Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Make the article text wrap around the Contents box/Proposal
- Problem: There's this huge gap at the top of a wikipedia article that is determined by the size of the Contents Box. On articles with a lot of headings, this can become pretty ludicrous.
- Proposed solution: I think that the text should wrap around the contents box the way text often wraps around images on other websites. This would be a small adjustment, but it would be a major quality of life boost on larger articles.
- Who would benefit: All Wiki readers
- More comments: Hope this isn't in the wrong section, but I couldn't find a 'user interface' or 'visual' one.
- Phabricator tickets:
- Proposer: TiggyTheTerrible (talk) 21:02, 20 January 2022 (UTC)