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컨퍼런스 보조금 프로그램 - conferencegrants@wikimedia.org
프로그램 업데이트
Events Refresh
As in-person movement events were put on hold due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Wikimedia Foundation's Events staff took the opportunity to reevaluate the strategy, design, and logistics of Foundation-funded and produced movement events to illuminate opportunities for making events more effective, as well as making the event experience better for both participants and organizers.
In June and July of 2020, we conducted 12 interviews with 24 Foundation staff that work strategically with movement events, as well as 9 interviews with 13 Wikimedians (a preliminary discussion) that represent major stakeholders in the event ecosystem. These stakeholders are represented in affiliate leadership from emerging and established communities, movement organizers, and an independent body from the Foundation like the Wikimania Steering Committee. Through these groups of people we were able to get necessary insights for improving the scoping and delivery for events.
We have summarized the common themes of these interviews and recommendations for improving Foundation-supported events once in-person convenings resume. For more info, please see the Events Refresh.