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Fundraising 2008/comments/2008-11-19

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


  • "Great public service" — Timothy Huffman, donated 30 USD
  • "I use Wikipedia a dozen times a day – that's worth something!" — David Taylor, donated 50 AUD
  • "Free access to knowledge for all nations regardless of their development status" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "the best things in life are free, lets keep it that way." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep up the good work." — George Purdy, donated 100 USD
  • "Can't imagine life without Wikipedia" — Mr. Siddharth Suri, donated 100 USD
  • "I LOVE Wikipedia! Thanks for all the information!" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "Internet IS Wikipedia" — Michael Lichtenberg, donated 30 EUR
  • "Welcome to Earth!" — Nathan Haese, donated 20 USD
  • "Wikipedia is one of the most useful inventions in the modern time" — Majed Almutairi, donated 30 AUD
  • "Think of nations as organs in a single body... how foolish would it be for your liver to drop bombs on your heart?" — Anonymous, donated 25 USD
  • "Image a political process that is based on knowledge and justice, rather than self-interest, corporate greed, advertising, dictatorships and other forms of manipulation of the less powerful" — Anonymous, donated 500 USD
  • "WiKIi is a great and helpful Web site !" — Shaoshi Yang, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia has been Invaluable " — Daniel Bisogno, donated 10 AUD
  • "This website is an amazing concept and it should live forever! DONATE!!" — Mr. Jordan Zor, donated 5.73 USD
  • "Wikipedia is Great!" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "[Thank Wiki you don't need] a membership card to get inside UHH... Sign Sign everywhere a Sign..." — Brad Lightfoot, donated 10 USD
  • "「ネットで調べられるから、情報は無料」といった趣旨の意見に反対の意思を表示するべく、微力ながら寄附いたします。" — 英邦 神谷, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Wikipedia is one of my favorite websites for information. I appreciate your contribution. Job well done. Keep up the fantastic, wonderful works." — Woo Joo Song, donated 20 USD
  • "Life's a terminal condition, please act accordingly." — Mr. David Wahnon, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is probably the most important website on the Internet." — Mike Anissimov, donated 10 USD
  • "Socialism: people learn its dangers in the next generation." — Leo Mirkin, donated 30 USD
  • "観光ガイドの仕事に役立っています。色々な切り口から解説してありますので今まで気がつかなかったこと、誤解して解釈していることなどが発見されて大変役立っています。書籍はそれなりに大いに役立っていますが、著者の主観的な見方で書かれていますのでネットでの情報は大勢の人から多角的に述べられていますので一方的に平面的に見る書籍に較べて立体的なネット、中でもウィキメディアは大変、重宝しています。" — 康彦 高木, donated 20000 JPY
  • "a great source of info." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is what the internet was made for. www.mortesubita.org" — Felipe Tamosauskas, donated 10 USD
  • "I use Wiki almost every day, I don't need dictionary anymore. Keep up the good work of providing valuable knowledge to every single person. God Bless You." — Selvarajah Sinnathurai, donated 30 USD
  • "Halfcookies supports Wikipedia!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Great work, please keep going!" — Vladimir Mencl, donated 90 USD
  • "Fair, impartial, and up to date. Hope to see Wikipedia develop even further." — Robert Penrose, donated 20 USD
  • "I read the main article each day to learn something new." — Ronald Genini, donated 30 USD
  • "Information changes the world. Information changes the way we think. Information is what can make the world unite! Thank You!" — Mr. Darren Maine, donated 10 USD
  • "I love you Wikipedia!" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "Information knowledge is wealth Keep up the fantastic work" — Dhilip Uppili, donated 20 AUD
  • "the revolution is on the blogs, and is on the wikis, and is on peer to peer" — Stephen Lark, donated 30 AUD
  • "i do a little as i can" — Abbas Dean, donated 20 SGD
  • "Vive Wikipédia! Vive la connaissance, le remède aux maux des Hommes." — Martin Claude, donated 10 CAD
  • "Keep it up Wikipedia!" — John Garlich, donated 10 USD
  • "I love this site. I find here all the information that I look for." — Moi Riba, donated 30 USD
  • "AYUDAME A DECIR LA VERDAD DELANTE DE LOS GRANDES Y A NO DECIR MENTIRAS PARA GANARME EL APLAUSO DE LOS DEBILES. ( no es mía, la lei hace tiempo y no recuerdo donde )" — Mr. Moisés Macip Herrera, donated 30 USD
  • "Knowledge is power. Let us freely share the power amongst all people." — PHIL DARKINS, donated 30 NZD
  • "its the library of the world, fuelling thinktanks for the ages!" — Mr. Ahmed El Baba, donated 30 CAD
  • "keep the freedom of knowledge!" — Wolfgang Roth, donated 75 EUR
  • "Keep your dream close to your heart and your mind will know the answer!" — Joan Cartwright, donated 10 USD
  • "Can't imagine a day without having Wikipedia around! I'm glad to help even if it is this small! PLEASE DONATE!" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "I've never loved encyclopedias because of libraries. Too confusing; too bookish. With Wiki, I now love encyclopedias" — Timothy Buckley, donated 30 USD
  • "i support wikipedia - i think it's one of, if not the, purest forms of internet revolution and information age evolution." — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "Thanks for everything!" — Craig Hodges, donated 25 USD
  • "Where would we be today without Wikipedia?" — Michael Robinson, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia is a dream come through. And true." — Julie Brumlik, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia has become a true asset to the development of my business venture. I wish I could contribute more to help support wikipedia as I hope this wonderful source will be around for my children." — Jorge Andres Toro, donated 5 USD
  • "Support Wikipedia!" — cassel mcwaters, donated 75 USD
  • "Little Drops of everyones donation make ocean of amount" — Mr. Kathiravan E, donated 5 USD
  • "I'm very grateful to be able to have access to Wikipedia. I'm thirsty for knowledge and and Wiki is my fountain!" — Mr. Cristian Sanchez, donated 10 USD
  • "If you build a beautiful thing people will come" — Brian Boone, donated 50 CAD
  • "Ex wiki scientia." — Jason Montgomery, donated 10 CAD
  • "I can only affoard so much as a student! I hope to donate more in the coming years." — Siddharth Ahuja, donated 30 USD
  • "$20 is a steal for access to this fountain of knowledge" — Stephen McArthur, donated 20 USD
  • "Thanks for giving free" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "便利なツールです。皆で応援しましょう。" — 悟 長廻, donated 3000 JPY
  • "I would have known nothing about the greater crested tern without Wikipedia. Thank you Wikipedia." — Adam Hitchell, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep up the great work, everyone!" — Matthias Goerges, donated 30 USD
  • "Thanks for Serving Our Hunger for Knowledge." — Mr. Prasad BVA, donated 10 USD
  • "Such a wonderful resource!" — Donna Wegryn, donated 50 USD
  • "word to the world" — dane steinlicht, donated 10 USD
  • "Ars longa, vita brevis" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "The Wikimedia Foundation and its contributers have made the world available to me, exposing me to it and leaving open all the doors to enter it. Never have I been so satisfied through hunger. Thanks!" — Mr. Joseph Walas, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia helps. Help Wikipedia." — Noel Proffitt, donated 100 USD
  • "LOL" — Stanislas PALIARD, donated 30 EUR
  • "There is something new under the sun: The Eden Alternative. . ." — Robert Albert, donated 10 USD
  • "Keep up the good work and especially the objectivity and references." — Erik Hedblom, donated 30 USD
  • "If you kill some one, some one will kill you. This is a circle......CIRCLE......!!!!" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "I love Wikipedia. Thanks for everything!" — Bryan Nih, donated 30 USD
  • " "He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger." - Confucius. Thanks Wikipedia, for the learning opportunities!" — Amit Sethi, donated 10 USD
  • "Although we may worry about the reliability of Wiki articles, we must bear in mind that its main function is to provide a mere window, an introduction." — Yee Chien Chang, donated 10 GBP
  • "Best encyclopedia ever. Thank you." — Adam Monsen, donated 50 USD
  • "Great resource and I enjoy it immensely" — Michael Carney, donated 100 USD
  • "Thanks guys" — Anonymous, donated 10 NZD
  • "It's an excellent community." — Mr. Masato Oshima, donated 10 USD
  • "An indispensable resource; my life would be poorer without it. Thanks to all those who contribute effort, skepticism, and intellectual rigour to this wondrous knowledge source. " — Benjamin Jarvis, donated 100 USD
  • "..." — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
  • "good luck wiki. we love you in Israel." — Mr. Alon Saban, donated 10 USD
  • "A small donation for a large and useful resource" — Donnajeanne Goheen, donated 30 USD
  • "Small but heartful contribution to a free body of knowledge that I use on a daily basis." — Peter Sloan, donated 30 USD
  • "I believe Wisdom of Crowds." — Hiroki Atsumi, donated 3000 JPY
  • "The most useful website on planet Earth" — Dianelos Georgoudis, donated 100 USD
  • "La conoscenza è il fondamento di tutto" — DENIS RONCALI, donated 10 EUR
  • "\t\nThanks for your invaluable contribution to the human knowledge" — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
  • "Es wäre schön und wunderbar, wenn alle Ideen so umgesetzt werden könnten, wie es Wikimedia vorlebt." — Anonymous, donated 30 CHF
  • "wish i had more" — Garth Hansen, donated 10 USD
  • "I use Wikipedia everyday. Thanks!!!" — Lkhamsuren Sharavdemberel, donated 20 USD
  • "we shall overcome" — ivan fabris, donated 25 EUR
  • "Wikipedia has taught me so many amazing things. It has changed my life and made me a wiser person. As much as i'd like to cheapskate my way out of it, i feel like i owe a little bit of something." — Alessa Dell'Amico, donated 30 USD
  • "wiki was first step to the future" — Dominik Giger, donated 30 USD
  • "Che mondo sarebbe senza Wiki? Grazie di esserci" — ivan marchisio, donated 15 EUR
  • "for a great project ..." — Mirko Handruck, donated 5 EUR
  • "I use Wikipedia every day. I want it strong and serene. I could give a little every month." — Stéphane Ling, donated 50 EUR
  • "We really appreciate the contribution of Wikipedia of making 21st century a knowledge century. Raghu, Srinath, Animesh, Kunal, Nitigya. Knowledge of the people, by the people, for the people" — K V Raghavendra Reddy, donated 22 USD
  • "Real knowledge is shared knowledge. Selbst wenn die Qualität der Artikel schwankt, ist das Bemühen zu würdigen." — Peter Hofer, donated 75 EUR
  • "Siete una ONLUS e quindi anche in Italai è possibile la deduzione fiscale. Dovete pero' fare le pratiche necessarie." — Sergio Maria Ravaioli, donated 25 EUR
  • "Nothing is more valuable." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia simple but effective." — Prezzy Card Holder, donated 30 NZD
  • "the world's best knowledge center regardless of what others say." — Salem ALMudhef, donated 30 USD
  • "I WAZ ERE! 08" — Michael Ommundson, donated 30 AUD
  • "I believe knowledge is always free for everyone to use - That's the key to evolution." — Omkar P, donated 30 USD
  • "Jeder Mensch soll die weisen Sprüche des Dalai Lama verstehen und in die Tat umsetzen!" — Friedrich Nessmann, donated 10 EUR
  • "Ich hoffe das die Menschheit sich wieder mehr der inhaltlichen Werte erinnert!!" — Maria-Carolina Lenz, donated 15 EUR
  • "so that everyone's general knowlegde can improve. READ PEOPLE, READ!BE INTERESTED, CURIOUS, OPEN TO KNOWLEDGE!" — ioana puscas, donated 10 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is cool like a donkey! Go 4 it!" — Florian Krayss, donated 5 EUR
  • "Forse è un'utopia, forse una frase scontata ma vorrei che gli uomini fossero più buoni e generosi gli uni con gli altri. E pensassero più alla salute e alla famiglia che al lavoro,carriera e soldi." — Maria Cristina Giongo, donated 20 EUR
  • "one life, one world and should it be a great step to one mankind?" — Michael Lehmann, donated 30 EUR
  • "Thank you to wikipedia, wiktionary and wikimedia, May God Bless you all" — Lawrence Fernald, donated 25 USD
  • "Thank you for this fantastic resource. I love the fact that such a huge amount of knowledge is available to absolutely anyone. " — Lucy Spencer, donated 20 GBP
  • "Keep censorship at bay! We need a completely free flow of information!" — alessandro borsari, donated 25 EUR
  • "Thank You for cleaning up The Internet Information Chaos! :-)" — Aleksander Boroń, donated 50 PLN
  • "This opportunity for free (minus local internet provider's outrageous bill) information is worth the comment, "best thing since sliced bread". " — Naomi Slater, donated 20 AUD
  • "Avere la libertà di decidere e poter esprimere la propria opinione è il bene più grande dell'essere umano." — Ms. Patrizia Zangirolami, donated 25 EUR
  • "wissen für jeden... perfekt!" — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
  • "Приветствую!!! Рад помочь такому замечательному и полезному ресурсу!!!! Спасибо что вы есть! Денис Д. (EL5754)" — Denis Dushko, donated 10 USD
  • "Thank you" — Don Fraser, donated 30 USD
  • "Excellent source of general knowledge and information - Regards Nishal R, South Africa" — Nishal Radhalal, donated 75 USD
  • "Immagina un patrimonio della conoscenza umana capace di avere libero accesso in ciascuno" — MARCO RAGUSA, donated 25 EUR
  • "Conoscenza è potere: primariamente di essere liberi" — Roberto Minicone, donated 25 EUR
  • "Wikipedia : tout simplement la "raison d'être" d'internet !" — Florent GENETTE, donated 30 EUR
  • "La culture et la liberté sont 2 mots qui vont si bien ensembles. Merci à Wikipédia d'en faire don." — Laurent LAVEN, donated 10 EUR
  • "Not a much but hope it helps" — Tomas Bittner, donated 30 USD
  • "Please keep up the great work. A small token of my appreciation. " — Ben Stevens, donated 30 USD
  • "It would be unreasonable to decline to pay for a service I have requested, received, used & appreciated. Especially when for so many services I pay upfront before using & end up not appreciating." — Thanasis Hadzilacos, donated 30 USD
  • "Luis Silva" — Luis Silva, donated 30 USD
  • "Don't Panic" — Shreyas Subramaniam, donated 5 USD
  • "Thank you!" — David Jenkins, donated 30 USD
  • "in nome della verità!!!" — giuseppe stanca, donated 5 EUR
  • "Danke für Wikipedia" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
  • "Lets share knowledge, thanks wikipedia  : )" — Mr. Farhan Abbas, donated 15 AUD
  • "Wikipedia: one giant leap for mankind. " — Michael Paschal, donated 5 USD
  • "True knowledge does not exist, only consensus does. Wikipedia is the best tool we now have to expand it." — Mr. Jose Ospina, donated 30 USD
  • "Any questions...I`m opening "Wikipedia" and have answers!" — Tomasz Grzybowski, donated 5 GBP
  • "I love what Wikipedia is, what it embodies - it would be one of the essential pillars to hold up a utopian civilisation." — Mr. Alan J. Wright, donated 13 NZD
  • "Knowledge is power, so let everyone have some!" — Mr. Joakim S. Hammond, donated 5 USD
  • "Wissen ist Macht." — Klaus Guenter Berger, donated 15 EUR
  • "Always look on the bright side of life!" — William Stowers, donated 75 USD
  • "Spread the knowledge" — Anonymous, donated 15 USD
  • "Por el poder de la verdad, mientras viva, habré conquistado el universo" — Pablo Tejera menal, donated 5 EUR
  • "Wikipedia helpt" — Sven Kuipers, donated 10 EUR
  • "El saber no ocupa lugar." — Fernando da Silva, donated 20 EUR
  • "O inventamos o erramos, Simón RodrÍguez (1842)" — jose alberto hernandez, donated 10 USD
  • "P2P = Share What I Know, Learn What I Don't. Wikipedia emerges victorious in processing the information overload age of the 21st century!" — Thomas Hume, donated 11 USD
  • "La conoscenza deve essere per tutti!!" — Ms. Andrea Schiano, donated 10 EUR
  • "wikipediaはベターな情報収集ツールです。" — Tetsuro Nagamatsu, donated 1500 JPY
  • "A CIDADE DE FORMIGA EM MINAS GERAIS,BRASIL..É LINDA" — Mr. Gilson Eddy Viera, donated 5 USD
  • "Continuate così!" — Lara Bianciardi, donated 20 EUR
  • "Wikipedia accellerates mankinds understanding contributing to a better future for us all" — Mr. Ronald Schimanofsky, donated 20 EUR
  • "La conoscenza è come la vita: non può essere commercializzata ma deve essere diffusa come come un elemento fondamentale dell'esistenza umana" — Giulio Luccioni, donated 50 EUR
  • "Avant que ce formidable outil disparaisse..." — gilles sidney, donated 20 EUR
  • "ich bin sehr froh und dankbar, wikipedia einfach so nutzen zu können- so soll es bleiben" — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
  • "thank you - love it" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "What other better use can the internet be for?" — NARAYAN PAVGI, donated 10 USD
  • "What would I do without Wiki? " — Jesse Knight, donated 10 USD
  • "Thank you for your great work to share all of this knowledge with the world, I really appreciate your effort." — Mario Chicas, donated 50 USD
  • "Knowledge is not a gift, it is a human right, it must be shared freely to lift us all as a race. " — Mo Allibhai, donated 30 CAD
  • "いつもありがとうございます。とても意義のある活動に感謝しております。これからも、よろしくお願い致します。" — Anonymous, donated 6000 JPY
  • "Je suis retraité, avec des moyens financiers "relativement faibles".. je contribue donc du mieux que je peux, pour que Wikipédia continue à vivre." — Jackie ROUSSEL, donated 15 USD
  • "As they say information is wealth, Wikipedia has made me wealthier. Keep up the good work folks !" — Ashok Subbaraj, donated 50 GBP
  • "Great work indeed. Let's build a wiki world! Where we share almost all that is shareable freely" — Venugopalan Govindan, donated 30 USD
  • "To be informed is to be free. Free of prejudice, free of empty promises, free to think and "suffer" only for what really is worth for. " — Patricia de Campos Pieri, donated 30 USD
  • "Information, as the main pilar for knowledge, aims to be free." — Cristian Bravo-Lillo, donated 30 USD
  • "Wiki I depend on you and use you all the time! Thanks for being there for me." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "I use Wiki all the time. Thanks for being there." — DAVID ROSSETER, donated 10 USD
  • "I know it's not much, but just trying to do my part." — Mr. Alec Szczerbinski, donated 5 USD
  • "Wikipedia bonds all humans in the pursuit of truth. Bravo Wiki!" — Mr. Paul Daniel Muller, donated 30 USD
  • "This is a great research site, for getting info quickly and getting up to speed in seconds." — michael loren, donated 30 USD
  • "I am sure u have millions of users. Why not charge everyone $1 a year as a membership fee? Your sight has been very helpful many times over the years and is very convenient. Thank you." — scott venezia, donated 10 USD
  • "With groups like yous, information is no longer a luxury" — Sean Ryan, donated 30 USD
  • "i recieve a lot of knowledge from wikipedia " — alan bouse, donated 100 EUR
  • "Wikipedia ist mir ein wertvolles Hilsmittel bei meinem vielseitigen Informationsbedürfnis" — Dr H Detlef Luhrsen, donated 30 EUR
  • "Entre todos haremos que Wiki siga adelante!!!" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "man muß nicht alles wissen , man muß nur wissen wo es steht" — Beate Boenke, donated 15 EUR
  • "GRAZIE DI ESISTERE!!!" — Mr. Mauro Maiorano, donated 5 EUR
  • "I love wikipedia" — Michael Bergin, donated 30 USD
  • "For the wonderful furture :-)" — Shigeru Fujiwara, donated 10000 JPY
  • "Knowledge, which empowers everyone's mind, and humanity globally, should be free, and easy to access. Keep up the extraoridary work!" — Jean-Francois Dagenais, donated 15 CAD
  • "Although i am in debt, Wikipedia has helped me always" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "Salvatore Balestrino" — Salvatore Balestrino, donated 25 EUR
  • "Never, ever argue over facts!" — Anonymous, donated 50 GBP
  • "人類の英知の結集として、このスタイルでさらに洗練していって欲しい。 次の世代に残せるものを。" — たつじ にしわき, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Wikipedia is onmisbaar voor mij!!" — Martijn Hisschemoller, donated 30 EUR
  • "It looks like internet was built for Wikipedia and istant access to knowledge. Wikipedia is the soul of internet" — Mr. Giovanni Ulivi, donated 50 EUR
  • "Thanks Wikimedia for doing this wonderful work to spread knowledge for everyone! I always use Wikipedia, coudn´t go on without donating." — Mariana M Pardi, donated 5 USD
  • "We can't live without wiki!" — Arnaud van Zandwijk, donated 10 EUR
  • "Un piccolo contributo per un sito indispensabile!" — Mr. Ciro Alessandro Sacco, donated 50 EUR
  • "This is from a graduate student who uses Wikipedia daily and is grateful for the ressource." — Justin Warren, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep it going!!!" — Omar Angola, donated 50 USD
  • "It's the second most valuable internet tool I have (1st best is ISI Web of Science)." — Wes hutchinson, donated 75 USD
  • "wiki-wonderful" — Keith Walker, donated 30 USD
  • "Humans and their collective uncensored knowledge unite!" — Derek Lund, donated 5 USD
  • "I love me some Wiki" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "Became the online reference. Merci pour votre aide quotidienne!" — Ms. Sara Malinowsky, donated 5 USD
  • "Macht weiter so!" — Max Buerkle, donated 5 EUR
  • "Informez nous si vous avez besoin de plus de fonds et continuez ! Bravo et Merci. Yvan" — Mr. Molinier Yvan, donated 30 USD
  • "Let the ideas be eternal as the sand of a beach" — Santiago Delgado, donated 10 USD
  • "do not stop" — Zoltan KIS, donated 30 USD
  • "Merci" — Jérémie Chastagnier, donated 10 EUR
  • "I believe and hope in knowledge shared among all" — Guido Pera, donated 25 EUR
  • "knowledge is the source of all energy" — mehmet colluoglu, donated 67 EUR
  • "Perhaps the internet-nation is the best thing to ever " — Anonymous, donated 100 NOK
  • "You do good work - keep it up. I use Wikipedia all the time. Hope you reach your goal in these tougher economic times." — Anonymous, donated 250 USD
  • "Wikimedia / Wikipedia haben der Welt den Informationszugang erleichtert" — Klaus Kuplen, donated 20 EUR
  • "I reference wikipedia almost every day - life wouldn't be the same without it !" — Mr. Daniel Maher, donated 10 EUR
  • "Wikipedia was just the thing I wished to happen for all of my life" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you for all that you do!" — Gabe Giffin, donated 30 USD
  • "Knowledge is power!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "I can't imagine nor remember a world without internet & wikipedia, though I lived in it...." — Steven van der Heijden, donated 100 EUR
  • "Um die Welt zu beruhigen muss die Ausbeutung der einfachen Menschen durch Missbrauch von Intelligenz verhindert werden." — Hans Horst Denk, donated 25 USD
  • "The future has always been shaped by visionary thoughts. Wiki is one." — Anonymous, donated 75 USD
  • "from Mitaka" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "Support sources of free, high-quality information. They can't exist without our help." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "What is this "wikipedia" thing anyways? Can you eat it? I'm hungry. I hope I can eat it. Expensive ass meal if I ever had one. Intrex Computers. For the WIN." — Deryck Henson, donated 30 USD
  • "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one" — Craig Riddle, donated 30 USD
  • "please just keep wikipedia going. it is an invaluable tool, whetehr to help with homework or to find out the origins oif your favourite sport it is a site that should definely be kept going" — Anonymous, donated 5 GBP
  • "Invaluable research source for a writer" — Anonymous, donated 27 EUR
  • "We need a FREE wikipedia WITHOUT advertising. Let's lend a hand to Wikipedia." — Xinjiang Lu, donated 30 USD
  • "With a word she can get what she came for. -LZ" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Knowledge sharing is the best way to keep alive. -- Angus" — Esin Chow, donated 100 CAD
  • "Thanks Wikipedia!" — Hugo Fernandes, donated 30 USD
  • "No wikipedia,no life.Thank you for all writers & wikimedia." — KAWAI HIDEO, donated 3000 JPY
  • "I donate the money to join the wish of Jimmy Wales to make this Wiki possible." — Ekasit Noncie, donated 30 USD
  • "you rock :)" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Please keep up the good work." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "If you use it. Pay for it." — Anonymous, donated 30 GBP
  • "I am optimistic for the world, and think architecture and good design can solve it all. " — Leslie Tom, donated 10 USD
  • "The greatest site on the world wide web" — Mark Scovil, donated 100 USD
  • "A necessary tool for today's fast based economy." — Michael Shepherd, donated 30 USD
  • "If we only had Wikigovernment and Wikistocks..." — Brent Wheelock, donated 30 USD
  • "いつもお世話になってます。" — Anonymous, donated 10000 JPY
  • "Merci Wikipédia" — Patricia GALLOT-LAVALLEE, donated 15 EUR
  • "Wikipedia helps me every two days. Here's something in return. by the way, legalize Marihuana!" — Tobias Sennhauser, donated 100 CHF
  • "Thanks Wiki" — Babu Prasanth Alagarsamy, donated 20 USD
  • "Question everything." — Michael Cooke, donated 20 GBP
  • "Peace" — Mr. Michael A. Signorella, donated 25 USD
  • "It's a great resource, and the first place that I look on the web for information." — Amy Weissfeld, donated 50 USD
  • "it's just a good investment." — Steven Weber, donated 10 USD
  • "Zmogus yra vaisius savo minciu." — Virginijus Mickevicius, donated 10 USD
  • "Long live the Great Wiki!" — Evan Balster, donated 5 USD
  • "Wikipedia is the purest form of what the Web is about. To not support it should be a crime :)" — Greg Martin, donated 30 CAD
  • "Thx for the info!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Wer Freude gibt wird fröhlich gehen." — Maximilian Kunz, donated 10 EUR
  • "Grazie!" — Ms. Andrea Zambon, donated 5 EUR
  • "Keep the knowledge free!" — Federico Del Bene, donated 20 EUR
  • "This is the encyclopedia I am really using! Why complain about the marketing power of huge enterprises if we can decide to pay/donate for our best-liked services?" — Stefan Witt, donated 10 EUR
  • "This is a wonderful website to which I gladly pledge my support - go wikipedia!" — Lissette Rodriguez, donated 50 USD
  • "we should look harder at the edits being done because they are often attempting to change history in subtle but important ways" — brian brown, donated 20 USD
  • "ich nutze Wikipedia fast jeden Tag.Danke!" — Thomas Bimesdörfer, donated 50 EUR
  • "Our knowledge is the amassed thought and experience of innumerable minds. - Ralph Waldo Emerson" — Adam Griefer, donated 100 USD
  • "Wikipedia find' ich gut" — Anonymous, donated 75 EUR
  • "Thanks for making my anatomy classes easier. I guess I owe you, wikipedia." — Delia Dykes, donated 10 USD
  • "Very useful in improving communications everywhere!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "I and my Library co-workers *really* appreciate your efforts to share authenticated information! *bless you*" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "I think you perform a great public service. Thank you." — Timothy Dorsey, donated 30 USD
  • "My only regret about Wiki is that it didn't exist when I was a young 'un." — Anonymous, donated 15 GBP
  • "A truly great project." — Gary Keyes, donated 30 USD
  • "40 Jahre Meinungszensur sind genug, es hat ein getroffener Hunde gebellt..., an Euch "Die Linken", schafft Euch doch wieder ein Staat wie die DDR, wir sind dafür: MAUER WIEDER HOCH!!!!" — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
  • "My first and often best resource for information. Keep up the good work!" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "Wikipedia moves us towards the goal of unbiased, thorough information available to all, allowing everybody equal access to truth and knowledge." — Mr. Jason English, donated 50 USD
  • "^_^" — Marc BONY, donated 5 USD
  • "It's a great tool for mankind." — XAVIER MARTINEZ, donated 20 USD
  • "надо помагать друг другу" — Igor Gaidash, donated 5 USD
  • "Everyone should support this project... thanks to all Wikipedia contributors!" — Mr. Matteo Evangelista, donated 10 EUR
  • "Viva la cultura franca!!" — Gustavo Perez, donated 20 USD
  • "free information to reduce ignorance" — Razvan Constantin Carata, donated 20 USD
  • "Jag tycker det är viktigt med ett fritt och oberoende uppslagsverk, som alla kan vara delaktiga i." — Anonymous, donated 200 SEK
  • "Hope all of us can contribute to and also benefit from the knowledge sharing and evolving." — He Huang, donated 150 SEK
  • "Was wir wissen, ist ein Tropfen; was wir nicht wissen, ein Ozean. (Isaac Newton)" — Marco Lehnert, donated 10 EUR
  • "My dictionary is dusty; my encyclopedias have been lost . . ." — Vesta Hartman Garcia, donated 10 USD
  • "Internet es la primera obra colectiva de la humanidad, Wikipedia es su bandera." — Mr. Fernando Otón Montil, donated 30 EUR
  • "Love the wikipedia" — Brian Parker, donated 30 USD
  • "A wonderful source of information" — Chris Moore, donated 75 USD
  • "Wikipedia has helped me so much through my college career. It is always there to answer all of my questions and I will be eternally grateful for the info. Thanks, Edwin Quiñones - Puerto Rico" — Mr. Edwin Quinones, donated 30 USD
  • "La ricerca dell'armonia con tutto ciò che ci circonda è la chiave della nostra felicità e del vero progresso materiale." — Corrado Luciani, donated 25 EUR
  • "Good luck" — Leonid Golender, donated 20 USD
  • "Wikipedia me ha facilitado información de calidad en muchas ocasiones. Me alegra mucho ver que todavía existen lugares cooperativos con calidad igual o superior a los privados." — Alfonso Alejandre, donated 100 USD
  • "Ellen and Jesse, you are the love of my life!" — Marco Davids, donated 15 EUR
  • "Some Do, Some don't, some talk about doing and never do...and they really deserve a right good doing." — david ross, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you!" — Mr. David Zaslow, donated 10 USD
  • "Thank you" — Evgeny Rachinskiy, donated 10 EUR
  • "Keep up the great work!" — Karol Krzywon, donated 100 USD
  • "Wikimedia...Spread the knowledge" — Sergio Gimbel, donated 5.52 USD
  • "Eläköön Wikipediaa!!" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
  • "Wikipedia provides unprecedented knowledge to collective knowledge on any topic." — Krishna Kambhampaty, donated 30 USD
  • "thanks for the hard work" — Yiqun Cao, donated 10 USD
  • "Es el sitio donde más rápido y más información obtienes sobre cualquier tema, apoyemosles todos, ánimo." — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Yearly donation" — Marten Teule, donated 10 EUR
  • "An investment in the future," — Mr. Hugh O'Brien, donated 5 EUR
  • "même si je n'ai pas réussi à lire la politique de Wikipédia concerant la vie privée, je soutiens" — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
  • "Money well donated." — Aaron Curtin, donated 20 CAD
  • "Grande fonte...anche x supporto di esami universitari!! Grazie!" — angelo de falco, donated 10 EUR
  • "谢谢 - ありがとう - спасибо - thank you" — Maksym Taran, donated 50 USD
  • "Wikipedia deserves more than what I donate with because it gave me what would cost me a huge a mount of money. I hope it will develop very fast and I thak the founder of it indeed" — ali alqasmi, donated 18 GBP
  • "Your knowledge is else's freedom... share it!" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "I'll make the Wiki alive!" — Gustavo Fusca, donated 10 USD
  • "Verlangen is verlengen, bezitten is bekorten. Suzanne" — Suzanne Kraaijeveld, donated 10 EUR
  • "You may don't have a genuine Windows or other software but at least donate for this best of INTERNET achievements" — Szymon Krasuski, donated 30 GBP
  • "Thank you" — Cory Robertson, donated 5 USD
  • "Wikipedia has helped me through all of my classes, and solved many a wonder. Thank you!" — Julia M Goldstein, donated 20 USD
  • "Wikipedia is a fantastic reference source. I'm all for it :-)" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "if there ever was a time in human history that man could work together for the greater good, i would say wikipedia has summed that up in five sylables." — randy moore, donated 100 USD
  • "Wikipedia es lo maximo." — Mr. Adolfo Escalante Arce, donated 5 USD
  • "I just wish I could donate more to this fantastic resource." — Mr. Corey Ouellette, donated 20 USD
  • "When we need Wikimedia, it is there for us. It needs us now, we are here for it." — Helen Weng, donated 30 USD
  • "Thanks everyone." — Paul Glaser, donated 5 USD
  • "Спасибо, Википедия!" — Ms. Tanat Yessengulov, donated 10 USD
  • "El conocimiento libre abre las puertas del entendimiento de todo lo que el hombre es, fue y sera." — Oscar Chaides Zuñiga, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia helps me get through medical school.... THANK YOU!" — Shannon Calcatera, donated 15 USD
  • "wieso kostet denn alles soviel ????????????" — Mr. Frank Burzler, donated 10 EUR
  • "I couldn't live without wikipedia!" — Thomas Maufer, donated 50 USD
  • "Has come to my aid on many a translation..." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "If you start thinking from others angle, you will stop hurting anybody." — Prashant Verma, donated 10 CAD
  • "Information wants to be free" — maarten huisjes, donated 30 EUR
  • "Wikipedia - Immer da, wenn man es braucht!" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "கல்வி ஒளி விக்கிப்பீடியா வாழ்க!" — C R Selvakumar, donated 30 USD
  • "Big Nice Project Wikipedia... Thanks You!" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Where the mind is without fear/knowledge is free/words come out from the depth of truth/tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection/Into that heaven of freedom, let my country awake-Tagore" — Jayant Vaidya, donated 20 GBP
  • "A good site for quick info" — Ms. Claudia Sawyer, donated 20 USD
  • "Tim Berners-Lee's dream come true " — Scott Blinman, donated 10 NZD
  • "il vostro è un servizio utile e geniale ed è da ipocriti non sostenerlo" — Davide Conte, donated 25 EUR
  • "W wikipedia, mia compagna di letture. Luca" — luca bonora, donated 10 EUR
  • "Pour l'indépendance de la connaissance..." — Grégory Makles, donated 30 EUR
  • "Keep the internet free and diverse! Thank you Wikipedia" — Ms. Omayra Ortega, donated 25 USD
  • "Thank you so much to those who have made Wikipedia a success! :)" — Anonymous, donated 10 GBP
  • "Es un portal muy importante y genial" — Everardo Guerrero Aceves, donated 10 USD
  • "So wie du säst, so wirst du ernten, ist mein leitspruch und damit wünsche ich Wikipedia eine weitere erfolgreiche und freie Entwicklung " — Mr. Peter Schneider, donated 15 EUR
  • "Immagino il mondo della conoscenza libera" — Fulvio Rizzotti-Vlach, donated 10 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is quite possibly man's greatest achievement to date. Great job everyone!" — Mr. Chris Zirker, donated 30 USD
  • "good stuff" — Chia-lung Lee, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia tænder lyset; håbets lys. Det lys der skal overstråle verden, og beskinne enhver mørkelagt del, med med kundskabens lys. Lad der blive lys ! t ! " — Georg Hansen, donated 175 DKK
  • "Endless material for the curious mind. How wonderful !!!" — Jaap Versteegh, donated 10 USD
  • "Love makes the world go round" — Lisa Mazzanti, donated 20 USD
  • "Love Wikipedia; use it almost every day." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Gracias Wikipedia, ahora te deuelvo el favor. Thank you wiki, now I can give you back the favor" — Miguel Ventura Rivera, donated 5 USD
  • "Knowledge is the key to all endeavors...." — Duke Huynh, donated 15 USD
  • "Yours is a marvelous resource, giving wings to the impulse, half suppressed by the need to go across the room and fetch a book from a shelf, but no longer suppressed. . " — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
  • "I have to admit, I use it a lot." — Mr. Devon Yates, donated 10 USD
  • "Keep up the good work." — Bob Stephens, donated 100 CAD
  • "Go wikipedia, go free knowledge for all!" — Mr. Mathieu Savard, donated 10 CAD
  • "Thanks, Wikipedia!" — Mark Dexter, donated 100 USD
  • "This is an unique project, which everyone who uses internet needs to support." — Navin Markandeya, donated 20 USD
  • "human potential, pleasse balance the system. LOVE U. " — anil mogilicharla, donated 30 NZD