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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

The first Census for all Wikimedians shall be opened in late 2007. It consists of general questions for all our users, and specific questions regarding the projects they are involved in. Please assist us in writing questions. There is no guarentee that your questions will be asked, however, for all questions await approval.

There is one representative from each project, who may be contacted regarding the census, and shall coordinate the opinions of their specific community.

Wikinews - gabrielnz (gabrielnz on the IRC)
Wikipedia - MichaelBillington (Mike42 on the IRC)
Wikiversity - JWSchmidt (JWSurf on the IRC)
Commons - O (Attic_Cat on the IRC)
Wikibooks - Az1568 (_1568 on the IRC)

Census/Survey Preview



this section be asked to all users

  1. Please check all projects where you participate on a regular or semi-regular basis (check all that apply) [followed by list with checkboxes for all projects].
  2. Please check all projects which you refer to for information. [as prior question, checkboxes].
    Which project do you primarily participate on (if any). [dropdown list, with none option and no specific project]
    Which project do you spend the most time on (if any). [drop down as prior question].
  3. How old are you? [text field]
  4. In which country are you living? [drop down list]
  5. What is your native language? [drop down list]
  6. When do you usually edit Wikimedia projects? [at home in the evenings, from school, from work, ....]
  7. Are you a student? if so, graduate, undergraduate, high school, ...?
  8. Career: In which field are you working? [drop-down list copied from recruitment site]
    Do you read or edit articles relevant to your field of expertise? [read,edit,both,neither]
  9. Income? [copy brackets from recruitment website]
  10. Education level? [primary,secondary,some college,degree,doctorate]
  11. Gender?





Questions to wikibooks readers/the public (max 5 short questions, 2 long questions)


Questions to wikibooks editors (max 7 short questions, 3 long questions)


Questions to wikimedia editors (max 3 short questions, 1 long question)



from b:Wikibooks:Census (feel free to refactor if you want)

Category 1


Questions to wikibooks readers/the public (max 5 short questions, 2 long questions)

  • Why do you visit Wikibooks?
  • How did you find out about wikibooks?

Category 2


Questions to wikibooks editors (max 7 short questions, 3 long questions)

  • Do you prefer to participate in project-wide discussions or to just work on your favorite book?
  • Is Wikibooks your primary project? If not, which project is? What other projects do you participate in?



Questions to wikibooks readers/the public (max 5 short questions, 2 long questions)


Questions to wikibooks editors (max 7 short questions, 3 long questions)


Questions to wikimedia editors (max 3 short questions, 1 long question)




Questions about the users


Questions about the project

  1. Why do you visit Wikinews?
  2. How often do you visit Wikinews? [Very often, often, sometimes, rarely]
  3. Do you rely on Wikinews for information on current events? [Very much, somehwat, not much, never]
  4. Based on prior experience, how would you rate Wikinews content in terms of accuracy? [1-5 scale]
  5. Based on prior experience, how would you rate Wikinews content in terms of neutrality and objectivity? [1-5 scale]



Questions to wikibooks readers/the public (max 5 short questions, 2 long questions)

  1. How and why do you use Wikipedia? [as part of regular studies (school, college, university, etc.); for professional advancement; to increase knowledge in areas of interest; for pure entertainment (e.g. surfing with no particular objective, finding curious facts, etc.) ]
    1. If you use it for regular studies or professional advancement, how often do you use Wikipedia? [Very often, often, sometimes, rarely]
  2. Based on prior experience, how would you rate Wikipedia's content in terms of accuracy? [1-5 scale]
  3. Based on prior experience, how would you rate Wikipedia's content in terms of neutrality and objectivity? [1-5 scale]
  4. What do you consider to be Wikipedia's best attribute? [open source content; large array of topics; ease of editing; navigation; other]
  5. What do you consider to be Wikipedia's worst attribute? [verifiability; content disputes; vandalism]
  6. Which of the following subjects do you consider to be the most complete and accurate? [Art, History, Geography, Mathematics, Philosophy, Science, Technology, Society, Biographies, Popular culture]
  7. Which of the following subjects do you consider that requires significant improvement or additions? [Art, History, Geography, Mathematics, Philosophy, Science, Technology, Society, Biographies, Popular culture]

Questions to wikipedia editors (max 7 short questions, 3 long questions)

  1. How much time do you contribute to the project?
    1. How has this quantity varied over time?
  2. What areas of Wikipedia do you mostly contribute to? [Articles, Templates, Images, Categories, Project-related (i.e. Wikipedia: namespace pages)]
    1. If you answered project-related, what areas to do you most contribute to? [Resolving content or user disputes, deletion discussions, article collaborations (including WikiProjects), featured content maintenance (nominations, reviews, or organization of featured articles, images, portals, etc.), policies and guidelines]
  3. Are you a member of any WikiProjects? If so, do you take an active role, or just do some general help out work where you can?
  4. How much time do you spend a week researching material you contribute?
    1. What online sources do you use? (list your most useful free and pay sites)
    2. What offline sources do you use? (public library, academic library, purchase material)
    3. If you do not research the material you contribute, please explain

Questions to wikimedia editors (max 3 short questions, 1 long question)




Questions to wikibooks readers/the public (max 5 short questions, 2 long questions)


Questions to wikibooks editors (max 7 short questions, 3 long questions)


Questions to wikimedia editors (max 3 short questions, 1 long question)




Questions to wikibooks readers/the public (max 5 short questions, 2 long questions)


Questions to wikibooks editors (max 7 short questions, 3 long questions)


Questions to wikimedia editors (max 3 short questions, 1 long question)




Questions to wikibooks readers/the public (max 5 short questions, 2 long questions)


Questions to wikibooks editors (max 7 short questions, 3 long questions)


Questions to wikimedia editors (max 3 short questions, 1 long question)




version at Wikiversity

Questions to wikibooks readers/the public (max 5 short questions, 2 long questions)


Questions to wikibooks editors (max 7 short questions, 3 long questions)


Questions to wikimedia editors (max 3 short questions, 1 long question)




Ways to send out census


See also
