cultural heritage management, copyright and intellectual property, documentation, grant development and reporting, project management, research and research ethics, HCI, user experience, information architecture
Experience with...
• community organizing
• research
• project management
Joined on... 23:54, Thursday, March 5, 2015 (UTC)
More about me
[edit]Hi, I am a librarian who works for a non-profit, uses open-source technologies, and occasionally contributes to localization projects. I am also a past (Round 8) Wikimedia FOSS Outreach Program for Women intern with Wikidata; I continue to contribute to the project, mainly by improving and creating documentation, but have been less active since getting involved with the Individual Engagement Grants committee and serving as one of the advisors for the funded project Art+Feminism Editathon training materials and network building. I'm really excited to be part of the Inspire campaign!
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