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ESEAP Conference 2022/Submissions/ESEAP Hub Governance: Join Efforts to Our Next Milestone

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ESEAP Hub Governance: Join Efforts to Our Next Milestone




Regional and Thematic Hubs is a Movement Strategy initiative under the recommendation Ensure Equity in Decision-Making. Acknowledging the needs of ESEAP Hub moving from an informal collaboration group to a more formal structure aligned with the Movement Strategy recommendation and supporting guidelines for hub piloting, the Movement Strategy and Governance Team of Wikimedia Foundation will work together with the members of ESEAP region to design a contextually fitting workshop to advance the ESEAP Hub. The aim of the workshop is to have all the stakeholders in the region to bring their perspectives regarding the expectations to the hub, on how to move forward, and achieve a consensus regarding clear next steps.

Relationship to ESEAP or to the theme


Movement Strategy, Regional and Thematic Hubs.

Facilitator's name/s or username/s


Session type (such as lecture, panel discussion, workshop, town hall meeting, or lightning talk)



Time length


120 mins (If time allows, another 30 minutes on the next day for report back and Q&A)

Session outcomes

  • Baseline consensus reached and rich inputs gathered regarding how the ESEAP community wants to move forward with their Hub governance.