接到港 (班次較疏)
[edit]Passenger ferries
[edit]- 如何從中港客運碼頭前往香港中文大學(會場)?
- 建議先乘九龍巴士路綫K16(往尖東站方向),於廣東道官立學校對出(即中港城斜對面)上車,於East Tsim Sha Tsui Station下車,再轉乘KCR East Rail到University Station.
- 亦可以乘搭綠色小巴6或6A號,於中港客運碼頭正門外上車(亦可以乘搭計程車),於Hung Hom Station下車,再轉乘KCR East Rail到University Station
- Suggested route for Chinese University of Hong Kong venue from Macau Ferry
- Take cross harbour route 111 or 115 at Macau Ferry bus terminus and get off at Cross Harbour Tunnel toll plaza at Hung Hom. Take a walk to Hung Hom station and take a East Rail train to University station.
The two routes are jointly operated by Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB) and New World First Bus (NWFB). There are public announce system on some KMB buses to remind passengers for bus stops.
Taiwan and other places
[edit]每日接近百班機來往Taipei CKS Airport and Kaohsiung International Airport. 機票價格約4,000至8,000台幣(視乎機票種類)
- 如何從香港國際機場前往香港中文大學(會場)?
- 建議先乘龍運巴士路綫E42(往沙田(博康邨)方向),於機場(地面運輸中心)上車,於KCR East Rail Tai Wai Station下車,轉乘九廣東鐵到University Station,或A41(往沙田(愉翠苑)方向),於機場(地面運輸中心)上車,於沙田市中心巴士總站下車,轉乘72線巴士直達中文大學。