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Fundraising 2011/Test Updates/September/09

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

September 9, 2011 EN Sarah appeal Test


We’ve tested an appeal from Wikipedia editor Sarah Stierch against Jimmy’s founder appeal. Sarah’s banner had almost the same click rate as Jimmy’s banner but Jimmy's donation rate came out ahead.

Sarah Banner
Jimmy Banner

Sarah’s appeal was a bit longer than the other appeals we’ve tested so far. We’ll work on alternate versions as well as shortening it up for future tests.

Right now, we’re working through several editor appeals to test, but we are still looking for more people to interview. The Storytellers are interviewing Wikipedia editors, supporters, and contributors. If you would like to be interviewed about your Wikipedia experience and to tell readers why we need donations, please get in touch by emailing wikistory@wikimedia.org

Thanks Mhernandez 21:19, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

title views donations amount amount50 avg_donation avg_donation50 click_rate don_per_imp amt_per_imp amt50_per_imp don_per_view amt_per_view amt50_per_view
Jimmy 12702 160 3392.63 2497.68 20.6 15.53 0.016985 0.000216 0.004590 0.003371 0.013662 0.286533 0.212391
Sarah 12529 89 1648.04 1546.24 22.14 19.34 0.016640 0.000119 0.002210 0.002075 0.007589 0.141061 0.13264
Raw Statistics


September 9, 2011 US Form Design Test


The fundraising team has spent the last couple of weeks working on donation form designs, and we have testeed three new versions of our form.

We have not yet found a new donation page to out-perform our best page from the 2010 fundraiser, but we are getting closer.

These three forms tested different placement of the PayPal donation button and personal information fields (name, address and email).

Info. fields showing
High PayPal button
Info. fields hidden

Our 2010 page performed the best, but the form with the personal information fields hidden was the second best performer.

For our next test, we’re working on a couple of brand new layouts and form features to optimize the donation process for our readers.

Mhernandez 03:51, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Round 1

Raw statistics
title views donations amount amount50 avg_donation avg_donation50 click_rate don_per_view amt_per_view amt50_per_view
ExtraInfo_A 9708 209 4766.55 3911.00 21.71 18.52 0.017645 0.021432 0.488936 0.401043
ExtraInfo_B 9722 234 5153.00 4503.00 22.05 19.62 0.017642 0.024061 0.532165 0.464387
ExtraInfo_C 9733 206 4847.00 3945.00 25.78 20.37 0.017642 0.021003 0.493184 0.401973

Round 2

Raw statistics
title views donations amount amount50 avg_donation avg_donation50 click_rate don_per_view amt_per_view amt50_per_view
Control (D) 16524 401 8899.94 7349.94 22.66 18.70 0.016543 0.025372 0.568208 0.464700
ExtraInfo_B 16498 403 8664.00 7064.00 21.02 17.35 0.024867 0.01654 0.533696 0.433966