Global Data and Insights/Our Reports/2021 Affiliates data survey/Memb data questions/da
The following questions are included in the 2021 Affiliate Membership data survey and will be sent to randomly selected members of all recognized Wikimedia Affiliates, through the use of a sampling toolkit. The privacy statement for this survey can be found here.
- This survey is available in the following languages, which were requested by a number of affiliates during previous iterations:
1 - Engelsk | 6 - Portuguese | |
2 - Bahasa Indonesia | 7 - Spansk | |
3 - Hindi | 8 - Hebrew | |
4 - Arabisk | 9 - Mandarin | |
5 - Fransk | 10 - Norsk |
Affiliate Description questions
- What is the name of your Wikimedia affiliate or organization? Select from the dropdown list below
- {Dropdown list of Wikimedia affiliates}
- How long have you been a member of this chapter/User Group?
- Less than 1 year
- 1 - 2 år
- 3 - 5 år
- 6 - 10 år
- Mere end 10 år
- Hvor mange grupper er du medlem af?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3 eller flere
Individual demographics questions
Tell us about yourself, by answering the following questions.
- Hvad er din alderskategori? Vælg en af følgende.
- 18-24
- 25-29
- 30-34
- 35-39
- 40-44
- 45-54
- 55-64
- 65+
- I prefer not to say
- Hvad er din nuværende kønsidentitet? Vælg alle der gælder.
- Mand
- Kvinde
- Transkønnet
- Ikke-binært
- Genderqueer
- En anden identitet (angiv venligst) ____________
- Jeg ønsker ikke at fortælle
- Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have any of the following serious difficulties? Select all that apply.
- I am deaf, or have serious difficulty hearing
- I am blind, or have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses
- I have difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
- Jeg har nogle seriøse problemer med at gå eller komme op og ned af trapper
- I have difficulty dressing or bathing
- I have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor’s office or shopping
- None of the above apply to me
- Do you belong to a minority ethnic group in the country where you currently live?
- Ja
- Nej
- Jeg ønsker ikke at fortælle
- Would you describe yourself as a member of a group that has been discriminated against in this country?
- Ja
- Nej
- Jeg ønsker ikke at fortælle
- På hvilket grundlag bliver din gruppe diskrimineret imod?
- Farve eller race
- Nationalitet
- Religion
- Sprog
- Etnisk gruppe
- Andet (åbn)
- Jeg ønsker ikke at fortælle
- Hvor bor du for tiden?
- {Drop-down list of all countries/territories}
- What is the level of your formal education? [REVISED QUESTION RESPONSE OPTIONS]
- Jeg har ingen formel uddannelse
- Folkeskole
- Middle school
- Noget gymnasielt
- Studentereksamen eller lignende
- Some college or university
- College degree (2-year certificate)
- University degree (4-year certificate)
- Some post-graduate studies
- Master's degree
- Doktorgrad
- Jeg ønsker ikke at fortælle
- Last week, did you do any work for pay or to generate income? This could include a paid job, running a business, farming, or fishing to sell to others, or helping with the paid job or business of someone else in your household or family.
- Ja
- Nej
- Jeg er ikke sikker
- Jeg ønsker ikke at fortælle
- Which of the following statements are true for your financial security in the past year (Mark all that apply)?
- Jeg har et kreditkort
- Jeg har en opsparingskonto
- Jeg har en pensionsopsparing
- Jeg har haft svært ved at betale mine regninger
- I have had to borrow money from family/friends to cover my bills
- I have been able to lend money to family/friends in need
- Jeg ønsker ikke at fortælle
- In the last month, when you wanted to access the internet, how often were you able to do so?
- Ingen af tiden
- Noget af tiden
- For det meste
- Hele tiden
- Jeg er ikke sikker
- Jeg ønsker ikke at fortælle
- Which of the following are important motivations for you to contribute to your affiliate? (select all that apply)
- I like the idea of volunteering to engage people in share knowledge
- I am interested in contributing directly to open knowledge
- I am interested in filling content gaps in the Wikimedia projects
- My friends, family or colleagues contribute to Wikipedia
- Contributing is part of my school work or employment
- I am active with an organization that partnered with Wikimedia
- I want to engage and share opinions with other Wikimedians
- I want to exchange skills with other Wikimedians
- Andet (specificer)
Community programs questions
- Which of the following thematic areas do you currently work on and plan to continue in the next 12 months? (select all that apply)
- GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives and museums)
- Uddannelse
- Research access (i.e. Wikipedia Library)
- STEM (science, technology, engineering, math)
- Køn
- Fotografering
- Medicin og helbred
- Marginalized or indigenous knowledge and language
- Other culture & heritage work (specify)
- Andet (specificer)
Movement resources questions
- Which of the following sources of funding for your projects related to Wikipedia or Wikimedia had you heard of before this survey? (select all that apply)
- Grants or other funding from the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. Annual Plan Grants, Project Grants, Rapid Grants)
- Grants or other funding from Wikimedia Affiliates (e.g. Wikimedia Deutschland, Wikimedia France)
- Grants or other funding from Non-Wikimedia organizations (specify)
- Ingen af de ovenstående
- Andet: (specificer)
Climate of collaboration, diversity & inclusion questions
- How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements related to the Wikimedia movement or your affiliate community?
- People are sincerely interested in supporting each other.
- People with collaborative projects work together well.
- People are not aware of their own defensiveness to the situation at hand.
- Folk søger og værdsætter feedback.
- Folk ved hvordan de skal motivere andre.
- People are sincerely willing to talk through competing personal interests to achieve fair solutions.
- Jeg føler jeg hører til i Wikimediabevægelsen.
- Jeg føler mig respekteret i Wikimediabevægelsen.
- I believe there is community policy and systems in place to take appropriate action to respond to incidents of harassment.
- Racial, ethnic, and gender-based jokes are tolerated in my Wikimedia project or community.
- My Wikimedia affiliate community provides an environment for the free and open expression of ideas.
- I would recommend Wikimedia as a great place to contribute.
- Svarmuligheder til de ovenstående spørgsmål | -{Meget uenig; Uenig; Hverken enig eller uenig; Enig; Meget enig; Jeg er ikke sikker}
- How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
- In my Wikimedia affiliate community...
- leadership encourages various cultural perspectives and contributors.
- contributors respect individuals and value their differences.
- In my Wikimedia affiliate community...
- Svarmuligheder til de ovenstående spørgsmål | -{Meget uenig; Uenig; Hverken enig eller uenig; Enig; Meget enig; Jeg er ikke sikker}
- When a dispute or conflict occurs among members of a Wikimedia affiliate (including your own), how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
- I feel confident in my ability to navigate conflict or disagreement in our affiliate community.
- My affiliate provides the help and support I need to navigate conflict or disagreement in the community or communities we collaborate with.
- Svarmuligheder til de ovenstående spørgsmål | -{Meget uenig; Uenig; Hverken enig eller uenig; Enig; Meget enig; Jeg er ikke sikker}
Wikimedia Foundation support questions
- How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?
- The Wikimedia Foundation provides the help and support I need to plan and execute my project(s).
- I know whom to ask for help with my Wikimedia program or partnership.
- I have people who can help me with my Wikimedia programs or partnerships.
- I have access to the right tools or software to implement my Wikimedia programs and partnerships.
- I have access to documentation and training materials to help me implement my Wikimedia program or partnerships.
- I have access to communications materials and tools that help me reach the people that I want to engage with my programs and partnerships.
- I have access to funding that I need to implement my programs or partnerships.
- I have access to the non-monetary resources (e.g., event space) that I need for implementing my programs or partnerships.
- Svarmuligheder til de ovenstående spørgsmål | -{Meget uenig; Uenig; Hverken enig eller uenig; Enig; Meget enig; Jeg er ikke sikker}
If you indicate yes or maybe, you will next be directed to a separate survey where you can share what strategic topics you are interested in participating in and how you would like to be reached separate from your previous survey responses so that they remain anonymous.
- Are you interested in participating in other Foundation consultations and surveys within the next year?
- Ja
- Nej
- Måske