Global Reach/Iraq survey 2

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Do you use the internet[edit]

2500 Responses - 1.83% margin of error

Our respondents who indicated as themselves internet users.

Top reasons for using the internet[edit]

715 Responses - 3.6% margin of error

Impact of data costs[edit]

715 Responses - 3.6% margin of error

Awareness of Wikipedia[edit]

2500 Responses - 1.83% margin of error
715 Responses - 3.6% margin of error

How they learned about Wikipedia[edit]

322 Responses - 5.42% margin of error
178 Responses - 7.31% margin of error

How long ago they learned about Wikipedia[edit]

225 Responses - 6.10% margin of error

New survey question

Awareness that Wikipedia is free on Asiacell[edit]

2500 Responses - 1.83% margin of error

New survey question

Sources through which they learned about Wikipedia in the past year[edit]

225 Responses - 6.10% margin of error

New survey question

Learn about Wikipedia from Google[edit]

112 Responses - 9.23% margin of error

New survey question

Noticed Wikipedia more often the past few months[edit]

225 Responses - 6.10% margin of error

New survey question

Frequency of use[edit]

178 Responses - 7.31% margin of error
178 Responses - 7.31% margin of error

Smartphones vs Feature phones[edit]

2500 Responses - 1.83% margin of error


2500 Responses - 1.83% margin of error


2500 Responses - 1.83% margin of error


2500 Responses - 1.83% margin of error