Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Larger suggestions/General maintenance, outstanding phabricator tickets/Proposal/en
- Problem: Commons hasnt received regular maintenance over the last few years, many of the upload tools dont use Two Factor Authentication(TFA), video2commons and videoconvertor both constantly fail especially on large files like those recorded from Wikimania 2021. There have various suggestions as to why this is happening but it comes back to there is no one taking responsibility for the project. Until this is addressed all the projects cant look at implementing newer more user friendly content
- Proposed solution: Fix outstand phabricator tickets, and have a dedicated team looking after Commons(Volunteer and Staff)
- Who would benefit: readers, content creators, and projects future potential
- More comments:
- Phabricator tickets:
- Proposer: Gnangarra (talk) 04:24, 23 January 2022 (UTC)