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Education/News/September 2022/ウィキメディアの若年層編集者、2022年国際青少年デーを記念し世界中で素晴らしい方法を実施

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


要約: ウィキ・ヴァイブランス・プロジェクト※1 はウィキメディアのコミュニティ群と協働し、青少年の意見や活動、イニシアティブをたたえ、その人たちが2022年国際青少年デー (IYD) を記念する有意義な活動に参加したことを称賛します。若年層のウィキメディアンは全世界の青少年人口およそ18億人に属し、今日、世界のあちこちで発生する喫緊の課題解決に向けて行動していること、若年層の存在そのもの、またフリーな知識をウィキメディアのプロジェクト群で築くという貢献は見事です。(※1=WikiVibrance)
ソーシャルメディアのチャンネルやハッシュタグ: Wikivibrance
ウィキ・ヴァイブランス – 2022年国際青少年デー、アルーシャ(タンザニア)
Kwasuラジオ局の OAP と集合写真。KWASU ファンクラブ代表とウィキブランシュ2022国際運営チーム参加者(Wikibrance)


One of the thrilling moments of our Wikimania session was the unveiling of the WikiVibrance Logo which was designed by an international artist, Jordan Baker-caldwell. The logo is a picture of a hummingbird inspired by the fact that we come from a community of bird lovers. It exemplifies our youthfulness and strength. It looks at the way we share and pass information to different projects and likens it to the way hummingbirds fly around and pollinate.

In September 2022, we launched a month-long campaign to improve content related to this year's IYD theme "Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages" on Wikimedia projects. Based on the theme, we focused on improving content on age-related diseases (eg. diabetes, stroke, depression among others); youth and adult movements related to human rights; policies/laws/acts related to age discrimination in employment, healthcare; legal working & retirement age; youth exclusion; child labour; youth development; ageism as a whole; women and senior citizens in politics, health, employment sector; health risks posed by occupations taken by youths and senior citizens; child labor and rights; obstacles to employment or human right issues associated with Ageism among others.

197 young Wikimedians across Arusha, Rwanda, Gurene, Moore, Nigeria, and Igbo Wikimedia communities are participating in the ongoing campaign, creating 986 Wikipedia articles in Swahili, Gurene, Moore, Igbo, Kinyarwanda, french and still counting. 1.03M words, 3.65k references, 7.39k articles, and 135 Wikidata items have been added and created as well. We hope to surpass this number as Benin, South Sudan and Nigeria Commons Photographers Usergroup are gearing up for their post-International Youth Day 2022 events.

Still basking in the euphoria of the celebration, we are planning a series of social space calls, starting with the Winners Call, with the spotlighted young Wikimedians, local organizers, project core team members, and participants from the various participating communities to share in our work and actions in the Wikimedia movement.

Through the International Youth Day 2022 activities, we hope to draw attention to the work of young Wikimedians, especially in small and emerging communities in growing knowledge on Wikimedia projects as well as demonstrate their capacity on growing knowledge in the digital space by working together to bridge content gaps on this year's IYD theme on Wikimedia projects. Beyond this, it will demonstrate the role of experienced Wikimedians and their importance to the journey of young Wikimedians in the movement.

この道のりに参加してくれた若手ウィキメディアン一人ずつを重要な存在として認め、運動のあらゆるコミュニティにいる若いウィキメディアンとつながるのが望みです。 In November 2022年11月にはアフリカ青少年月間に世界中からウィキメディアンを招いて、参加を呼びかけます。公式SNSではハンドルネーム @WikiVibrance で情報更新していきます。



運営中枢チームの参加者をご紹介:PtinphusmiaTaronjaSatsuma, DouglaseruCaliBenJames Moore200