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Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Better diff handling of paragraph splits/Test strategy

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Project documentation


Feature documentation


Test documentation


Where to test it


This needs to be figured out. How will we test the latest version of wikidiff2 and compare its output to previous versions?

How to install locally


By default, local wikis will use an "internal" diff engine.

In order to test wikidiff2 locally, you have to install it on your server. Doc to be written.

Coverage criteria and factors

  • Diff engines
    • We may want to test the "internal" PHP diff engine in case UI changes cause problems
  • Data
    • Different types of wikitext (e.g. tables)
    • Unicode, zero-width, non-printing
  • Different content models
    • JSON, Javascript, CSS, etc.
  • Different languages
  • Different types of diffs and places where they appear
  • Different combinations of Wikidiff2 and VisualEditor
    • Wikidiff2 installed but not VE
    • VE installed but not Wikidiff2
    • Neither installed
  • No JavaScript?
  • Actions on diffs


  • Previous version of wikidiff2
  • Other diff engines
  • Hand-crafted "gold standards"
  • UX mockups
  • Self-verifying data?[1]
  • Metamorphic oracles?
  • "Explainability", "Desirability" and "Purpose" oracles[2]



Quality criteria

  • Usability/understandability
  • Accessibility
  • Performance
  • Other than the intended changes, diffs behave the same as before



Nouns and Verbs


Generate sentences combining the nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives below to generate ideas for tests (please feel free to expand this list):[3]

  • Verbs
    • Add
    • Remove
    • Replace
    • Modify
    • Move
    • Split
    • Combine
    • Rearrange
    • Copy
  • Nouns
    • Characters
    • Words
    • Sentences
    • Paragraphs
    • Newline
    • Whitespace
  • Adverbs
    • Repeat(edly)
    • Sequentially
    • In parallel
    • From one <noun> to another
  • Adjectives
    • Large
    • Small
    • Multiple
    • Similar
    • Extra

For example, "move sentences from one paragraph to another" gave me the idea for this test case.

Or "combine multiple paragraphs" for this.

Test data


See Community_Wishlist_Survey_2022/Better_diff_handling_of_paragraph_splits/Test_cases.

and w:User:Cacycle/diff_test_cases.

Further examples could be generated:

  • Taken from real-life examples (e.g. from production wikis), see #Random
  • Hand-crafted (see #Techniques)
  • Created programmatically and/or at random

Test tools and scripts


See https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/dwalden/betterdiffs-testing





Logs and debugging


Current testing status


Test strategy


Testing done


Testing still to do


Testing which will not be done


How-to guides


Other documentation



  1. https://bbst.courses/materials/BBST%c2%aeFoundations2022.pdf pp. 117
  2. https://developsense.com/blog/2012/07/few-hiccupps
  3. This technique is taken from Hendrickson, Elisabeth (2013). Explore It! Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory Testing. The Pragmatic Bookshelf. Chapter 6.