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Grants:APG/Proposals/2018-2019 round 2/Wikimédia France/Progress report form

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Purpose of the report


This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (30 June-1 January of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing grant metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.

Overall progress


In the past six months, Wikimedia France has completed governance reforms by recovering the IDEAS label lost during the governance crisis experienced by our association. It is the result of long work carried out jointly by the Board of Directors and the employee team. In November, Wikimedia France, therefore, submitted to an audit by external auditors who came to examine the internal procedures put in place. After passing before a jury of listeners and experts, the work undertaken for almost two years has been rewarded by obtaining this label.

These past six months have also allowed us to test these procedures with the preparation of a quarterly report for the Board so that it can concretely play its strategic role and control over the activities of the association. A quarterly reading of the indicators allows us more detailed and regular monitoring of the results of the staff.

As part of the discussions around the movement’s strategy, the staff accompanied by volunteers worked to define lines of work on which Wikimedia France could bring added value to the movement. From this work of consultation and reflection, which will continue in January and February, will be born the next action plan.

Metrics and results overview - all programs


This year, we have decided to organize a mid-term annual objective update meeting. The objectives being established almost six months before the launch of the action plan, it appeared to us to be relevant to make an update according to the results obtained in Q1 and Q2. We are quite pleased to see that the team is progressing in the planning of the objectives since the adjustments are, in the end, rather marginal.

All Programs
Metrics 2019/20 Target Progress (at end of Q2) New objectives 2019/2020 after reassessment Explanation
Participants 6,500 2,211 6,800 The participants come mainly from the French-speaking Wikiconvention, the GLAM project and the three photo competitions that took place between August and December.
Newly registered editors 1,350 595 1,730 A significant number of account creation are expected with the 4th edition of WikiMOOC which will take place next spring.
Pages added/improved 114,500 56,156 126,350 Most of the content comes from photo competitions, Lingua Libre and contribution workshops within GLAM institutions.
Volunteer hours 4,750 1,845 5,350 We have included participation in working meetings, activities carried out within GLAM partner organisations and the time required for a photo competition jury.
Partners satisfaction 80% To be evaluated in June 2019 80% This result will be collected by means of an annual survey sent out to all partners having supported a contribution-related activity during the year.

Telling your program stories - all programs


Program A: Raising awareness and training to Wikimedia projects

Program A : Raising awareness and training to Wikimedia projects
Metrics 2019/20 Target Progress (at end of Q2) New objectives 2019/2020 after reassessment Explanation
Participants 5,000 1,244 5,050 The participants mainly come from contribution activities in cultural institutions, Wikidata workshops and conferences that Wikimedia France organized in November 2019.
Newly registered editors 920 132 970 Newly registered came from the GLAM program. The WikiMOOC not having yet taken place we expect a lot of accounts created in the second semester.
Pages added/improved 24,000 2,103 25,500 Many content payments come from the GLAM project. With the launch of the Paris-Museums project, but also with the high school Wikiconcours and the WikiMOOC we expect a lot of content in the second semester.
Volunteer hours 1,150 413 1,150 We have included participation in working meetings, activities carried out within GLAM partner organisations and the time required for a photo competition jury.
Partners satisfaction 80% To be evaluated in June 2019 80% This result will be collected by means of an annual survey sent out to all partners having supported a contribution-related activity during the year.

Overview of the past six months

During this period, we deepened our training catalogue, our reporting and monitoring models for people trained within cultural institutions. The past few months have been the subject of intense negotiations with Paris-Musées. It is a public establishment managing 14 museums depending on the city of Paris, such as the Carnavalet Museum of Paris History and the Museum of Modern Art. from January 2020, all reproductions of the collections, nearly 100,000 pictures, are available in very high definition, freely and under CC-O license. We are only at the beginning of a close cooperation with Paris-Musées which could open other doors for us in the near future. Wikimedia France is committed to training the teams of the various museums, supporting them in their process of welcoming a Wikimedian in residence and to upload to Commons and Wikidata, the images and metadata associated with all the collections of Paris Museums. A new edition of the GLAM and Wikimedia conference will also take place in April 2020 and will be the perfect moment to draw up the first assessment of our collaboration.

On the Education program, we have started the development of a website dedicated to teachers wishing to work with Wikimedia projects. We have also started to change the platform for the WikiMOOC. This new platform will allow us to better support learners but also to provide technical support to other affiliates and wikimedians who would like to develop distance learning modules. A new edition of the high school Wikiconcours has started and we will be even more vigilant this year to the quality of the contributions made. We are also going to start a census and analysis at the national level of teaching practices including Wikimedia projects. Wikimedia France has also started a merger with the Vikidia association, an encyclopedic project derived from Wikipedia but aimed at children. The project exists in several languages ​​but the main project is in French.

Activity report

What has been done?
  • Educatec Forum
  • Wikimedia project training for GLAM partners
    • Library of Strasbourg
    • National Library of France
    • Technical museums network
  • Signature of a partnership with Paris-Musées, a public establishment which manages 14 museums in the city of Paris
  • Development of a conference program for the general public
  • Public hearing and advocacy
  • Monthly Wikidata workshop in Paris
  • Change of WikiMOOC hosting and viewing platform
  • Development of a website for teachers as part of the Wikipedia classroom program
What will be done?
  • GLAM Conference in April 2020
  • WikiMOOC 4th édition
  • Wikiconcours in high school
  • Beginning of training for Paris-Museums staff and uploading of cultural works from the city of Paris on Wikimedia projects
  • Wiktionarian in residence
Quick conclusion

The first 6 months allowed us to take time dedicated to consultation with leading cultural players like Paris-Musées, to rethink our training program and test it with major cultural players like the National French Library but also to take our actions to the next level, in particular in the educational field. The creation of a dedicated website and the change of MOOC platform should allow us in the coming months to increase our impact on our target audiences and especially teachers.

Program B: Diversify participation in the Wikimedia movement

Program B : Diversify participation in the Wikimedia movement
Metrics 2019/20 Target Progress (at end of Q2) New objectives 2019/2020 after reassessment Explanation
Participants 800 607 1,050 The participants come mainly from those of the Francophone Wikiconvention, Lingua Libre, the photographic competition dedicated to the Overseas Territories and workshops fighting against the gender gap.
Newly registered editors 230 294 510 The accounts created come mainly from the competition dedicated to Overseas.
Pages added/improved 79,000 44,353 87,150 The content additions come from Lingua Libre, from the Overseas program but also from contribution workshops on the gender gap but to a lesser extent.
Volunteer hours 1,900 873 2,200 We have included participation in working meetings, activities carried out within GLAM partner organisations and the time required for a photo competition jury.
Partners satisfaction 80% To be evaluated in June 2019 80% This result will be collected by means of an annual survey sent out to all partners having supported a contribution-related activity during the year.
Overview of the past six months

Wikimedia France has chosen to devote more effort to knowledge equity, in particular by opening a job position dedicated to Diversity and the Francophonie in September. This new position intersects with several areas of work which are at the crossroads of several challenges:

  • Support for activities aimed at reducing the gender gap,
  • Support for linguistic diversity thanks in particular to the Lingua Libre project
  • Support for geographic diversity on French-speaking projects through support for Wikifranca and the development of training and contribution actions in Oversea territories.

This first part of the year was eventful. A second edition of the photographic competition, Photograph the Overseas have been able to take place despite the withdrawal of one of our partners. The winning photos benefited from an exhibition in the gardens of the Overseas Ministry in Paris. In parallel, a training program for the Wikimedia project has been developed with the University of Guyana. Collaborations with universities in the overseas territories seem promising. Wikimedia France will receive students from Mayotte, Madagascar and Seychelles during the second semester to initiate contribution workshops around the intangible cultural heritage of these countries.

In parallel, we are working closely with French-speaking affiliates in favour of the development of Wikifranca as a regional hub. We supported regional collaborations and the capacity building of local Wikimedian groups, in particular through training, as on the occasion of the French-speaking Wikiconvention held in Brussels in September 2019. In addition, Wikimedia France has obtained funding from a private foundation to support the development of the contribution in Africa and particularly in Benin, Togo and Gabon. These funds will enable Wikifranca to finance the organization and holding of training courses conducted by African affiliates in French-speaking countries. Regarding linguistic diversity, Lingua Libre has reached 200,000 records in December 2019. We have started a graphic overhaul, in particular for a better user experience. We are currently facing maintenance issues, and we are currently seeking funds to maintain and further develop the tool which clearly meets the reals needs of speakers of minority languages.

Regarding the gender gap on Wikimedia's project, Wikimedia France, associated with Wikimedia CH, has entered into a close partnership with the association of Sans PagEs in order to continue and increase the scope of the activities carried out by this association for 2 years to reduce gender gap on Wikimedia projects in French. The coming months promise to be dense and particularly interesting in this area, notably with the organization of Wiki4Women in partnership with UNESCO for the March 8.

Activity report

What has been done?
  • Wikiconvention francophone 2019 in Bruxelles
  • Photograph the Overseas 2
  • Women forum global meeting 2019
  • Agreement with les Sans PagEs
  • Lingua Libre graphic redesign
  • Training program in Guyana
  • Training program throw Wikifranca in Bénin, Togo and Ghana
  • Wikiclub RFI
What will be done?
  • French contribution month 2020
  • Wiki4Women
  • Wikimedia and Occitan Conference
  • Development and improvement of free Lingua (graphic integration, logo, technical update) and organization of workshops
  • Guyane project
  • develop closer collaboration with Nantes AFFs (gendergap activities)
  • Develop Wikifranca as a regional Francophonie hub

By choosing to open a staff position on this subject of diversity and the French-speaking world, Wikimedia France made a strong choice reflecting into the strategic direction: "We will focus our efforts on the knowledge and communities that have been left out by structures of power and privilege". We are fully committed to knowledge equity by targeting all of the content and participation biases from which Wikimedia projects suffer and by creating close collaborations with other French-speaking affiliates with a view to creating, in link with the strategic recommendations of the movement, a regional French-speaking hub.

Program C: Support, animate and strengthen the community

Program C : Support, animate and strengthen the community
Metrics 2019/20 Target Progress (at end of Q2) New objectives 2019/2020 after reassessment Explanation
Participants 700 360 700 the participants come mainly from the Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki loves Science competitions. local group activities are also included
Newly registered editors 200 169 250 the newly registered come mainly from the Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki loves Science competitions. local group activities are also included
Pages added/improved 11,500 9,700 13,700 Lot of content comes from photo contests but also from contribution activities funded by the micro-grant committee.
Volunteer hours 1,700 559 2,000 We have included participation in working meetings, activities carried out within GLAM partner organisations and the time required for a photo competition jury.
Partners satisfaction 80% To be evaluated in June 2019 80% This result will be collected by means of an annual survey sent out to all partners having supported a contribution-related activity during the year.
Overview of the past six months

The community program has also been redesigned to make it a truly central axis of the association. In this, we recognize ourselves perfectly in this sentence of the Narrative of Change of the last set of recommendations: “We must recognize that our Movement is people-centred and make changes that address and challenges the needs and challenges of present participants, while simultaneously recognizing the needs of future communities.”

For this, the community program has several aspects:

  • Support the organization of federative activity for the current community and in particular the photographic competitions like Wiki Loves Monuments.
  • Develop tools, offer materials and financially support activities undertaken by the community
  • Set up a training, support and integration program for volunteers within the association. This training program including aspects such as preventing volunteer burnout, developing professional Wikimedian skills, conflict management and the fight against harassment. We are also in the process of setting up a tutoring program to support newcomers in their discovery of the Wikimedian universe.

Activity report

What has been done?
  • Wiki Loves Monument 2019
  • Wiki Loves Science 2019
  • Tech volunteer meeting
  • Volunteer supporters network 2019
  • Chairpersons meeting in Paris
  • Design of a volunteer training program
  • Support for local activities
What will be done?
  • Launch of the volunteer training program
  • Wiki Loves Earth
  • Development of a tutoring program for new members of the association
  • Train volunteers and employees in the fight against harassment and in conflict management
  • strengthen the micro-grant committee

The volunteer program is starting to take off. The training sessions started in January. The tutoring program will be launched next spring. An inventory of the equipment on loan and on loan is underway, the micro-grant committee has been reinforced in particular by the inclusion of two volunteers from the French-speaking world. Local groups are pursuing their activities on the field and we supported them actively. We are also working to strengthen these groups by accompanying them and encouraging Wikimedian meetings that produce content but also the exchange of knowledge and practices beneficial to the movement.

Revenues received during this six-month period

Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan
Various recipes Euro 0 N/A
Project Grants Euro N/A
WMF Grant Euro 450 000€ 112 500€ 112 500€ 494,854.39 123,715.08 N/A
Financial Mécenat Euro 50 000€ 15 000€ 15 000€ 54,983.82 16,495.34 N/A
Memberships Euro 10 000€ 10,996.76 N/A
Donations Euro 470 000€ 55 039 € 55 039 € 516,864.11 60,525.82 N/A
Other products Euro 1 500€ 800€ 800€ 1,649.57 879.75 N/A
Resumption of outstanding commitments Euro 35 100€ 13 474€ 13 474€ 38,599.85 14,817.20 N/A
Load transfers Euro 23 000€ 4 411€ 4 411€ 25,293.35 4,850.72 N/A

Spending during this six-month period


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
AXE 1 - Raising awareness and training to Wikimedia projects Euro 174 900€ 42 097,87€ 42 097,87€ 192,314.72 46,336.76 24,07% N/A
AXE 2 - Diversify participation in the Wikimedia movement Euro 234 200€ 67 071,68€ 67 071,68€ 257,519.20 73,825.22 28,64% N/A
AXE 3 - Support, animate and strengthen the community Euro 240 000€ 55 165,03€ 55 165,03€ 263,896.70 60,709.97 22,99% N/A
AXE 4 - Fundraising Euro 66 000€ 7 723,68€ 7 723,68€ 72,571.59 8,500.03 11,70% N/A
AXE 5 - Overhead Euro 324 500€ 58 083,74€ 58 083,74€ 356,839.44 63,924.46 17,90% N/A
TOTAL Euro 1 039 600€ 230 142 € 230 142 € 1,143,205.80 253,163 22,14% N/A




Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?


As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".

  • Yes

Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".

  • Yes


Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.



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