Grants:Project/Yorg/Wiki Loves Africa 2017/Finances
This project is funded by a Project Grant
proposal | people | timeline & progress | finances | midpoint report | final report |
[edit]Below is your approved budget. Please use this table to keep track of actual funds spent for each line item and list the difference from the approved budget at the end of the grant period.
Expense | Approved amount | Actual funds spent | Difference |
Co-project manager - FR | 11,200.00 | 12,326 | budgeted amount was in euros. Euros/Dollars changed a lot between the moment the grant was approved and the moment the money was spent |
Co-project manager - ENG | 7,000.00 | 7010 | |
Administration | 1500 | 1052 | spent less due to less countries to follow up |
Design, identity and communication | 1,000.00 | 1,864 | include some expenses that could be also documented as gifts |
In country actions | 5,000.00 | 3,760.00 | no money spent on Zimbabwe, limited amount asked by Malawi |
Continental prizes x 4 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | |
Prize winners printed and posted | 200.00 | 93 | Photo exhibition at Wikimania. Prize winners postage: power pack and beanie (not yet sent) |
Thank you goodies and postage | 200.00 | 168 | Goodies have been produced just before Wikimania and are included in the communication row. Postage of beanies not yet done. |
Money transfers | 400.00 | 96.83 | Still missing costs for final money transfer between WiA and Yorg |
Contingency | 713.00 | 0 | |
Hosting cost | 1,461.00 | 2,170.00 | |
Total | 30,673.00 | 30,536 |
[edit]The budget is basically balanced.
- a bit more spent on management due to euro/dollars significant changes
- a bit less spent on country action due to Zimbabwe missing in action and other countries asking a bit less than budgeted
- communication is a bit higher than originally planned, but this is partly due to "goodies" and "postage" lines being included in communication rather than their own rows.
- All communication elements were paid by Wiki in Africa, which received bulk money from Yorg. Expenses by WiA were in rands. Payements by Yorg were in CHF. Initial grant in Dollars.
There are a couple of small expenses not yet fully accounted, such as
- financial costs of last money transfer between Wiki in Africa and Yorg (the final transfert of 850 dollars has not been implemented yet)
- Shipping of the goodies for the jury members (beanies) by WiA
- Shipping of the goodies/prizes to the winners (the winners already received their main price from Yorg) : beanies and power bank by WiA
All this should be less than 50 dollars
[edit]Request changes
[edit]We understand that sometimes plans change. Please use this button to request approval for changes to your grant’s budget while your project is in progress. Any variation of 20% or more to any line item in your budget must be approved by staff here before you make the change (for projects with budgets of $15,000 or more, the accepted variance is 10%).