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Community Safety/Reports/Wave 1

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Community Safety - Quarterly Data from the Wikimedia Movement

Community Safety Survey Wave 1 Results


In February and March of 2022, we deployed the Community Safety survey on 5 language Wikipedias: English, Farsi, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

The question asked of users was:

“In the last 30 days, have you felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to Wikipedia (xx.wikipedia.org)?”

with xx denoting the Wikipedia language (for example, for French it was “fr.wikipedia.org”).

The options to respond were: “Yes,” “No,” and “I'm not sure.”

A few notes about reading this data

  • Percents reported unweighted reflect the actual responses to the survey.
  • Percents reported weighted reflect the responses to the survey with weights applied to shape the data to the distribution of editors on the wiki by “edit bucket” (a user having made 5 to 99 edits, 100 to 999 edits, or 1000 or more edits).
    • We report weighted data when we see a statistical difference in how different edit bucket users respond to the question. This helps to make the data more reflective of the actual population of the wiki.
  • If you want to apply this data to the broader population of the wiki, make sure to look for the margin of error! For example, note the difference in meaning between:
    • “77% of survey respondents said that they did not feel unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to English Wikipedia in the month before the survey”
    • “We estimate that 76% to 79% of English Wikipedians felt safe contributing to English Wikipedia in the month before the survey”
      • The first example tells us about the results of the actual survey, while the second example approximates how the overall population feels (those who were surveyed, and those who were not) based on the survey results, a 95% confidence interval, and margin of error.

With that, here are the results of our analyses for each wiki:

English Wikipedia


For the English Wikipedia data, a chi-squared test found differences in how users from different “edit buckets” (5 to 99 edits, 100 to 999 edits, and 1000 or more edits) responded to the survey.[1] We thus report data weighted to the edit buckets of the overall user population in 2021.

Based on the responses to the survey, we estimate that users on English Wikipedia overall:

  • 13 to 16% felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to English Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
  • 76 to 79% did not feel unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to English Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
  • 6 to 10% were unsure about whether they had felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to English Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
In the last 30 days, have you felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org)? Survey Results for En.WP (Unweighted) Survey Results for En.WP (Weighted) Estimates for En.WP population (Margin of Error = ±1.63%, Confidence Interval = 95%)
No 77.1% 77.3% 75.7 to 78.9%
I'm not sure 7.9% 7.9% 6.3 to 9.5%
Yes 15% 14.8% 13.2 to 16.4%

We also conducted t-tests to see whether there were differences in how users from different “edit buckets” responded to the question in relation to all other groups. We find that editors who had made 1000 or more edits on English Wikipedia (M = 2.5553, SD = 0.78375) were more likely to report having felt unsafe or uncomfortable compared to editors who made 5-999 edits (M = 2.6422, SD = 0.71285), t(1053.745)=-2.726, p=0.007.

While editors across “edit buckets” responded “I'm not sure” at approximately the same rate, editors who had made 1000 or more edits were 32% more likely to respond, “Yes,” they had felt unsafe or uncomfortable compared to editors with less than 1000 edits.

Spanish Wikipedia


Read this section in English

Respecto a los datos de Wikipedia en español, la prueba χ² no encontró diferencias en cómo respondieron a la encuesta los usuarios de diferentes grupos de edición (de 5 a 99 ediciones, de 100 a 999 ediciones o de 1000 o más ediciones). Por lo tanto, informamos de datos sin ponderar.

En función de las respuestas a la encuesta, calculamos que, en general, los usuarios de Wikipedia en español :

  • Entre el 20 y el 28 % se sintió inseguro/a o incómodo/a al contribuir a la Wikipedia en español durante los 30 días anteriores a la encuesta.
  • Entre el 64 y el 72 % no se sintió inseguro/a o incómodo/a contribuyendo a la Wikipedia en español durante los 30 días anteriores a la encuesta.
  • Del 4 al 13 % no estaban seguros/as de si se habían sentido inseguros/as o incómodos/as contribuyendo a la Wikipedia en español durante los 30 días anteriores a la encuesta.

En los últimos 30 días, ¿te has sentido inseguro(a) o incómodo(a) al colaborar en Wikipedia (es.wikipedia.org)?

Resultados de la encuesta para Es.WP (sin ponderar)

Estimaciones para la población de Es.WP (Margen de error = ±4,15 %, intervalo de confianza = 95 %)


67,7 %

63,6 % a 71,9 %

No estoy seguro/a

8,4 %

4,3 a 12,6 %

23,9 %

19,8 a 28,1 %

Según la o las pruebas t (Prueba t de Welch), no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre cómo respondieron a la pregunta los grupos de editores (editores que han realizado 5-99, 100-999 y más de 1000 ediciones).

Farsi Wikipedia


Read this section in English

در مورد داده‌های ویکی‌پدیا فارسی، یک آزمون مربع کای مشخص کرد که چگونه کاربران از «باکت‌های ویرایش» مختلف (5 تا 99 ویرایش، 100 تا 999 ویرایش و حداقل 1000 ویرایش) به نظرسنجی، پاسخ متفاوتی می‌دهند [2]. بنابراین، ما داده‌های وزنی را به باکت‌های ویرایش کل جمعیت کاربران 2021 گزارش می‌کنیم.

بر اساس پاسخ‌های داده‌شده به نظرسنجی، برآورد ما این است که کاربران ویکی‌پدیا فارسی به‌طور کلی :

  • 22 تا 32% کاربران در روند مشارکت در ویکی‌پدیا فارسی، در بازه 30 روزه منتهی به نظرسنجی، احساس ناامنی یا ناراحتی کرده‌بودند.
  • 50 تا 59% کاربران در روند مشارکت در ویکی‌پدیا فارسی، در بازه 30 روزه منتهی به نظرسنجی، احساس ناامنی یا ناراحتی نکرده‌بودند.
  • 14 تا 23% کاربران درباره این که آیا در روند مشارکت در ویکی‌پدیا فارسی، در بازه 30 روزه منتهی به نظرسنجی، احساس ناامنی یا ناراحتی کرده بودند یا خیر، مطمئن نبودند.

وزنی: در ۳۰ روز گذشته، آیا از مشارکت در ویکی‌پدیا احساس ناامنی یا ناخوشایندی

کرده‌اید ؟

نتایج نظرسنجی برای Fa.WP (غیروزنی) نتایج نظرسنجی برای Fa.WP (وزنی) برآورد برای جمعیت Fa.WP (میزان خطا = 4.82%±، بازه اطمینان = 95%)
خیر 55.1% 54.4% 49.6 تا 59.2%
مطمئن نیستم 17.6% 18.5% 13.7 تا 23.3%
بله 27.3% 27.0% 22.2 تا 31.8%

اگرچه آزمون مربع کای تفاوت‌هایی را بین پاسخ گروه‌های ویرایش آشکار کرد، نتایج تی-تست برای مقایسه گروه‌های ویرایش در داده‌های «موج 1» از نظر آماری چشمگیر نبود. بنابراین، اینجا به تفاوت‌هایی که مبتنی بر باکت ویرایش باشد اشاره نمی‌کنیم.

French Wikipedia


Read this section in English

Pour les données Wikipédia français, un test du khi carré n’a trouvé aucune différence dans la façon dont les utilisateurs des différentes catégories d’édition (5 à 99 éditions, 100 à 999 éditions, ou 1 000 éditions ou plus) ont répondu à l’enquête. Par conséquent, nous présentons des données non pondérées.

Sur la base des réponses à l’enquête, nous estimons que les utilisateurs de Wikipédia français sont globalement  :

  • 10 à 17 % ont eu un sentiment d’insécurité ou d’être mal à l’aise à l’idée de contribuer à Wikipédia français dans les 30 jours précédant l’enquête.
  • 77 à 84 % n’ont pas eu un sentiment d’insécurité ou d’être mal à l’aise à l’idée de contribuer à Wikipédia français dans les 30 jours précédant l’enquête.
  • 2 à 10 % ne savaient pas s’ils avaient un sentiment d’insécurité ou d’être mal à l’aise à l’idée de contribuer à Wikipédia français dans les 30 jours précédant l’enquête.

Au cours des 30 derniers jours, vous êtes-vous senti en danger ou mal à l’aise en contribuant à Wikipedia (fr.wikipedia.org) ?

Résultats de l’enquête pour Fr.WP (non pondérés)

Estimations pour la population Fr.WP (Marge d’erreur = ±3,56 %, Intervalle de confiance = 95 %)


80,2 %

76,6 à 83,8 %

Je ne suis pas sûr

5,9 %

2,3 à 9,5 %


13,8 %

10,2 à 17,4 %

Selon tests t, il n’y avait pas de différences statistiquement significatives entre la manière dont les groupes d’éditeurs (éditeurs ayant effectué 5 à 99, 100 à 999 et plus de 1 000 modifications) ont répondu à la question.

Portuguese Wikipedia


Read this section in English

Para os dados da Wikipédia portuguesa, um teste qui-quadrado encontrou diferenças na forma como os utilizadores de diferentes “quantidades de edições” (5 a 99 edições, 100 a 999 edições e 1000 ou mais edições) responderam ao inquérito.[3] Assim, relatamos dados ponderados para os grupos de edição da população geral de utilizadores em 2021.

Com base nas respostas ao inquérito, estimamos que os utilizadores da Wikipédia Portuguesa em geral:

  • 20 a 29% sentiram-se inseguros ou desconfortáveis ao contribuir para a Wikipédia Portuguesa nos 30 dias anteriores ao inquérito.
  • 62 a 72% não se sentiram inseguros ou desconfortáveis ao contribuir para a Wikipédia Portuguesa nos 30 dias anteriores ao inquérito.
  • 4 a 13% não tinham a certeza se se tinham sentido inseguros ou desconfortáveis ao contribuir para a Wikipédia Portuguesa nos 30 dias anteriores ao inquérito.

Nos últimos 30 dias, teve medo ou sentiu-se desconfortável enquanto estava contribuindo para a Wikipédia (pt.wikipedia.org)?

Resultados do inquérito para Pr.WP (Não ponderado)

Resultados do inquérito para Pt.WP (Ponderado)

Estimativas para população Pt.WP (Margem de erro = ±4,77%, Intervalo de confiança = 95%)




62,2 a 71,8%

Não tenho a certeza



3,7 a 13,3%




19,7 a 29,3%
Percentagem de editores da Wikipédia Portuguesa que responderam “Sim”, por quantidade de edições

Também realizámos t-testes (Welch) para ver se existiam diferenças na forma como os utilizadores de diferentes “quantidades de edições” responderam à pergunta em relação a todos os outros grupos. Descobrimos que os editores que tinham feito 5-99 edições na Wikipédia Portuguesa (M = 2.5071, SD = 0.81239) tinham menos probabilidade de relatar que se sentiram inseguros em comparação com os editores que fizeram mais de 100 edições (M = 2.2782, SD = 0.91818), t(282)=2.561, p=0.011.

Os editores que tinham feito mais de 100 edições na Pt.WP tinham 57% mais probabilidade de responder que se sentiram inseguros ou desconfortáveis ao contribuir para a Wikipédia Portuguesa no mês anterior ao inquérito, em comparação com aqueles que tinham feito 5 a 99 edições.

Additional Notes

Wave 1 Data
Wiki Response Rate[4] Number of Responses % of Users Displayed the Question
English Wikipedia 32% 3636 5%
Spanish Wikipedia 26% 557 10%
Farsi Wikipedia 31% 414 10%
French Wikipedia 27% 759 10%
Portuguese Wikipedia 25% 422 10%
  1. X2 (4, N = 3636) = 10.604, p = .031.
  2. X2 (4, N = 414) = 10.097، p = .039.
  3. X2 (4, N = 422) = 11,412, p = 0,022.
  4. We estimate response rates by calculating the number of unique responses after data cleaning divided by the number of unique survey session tokens from impressions. This gives a slightly smaller response rate than the actual, as users who clear their browser cookies or switch devices may have the survey shown to them again and WMF staff also force the survey to be shown in order to test for quality assurance.