Grants:Project/Rapid/Kambai Akau/A Hatch-Tyap-Wikipedia In-Person Training Event 2 (Kaduna Special Edition)/Report
- Report accepted
- To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:Project/Rapid/Kambai Akau/A Hatch-Tyap-Wikipedia In-Person Training Event 2 (Kaduna Special Edition).
- You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
- You are welcome to Email rapidgrants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.
[edit]Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?
- Surely! More than expected on the one hand, but not as ecpected on the other hand. On the one hand, the number of articles expected to be created and the number of post-event activities on the site was more than expected we hoped to have maximum of 50 articles created, but we had over 100. On the other hand, the number of people expected fell below the mark, especially the IT class. However, these two new sets of new participants showed more zeal and responsiveness in terms of learning how to edit than the previous two sets in the maiden event. Some edited ahead of others by following the steps indicated in the handout given to them in both soft and hardcopy forms. The browsing network was good, especially at the event venue. Overall, it was a success! We met all our goals.
[edit]Please report on your original project targets.
Project metrics
Project metrics | Target outcome | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
2 events | 2 events | Happened as planned. | |
37 (+3) participants | 22 (+3) participants | There were a total of 22 new participants and three event organizers, making a total of 25 participants. | |
34 new editors | 22 new editors | An online editor who participated in the first event sessions was present during the second. | |
40-50 articles created or improved | 120+ new articles created or unaccounted number improved | The emphasis was to create new articles and get participants do so on their own. You can view the articles created on our Project page. | |
3 repeat participants | 4 repeat participants | Although participants present in the first event sessions were advised not to come to the next event (except the three existing editors) to respect the COVID-19 safety protocols, a previous participant was, however, present. |
[edit]What worked well? What didn't work so well? What would you do differently next time?
- The internet worked well; the organizers stayed around the neighbourhood of the event venue, so, were able to be present on time, although came a bit late in the last session (January 30, 2022) due to a minor reason. The printed handout availed in both soft and hard copies was of much help to new and old editors, our use of Telegram as a means of communication among existing and new editors and mentors was as well awesome. Our Technical Adviser, Amir Aharoni, was there to negotiate for the unblocking of new members blocked from editing while registering to join Wikimedia. A friend of the Tyap Wikipedia project, Caro de Segeda was also there to assist in his own way.
- The printed handout was made clearer in hard print than that of the maiden edition with elaborate explanations as to how to edit on wiki and was used by some to self-guide themselves on how to do edit themselves with just a little external assistance. Those present also encouraged by the reimbursement token for the transportation costs incurred together with the feeding during the events.
- The event made some of the participants encouraged in developing their interests in translating into Tyap and wanting to engage more in promoting the language and help it get hatched away from the Incubator.
- We have our Telegram channel (Wikipidya Tyap) and Discussion page made available for questions and answers by all participants, further mentoring of new editors and for the sharing of ideas by all.
- One challenge encountered during the event was the blockage of many participants' IP adresses when trying to Join Wikipedia, but as earlier stated, Amir Aharoni was there to negotiate on our behalves to get the blockages cleared.
- The value of goods and services in the market was also on the constant rise. Items previously not thought to cost up to particular amounts turned out to cost a bit more than was captured in our budget, which the Miscellaneous funds and other parts of the budget where unused funds were available (e.g. Transport reimbursement for attendees), were able to take care of. We shall apply the changes to our next budget where necessary.
[edit]Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on. Please email receipts to rapidgrants AT wikimedia DOT org
1) Food and drink = ₦64,000 + ₦64,000 = ₦128,000
2) Transportation
- Local transport for organizers: ₦10,000 X 3 persons X 2 events = ₦60,000
- Reimbursement of attendees: ₦5,000 X 15 people + ₦5,000 X 14 persons = ₦145,000
3) Facility, equipment and materials (two-day length)
- Venue rental: Venue was given for free but about ₦5,000 was spent here.
- Rental equipment
- Camera hiring: ₦25,000 X 2 events = ₦50,000
- Wifi hotspot/router hiring = No router was used. Mobile phones hotspot was used instead due to the sitting arrangement.
- Electricity (Generator hiring) = ₦3,000 X 2 events = ₦6,000
- Fueling: ₦10,000 X 2 events = ₦20,000
- Sound (Microphones, amplifier, etc): Sound cost was clamped down on, but about ₦10,000 was spent for both events
- Projector hiring: No projector was used in this event
- Chairs = 20 plastic chairs X ₦200 X 2 events = ₦8,000
- Tables = 5 plastic tables X ₦200 X 2 events = ₦2,000
4) Health & Safety
- Branded nose masks: ₦800 X 20 persons X 2 events = ₦32,000
- Hand sanitizers (pocket-sized): ₦500 X 20 persons X 2 events = ₦20,000
- Hand wash detergent = ₦500
- Digital pyrometer hiring = ₦1,000 (2 days) X 2 events = ₦2,000
5) Offline brochure (hard copy) publishing:
- Original copy = ₦50 X 100 pages = ₦5,000
- Photocopying = ₦20 X 100 pages X 20 copies X 2 events = ₦80,000
- Binding = ₦200 X 20 brochures X 2 events = ₦8,000
6) Gift items
- Data subscription = ₦20,000 X 2 events = ₦40,000
- Branded T-shirts for organizers = ₦3,500 X 3 persons = ₦10,500
- Branded caps for organizers = ₦2,500 X 3 persons = ₦7,500
- Branded gift pens = ₦5,000
- Banner= ₦5,000
7) Correspondence (airtime) before and after events: ₦6,000 X 3 persons X 2 events = ₦36,000
8) Post-event picture and video editing: ₦70,000 has been reallocated for the editing of the just concluded event from the remaining funds.
TOTAL SPENT: ₦755,500 ($1,813.32 - Oanda Exchange rate as of February 24, 2022)
Remaining funds
[edit]If there are remaining funds, please list the amount here. Remaining funds must be returned to WMF, reallocated to similar activities or applied to another approved grant. Let us know what you'd like to do.
- A total of NG₦63,200 (US$151.69 - Oanda Exchange Rate as of February 24, 2022) remaining funds are available. We, however, would like to keep it against our next event for which a rapid grant proposal was submitted, if approved.
Anything else
[edit]We would extend our sincere gratitude to Wikimedia Foundation for the rapid grant support offered us. The video images and photoshoots of the event would be made available at our YouTube channel (Tyap Wikimedia) and on Wikimedia Commons, respectively, as soon as they are uploaded.