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Grants:PEG/WM NL/Annual Program Plan 2012/Report/Q3

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Interim report accepted
This interim report for a Project and Event Grant has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.

Wikimedia Nederland Quarterly Statement of Activities for the third quarter of 2012


This is the report of activities of Wikimedia Nederland for the third quarter of 2012, as required by the chapter grant agreement for 2012. Actual goals for this year have been defined in the (on meta) Grants:WM NL/Annual Program Plan 2012 mostly in terms of goals at the end of the year, and so it is not really possible to measure the current state against those targets. However, most of the budgeted activities came with a definite timeframe, and so we can measure progress against that timeline, as is done in the table below. We are glad to report Sandra Rientjes has started working on May 1, 2012 as director.

Significantly for the Third Quarter
  • Wikimedia Nederland completed the report for the professonalisation grant;
  • Submitted on time Report Q2
  • Finalized our two year long strategy discussion, resulting in a Strategic Plan 2013-2015 which was approved by the general assembly on September 24th, 2012
  • Developed an Annual Plan 2013 which was approved by the general assembly on September 24th, 2012
  • Submitted on time an FDC proposal form for 2013
  • Recruitment of two additional staff who started working on October 1st, 2012



The current composition of the Board is (board roles per board resolution of April 14, 2012) :

  • Ziko van Dijk, president
  • Paul Becherer, secretary
  • Ad Huikeshoven, treasurer
  • Cyriel Brusse
  • Sandra Fauconnier
  • Frans Grijzenhout
  • Sarah Morassi

Measurement against timeline and targets


Most targets as put forth in the Annual Plan cannot yet be evaluated as they are end-of-year targets. Nevertheless, we have attempted to measure activities against the timelines provided in that same document. This is included in the table with financial information. An explanation of the colours and statuses:

OK Continuous item. Spending is within reasonable limits
On schedule Timed item. Activity is on schedule to be finished (delivered) on time
Not yet started Timed item. Timeframe for that activity has not yet arrived.
Needs attention Continuous item. Currently underspending or too little activity
Overdue, in progress Timed item. Delayed, but being worked on, with reasonable expectation of delivery
At risk of delay Timed item. Possibly delayed because an item that it requires is delayed and is not yet worked on.
Overdue, not started yet Delayed, and not being worked on. Risk of non-delivery.
Overdue, postponed/cancelled Delayed, and postponed until next year or cancelled.

Individual description of yellow and red items follows below the table. Some of the items contain references to events past the reporting period. Throughout this report WMNL is shorthand for Wikimedia Nederland.

Summary of activities statement Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland Jan 1, 2012 - August 31, 2012


Preliminary figures, not audited. All amounts in euro (€). Thousand separator used is ".", the decimal separator used is ",", so "1.200,30" signifies one thousand two hundred euro and thirty cent.

1 General public


The "General public" is defined as the group of people WMNL can reach within the geographic constraints of the Netherlands.


  • be known as a reliable organization
  • be recognized as a supporting force of Wikimedia projects
  • increase public awareness of Wikimedia and free licenses

Measurable output

  • By the end of 2012, 10% of respondents in a representative survey identify WMNL as an organization behind Wikipedia
  • WMNL is mentioned 25% more times in 2012 than in 2011 in association with Wikipedia in relevant media coverage
  • In 2012, the organization's reporting standards are met
  • By the end of 2012, 80% of respondents who know what WMNL is, consider it a reliable organization in a representative survey


Expenses Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
General public
Press releases and contacts - - cont OK
Improve communication methods - - jan - jun On schedule
Reiterate strategic goals, vision, plans, objectives on website - - jan - mar On schedule
Develop and publish reporting standards - - jan - mar Overdue, in progress
Annual report 1.442,88 3.000,00 jan - mar OK
Total general public   1.442,88   3.000,00      


Press releases and contacts
  • WMNL is competing in a advertisement challenge of a prestigious Dutch newspaper (NRC Charity Awards) for non-profit organizations. Dutch student Tijs van der Brom has desgined, especially for this occasion, an advert for Wikimedia NL in which becomes visible that we are a volunteer driven organization.
  • Article on Wiki Loves Monuments in "Monumenten"
  • Director and board members produced a new Wikipedia flyer for the general public.
  • Article about the successful collaboration between Teylers Museum and WMNL in Teylers Magazijn, the quarterly of the museum.
  • Email newsletter sent out early september to all members and other relations of WMNL.
Develop and publish reporting standards
On schedule, and closely related to the work on obtaining the CBF certification. Research on CBF certification has been carried out.
Annual report 2011
  • In september WMNL published its Annual Report 2011. Financial statements were presented to the membership at the AGM and have been approved.
  • The Annual Report 2011 meets nearly all reporting standards. The gap will be closed with the Annual Report 2012 which will be published before April 1st, 2013.

2 Donors


The stakeholder group "Donors" is defined as all people or organizations who have donated to Wiki(p/m)edia who live or are established in the Netherlands, or who have specifically made donations to WMNL.


  • reliability of the organization
  • transparency of reporting
  • donor retention

Measurable output

  • The organization's reporting standards are met
  • The annual plan execution is measurable and is executed within 90% of expected targets
  • By end of 2012, fulfill the prerequisites of CBF certification relevant to WMNL's success as an organization. The Centraal Bureau Fondswerving (CBF) is the Dutch independent monitoring agency for fundraising organisations and charities in the Netherlands.
  • In 2012, there will have been 1000 repeat donations
  • By end of 2012, 10% of donors in a representative survey state that they will donate again in the following year.
  • By end of 2012, 50% of respondents in a representative survey state that WMNL is a charity worth giving to.


Expenses Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Research CBF prerequisites - 1.200,00 jan - mar OK
Set up recurring donations process - 1.500,00 jan - mar Overdue, not started yet
Draft test and send appeal - 2.000,00 mar - jun At risk of delay
Communicate achievements and plans to donors - - mar - jun Needs attention
Research charity websites and submit information - - mar - jun On schedule
Total donors   -   4.700,00      


Research CBF prerequisites
  • The Centraal Bureau Fondswerving (CBF) is a Dutch independent monitoring agency for fundraising organisations and charities in the Netherlands. Its certifications are well-regarded, and involve a thorough audit of the organizational aspects of charities. Although this has been delayed, it is currently being worked on. The hiring of a director seems to be a major step towards being able to obtain this certification. One of the prerequisites for the CBF certificate is an auditor's report for charities with an income exceeding EUR 150,000, and having an employee enables the separation of duties that is required for such a statement.
Recurring donations
  • No process has yet been set up. This also puts the next item in line at risk, which is testing this process on our existing donor data base. Wikimedia Nederland hired additional staff starting October 1st who will amongst other things set up a donor database and work towards sending out an appeal letter to donors.
Communication to donors
  • We have not yet communicated plans and achievements clearly to donors, at least not in 2012. With a schedule of 4 mailings to donors and other interested people.

3 Community and members


The stakeholder group "Community" is hard to define, because we have never measured it before. For the purposes of our 2012 plan, we define it to be contributors of the Dutch Wikipedia, as well as in a broader context, all contributors to Wikimedia sister projects in the Netherlands. The stakeholder group "members" refers to members of WMNL (who are also considered members of the "community").

WMNL considered to create an advisory board but came to the conclusion that the time is too early; there should be a larger social base before starting this. The association does have the position of advisor, with a number of advisors mentioned on the WMNL website.


  • activation and support of volunteers
  • increase in membership
  • activate existing members

Measurable output

  • Increase participation in WMNL activities by 20%.
  • By end of 2012, 70% of Wikimedia contributors in the Netherlands responding in a representative survey have a favorable view of WMNL.
  • Increase membership from the Wikimedia community by 20%.
  • Increase number of WMNL volunteers by 20%.
  • Execute at least two larger-scale events directed at Wikimedians and the general public.


Expenses Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Community and members
Wikimedia Conference Netherlands or similar - 10.000,00 may - nov Delayed, in progress
Small-scale community events [C] 1.022,98 2.000,00 cont On schedule
Improve membership application process - 400,00 mar - jun Not yet started
Approach existing donors for increased participation - - mar - jun Needs attention
Research membership types - - mar - jun Needs attention
Wiki Loves Monuments NL 2012 6.260,86 10.000,00 mar - sep OK
Placing articles/how-tos in relevant "traditional media" - - cont Needs attention
Small activities budget 0,00 1.500,00 cont Needs attention
Consider/develop additional "specialist" volunteer position and/or advisory board - - jan - mar Overdue, not started yet
Budget for unspecified programs [S] 5.311,85 20.000,00 cont On schedule
Total community and members   12.595,69   43.900,00      


Wikimedia Conference Netherlands 2012
  • The team of the Wikimedia Conferentie Nederland had another meeting and decided on the tasks that needed to be done. A call for speakers went out through the site notice on Wikipedia in the first half of the month and through the Central Notice the second half of the month.
  • Preparations got well under way for the annual Wikimedia Conferentie Nederland, which will take place November 9th. The event is organised by a team consisting of volunteers, board members and staff.
Small scale community events
  • The Newyear reception was held at Teylers.
  • WMNL participated in the Dutch Software Freedom Day, Centre for Mathematics and Information Technology at the University of Amsterdam. WMNL contributions were a stand in the conference hall and a presentation and demonstration of CoSyne by our member Amit Bronner.
Wiki Loves Monuments NL 2012
  • Meeting in preparation of Wiki Takes Gouda, a one-day event focusing on Wiki Loves Monuments in the historical city of Gouda. Here, Wiki Loves Monuments will do its very first pilot project which includes municipal (in addition to national) monuments.
  • For the third year running, September was Wiki Loves Monuments month. In the Netherlands, special 'Wiki Takes' events were held in the historic towns Gouda (Sept. 8) and Utrecht (Sept. 23). With Gouda, we pioneered a separate photography contest for municipal monuments and we used the Creative Commons Caravan for the first time. WMNL volunteers also played a leading role in Wiki Loves Monuments International, resulting in a record number of images uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.
Placing articles in / how-tos in relevant traditional media
  • Brochure about the Nedersaksisch Wikipedia (nds-nl) was produced by community members through funding of WMNL.
Small activities budget
  • Ever since this 'fund' was established in 2009, WMNL has been underspending on this, despite the fact that it is meant to support our core asset: volunteers with good ideas. The number of applications is generally very low. In June a plan for a new activitiy has been announced.
Consider/create 'specialist' volunteer positions and/or advisory board
  • This has not yet been concretely discussed by the board. Currently, we have a number of these 'specialist' positions, but no general policy has been set.
Budget for unspecified programs
  • Support of Wikimedia Chapters Conference of 5.000 euro has been allocated to unspecified programs.
  • A visit to GLAMcamp London has been allocated to unspecified programs.

This was meant as a way of not having to say no to volunteers with new but sound ideas for new programs that are too large for the small activities grants. Keeping in mind that projects like Wiki Loves Art NL and Wiki Loves Monuments pretty much came out of the blue, we consider it important to keep the momentum on such projects. The risk we identify is that this line item is used for important but unbudgeted expenses that are not fully volunteer-driven projects.

4 International


The stakeholder group "International" refers to other Wikimedia chapters and the WMF.


  • participate in activities
  • take the lead in innovative projects

Measurable output

  • Participate in all relevant international Wikimedia activities.
  • Fulfill all obligations of WMNL within the Cosyne project (a European project in the 7th Framework Programme).
  • Take the lead in one international public and community project.


  • Representatives of Wikimedia Nederland attended the Chapters Conference, Berlin Hackaton, Wikimania DC, GLAMwiki London
  • The current board has boosted activities for CoSyne
  • Wikimedia Nederland has been in the lead for both Wiki Loves Monuments International and Wikimedia Chapters Association

Expenses Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Reps to Chap. Conf. / Fundraising Summit - 1.500,00 feb-apr On schedule
Reps to Wikimania 3.874,24 3.000,00 jul On schedule
Travel budget for volunteers 11,80 5.000,00 cont OK
Wiki Loves Monuments International 1.748,02 15.000,00 mar - sep On schedule
Support translation rallies 2.000,00 2.000,00 cont On schedule
Software testing for CoSyne project 2.156,85 10.023,00 cont On schedule
Total international   9.790,91   36.523,00      


Representatives to wikimania and other conferences
  • Wikimania in Washington with several Dutch participants: four Dutch Wikimedians were supported by the association, and several others by other institutions, to come to Washington. Our new director attended Wikimania for the first time. The Dutch Wikimedians contributed to the program and made contact with the international movement. WMNL president Ziko van Dijk, also the appointed WCA Council Member, was elected Deputy Chair of the Council (as described in a personal diary).
  • WMNL's newly appointed executive director visited WMDE and WMUK.
  • Board member for cultural projects Sandra Fauconnier attended GLAMcamp London.
Wiki Loves Monuments international
  • Wiki loves Monuments International and The Netherlands took a flight in this final month (August) of preparations. Website, press-communications, lists, mobile apps... Everything and everyone got ready to head of in the month of September. See also the list of press mentions on Commons.
Translation rallies
  • Wikimedia Nederland supported translation rallies on translatewiki.net with prize money. The prize is awarded to all users contributing 500 or more new translations to Wikimedia mobile applications, Offline applications, Pywikipediabot, Toolserver tools, MediaWiki core and MediaWiki extensions. The amount spent covers two rallies, one that ended on January 3rd, 2012 and one that ended in August 2012.
Software testing for CoSyne project
  • The CoSyne project is funded by a grant received from an EU consortium. Spending with respect to this project will be reimbursed form the grant received from the CoSyne consortium. The costs for this project as specified here will not be covered by the WMF grant.
  • A list of 30 Wikipedia articles covering various subjects compiled and issued to project manager. These articles will serve as a text corpus for the test environment.
  • The online demo environment is now completed. The demo contains abstracts (mostly the introductory part from an article) from 30 different Wikipedia articles, most of them available in Dutch, English, German and Italian.
  • Two sessions were organized for users. The demo, the objectives, the machinery behind it, were explained and editors can actually work with de demo themselves.
  • Contacts with Wikimedia Deutschland were established and we intend to join forces for the official test sessions and the final showcase.

5 Institutional contacts and cooperation


The stakeholder group "Institutional contacts" refers to large institutions that WMNL works with, and/or who support our larger projects.


  • connect Wikimedia community with institutions and their communities
  • giving feedback to institutions

Measurable output

  • By end of 2012, the Top 20 cultural heritage institutions will have been contacted by WMNL, at least three of them will have engaged in activities with us.
  • All contact requests by cultural heritage institutions are appropriately responded to.
  • By end of 2012, Wikimedia Commons contains photographs of at least two thirds of all listed monuments in the Netherlands.


Expenses Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Institutional contacts and cooperation
Create volunteer guide for partnerships - 1.000,00 jan - mar Overdue, not started yet
Recruit and train volunteers - - apr - jun At risk of delay
Respond to contact requests - - cont OK
Develop GLAM-tools 40.000,00 40.000,00 cont On schedule
Institutional contacts and cooperation   40.000,00   41.000,00      


Institutional contacts and cooperations
  • Board member Sandra Fauconnier had a first exploratory meeting with Peter Gorgels, head of digital projects at Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and a follow-up meeting with Tropenmuseum in preparation of the project plan outlining the Wikipedian in Residence, scheduled for 2013.
  • Sandra Fauconnier and WMNL director Sandra Rientjes had a meeting with representatives from the Dutch Royal Library and National Archive, who are interested in working closely together with Wikimedia Netherlands. This meeting will be followed up by a community brainstorm at the WMNL office on Oct. 27, and a 'behind the screens' visit and meeting at the Dutch Royal Library on Nov. 24.
  • Sandra Fauconnier had a first meeting with representatives from the project Europeana Fashion, which will organize approx. 5 edit-a-thons about fashion heritage in partnerships with European Wikimedia chapters and fashion museums. A Dutch Wikimedia edit-a-thon is being planned for May 2013 at Centraal Museum Utrecht, which hosts a prominent fashion collection.
Recruit and train volunteers
  • Meeting of working group of WMNL cultural projects, about current and upcoming activities.
Create volunteer guide for partnerships and train volunteers
The current 'specialist' volunteers for cultural partnerships do not have sufficient time to properly deal with all requests for contacts and partnerships for cultural institutions. To alleviate that, the plan was to draft up a document that could serve as a guide for volunteers (Wikimedians and non-Wikimedians) interested in managing such contacts between WMNL and cultural partners. This guide can then be used to train new volunteers. The creation of this guide has not yet started, and that also puts the training of new volunteers at risk.
Response to contact requests
  • Sandra Fauconnier (board member cultural projects, WMNL) and Sandra Rientjes (director, WMNL) had a first meeting with board members and volunteers of the Foundation for Hebrew and Yiddish Words in the Dutch Language, SHJ - http://sofeer.nl/english.htm - who are very interested in integrating their further lexicographic activities (integration of new vocabulary) into the Dutch Wiktionary. After a check with Dutch Wiktionary volunteers, this contact will be followed up.
Develop GLAM-tools
  • This refers to a larger project in collaboration with a cultural heritage partner and several other chapters (total budget EUR 400,000 over two years). In the second quarter formal agreements have been negotiated and are signed. The project has started in the third quarter. Wikimedia Nederland committed EUR 40,000 to this project.
  • A project was initiated to facilitate the uploading of image collections that have been donated to WMNL. The search is on for a technically skilled person who can play a role in this project, which will also be a testcase for the Europeana mass upload tool.

6 Internal


The target area "Internal" refers to our WMNL board and the WMNL organization.


  • hiring staff
  • capacity building
  • process improvement

Measurable targets

  • Hire and retain a director
  • By end of March, a board manual will have been produced to improve transition between boards.
  • By the end of 2012, the WMNL board fulfills all its responsibilities effectively.


Expenses Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Create board manual - - jan - mar Overdue, in progress
Recruitment of board members - - cont OK
Training of board members / volunteers - 3.000,00 cont Needs attention
Hire and retain director - 10.000,00 jan - mar OK
Total internal   -   13.000,00      


  • A director has been hired. She started on May 1st.
  • The search for two new employees for the positions of Communication and Community Support was concluded in September. The director and two board members interviewed several applicants for the new jobs on public relations and member-support. Two wikimedia members interviewed the applicants as well, and finally two candidates were selected.
  • Conditions of employment were discussed with the candidates. They are appointed as per October 1, 2012.
Training of board members and volunteers
No definite activities were undertaken on this subject in the reporting period. Concrete plans will have to be drafted up. Nevertherless, this has the attention of a specific board member, and the board change weekend (April 14/15) deliberately did involve a thorough introduction into the international aspects of the Wikimedia movement - one of the subjects that previous non-Wikimedian board members indentified as a gap in their knowledge. The new board members much appreciated this overview and it surely contributed to their knowledge.
Board manual
The association has a board manual on an internal wiki that is collecting documents with regard to the work processes of the board. This board manual has been given few attention in the recent past. Collecting and updating the documents is work in progress. (It was provisionally finalized in October.) The board change and transfer of duties are much more deliberate this year than they were on some previous occasions.
  • Director, Treasurer and Secretary cooperated to complete WMNL's FDC application.
  • A General Assembly (members meeting) was held on September 23th, during which the Members discussed and approved the WMNL Strategy 2013-2015 + the Annual Plan and Budget 2013.
  • An important document (Taken & bevoegdheden) regarding responsibilities and tasks of either the board or the director and her staff was discussed during the board meeting of August 26th. A final version of the document will be subject to decision making during the board meeting on September 13th. It is to become part of the board manual.
  • The board met on the weekend of August 25th/26th in Soesterberg, close to Utrecht. The main subject of discussion was the Annual Plan and Budget 2012.

7 Surveys and studies


The target area "Surveys and studies" is a catch phrase for our need to collect data in order to be able to measure our performance (this is new in 2012).


  • data acquisition for measurement of current position and 2012 objectives

Measurable output

  • Data for the measurable output of other targets.


Expenses Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Surveys and studies - 10.000,00 cont Overdue in progress
Surveys and studies
  • Results of 3 smaller surveys under Dutch student population became available. The surveys cover subjects such as willingness to contribute to Wikimedia and willingness to support and edit Wikipedia.
  • Motivaction, a well respected survey agency with a good reputation for surveys conducted for non-profit companies, was given the assignment to conduct a large scale survey under members of WMNL and under Dutch Wikipedia collaborators. Aim is to learn more about their motivation and interests and to gather feedback for our support program and thus strengthen the wikimedia community.

9 Overhead

Expenses Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Overhead
Office space 9.770,85 12.000,00 cont OK
Accounting/controlling/advice 5.326,71 10.000,00 cont OK
Misc. travel and meeting costs 10.634,20 7.000,00 cont OK
Banking fees (incl. interest) 121,45 1.000,00 cont OK
Insurances 411,38 5.000,00 cont OK
Salary administration 690,81 1.500,00 cont OK
Technical facilities 7.205,55 3.000,00 cont OK
Total overhead   34.160,95   39.500,00      
Office space
  • Wikimedia Nederland has hired office space in Utrecht.
  • An external auditing/accounting firm helps Wikimedia with financial accounting, providing accounting software services and consulting services related to financial accounting and governance.
Misc. travel and meeting costs
  • Travel and meeting costs covers 1) travel costs including but not limited to travel costs of board members to board meetings and all travel costs by employees and covers 2) meeting costs including but not limited to hire costs of meeting rooms for strategy weekend by the board, the board transition weekend, meetings of the general assembly.
  • Covers costs of one insurance policy against general liability
Salary administration
  • Our accounting firm also provides salary administration services
Technical facilities
  • These costs include server costs, domain name costs and laptops for employees

10 Staff


Plan:"We assume that we'll have to spend around EUR 120.000 in total for a full-time director and 1 FTE total for supporting functions (communications person, program assistant, office support) "

Expenses Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Staff 27.803,29 120.000,00 cont Hiring delayed
  • A director was hired starting May 1st, later than expected.
  • Two additional staff have been recruited, who started working October 1st.

Total expenses planned activities

Expenses Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Total expenses planned activities   125.793,40   301.623,00      

Activities added by GA


The Genereal Meeting added two items to the Annual Plan after the plan was submitted. These additions have been accepted by the WMF.

Expenses Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Activities added by GA
Legal advice - 5.000,00 cont Needs attention
Promotion 2.268,29 10.000,00 cont Needs attention
Total activities added by GA   2.268,29   15.000,00      
Legal advice
  • The generacl assembly felt the necessity to allocate funds for legal advice in case Wikimedia Nederland enters into a major contract like a chapter grant contract. No legal advice has been obtained so far.
Promotion (activity added by GA)
At the request of the annual general meeting of October 22th, 2011, an extra line item of EUR 10,000 was added to the budget, to be used for mass-communication on Wikipedia and the Wikimedia movement. If significant progress is to be made this year, work on this should start in the coming months. Other publication costs have been allocated to this item as well.
  • Included in the spending for promotion are all printing costs for leaflets. Dutch regulation for fundraising non-profits consider all publishing cost as related to fundraising. Therefore all these printing costs have been included in the line promotion.

11 Financials


Total Expenses

Expenses Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Total expenses   128.061,66   326.623,00      



Plan:"Given our current spending pattern, we estimate that our current assets at the end of 2011 will be around EUR 235.000. This includes the remainder of the 2010-2012 Professionalization Grant from WMF to WMNL. Given the totals in the present budget proposal (ca. 312.000), we would aim to bring down our reserves at the end of 2012 to ca. 156.000 (6 months of expenses under the currently proposed budget). That means that some EUR 80.000 of the proposed budget will be taken out of our reserves and designated funds in 2012 (but numbers depend on what is done before the end of 2011 with the remainder of the Professionalization Grant). The rest would then be covered by a WMF Chapters Grant and our own income (membership fees and donations outside of the yearly Fundraising campaign)."

Income Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Membership fees 3,250,00 3.500,00 OK
Donations 2.455,38 10.000,00 Lower than projected
Donations for WMF [D] 100,00 -
Chapters grant [G] - 233.123,00 Delayed
Interest 32,89 -
Total income   € 5.838,27   € 246.623,00      
Chapters grant 2012
The amount requestes has not been received befote October 1st, 2012.

Wikimedia Nederland receives some monthly and yearly recurring donations by faithful donors. Wikimedia Nederland also receives spontaneaous donations from people who have visited the donations landing page on the Wikimedia Nederland website hosted on servers hired by Wikimedia Nederland. The 10 thousand euro estimate in the Annual Program Plan might have been to optimistic. Wikimedia Nederland is planning in Q4 to send a letter to donors with an appeal to donate. We have hired extra staff that started working October 1st who will work on setting up a database of donors and other relations amongst many other duties.


Result Year-to-date Budget 2012 Timeline Status
Result   € -/- 122.223,39   € -/- 80.000,00      


[D] Donations that have been marked as 'For the WMF' by the donor. These will have to be accounted for in the final settlement of the 2012 Chapter Grant
[S] Support of Chapters Conference of 5.000 euro has been allocated to unspecified programs, and a visit to GLAMcamp London
[C] WikiSaturdays and New Year's get together with backstage tour at Teylers Museum
[G] Amount includes original plan and the amount for two lines added by General Assembly. Inclusion has subsequently been approved in writing by WMF. No amount has been received before October 1st.