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Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Espana/2017

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Application or grant stage: grant in progress
Applicant or grantee: Wikimedia Espana
Amount requested: EUR 72,470.29 (79,539.28)
Amount granted: 65,000 EUR (70,000 USD)
Funding period: January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017
Application created: 1 November, 2016
Recommended application date: November 1, 2016
Midpoint report due: 15 July 2017
Final report due: 30 January 2018





Link to these documents, for the upcoming funding period, only if you have them.

  1. Link to your organization's staffing plan, for the upcoming funding period. Wikimedia_España/Plan_Anual/2017#Staffing_plan
  2. Link to your annual plan, for the upcoming funding period. Wikimedia España/Plan Anual/2017
  3. Link to your strategic plan, which includes the upcoming funding period. Wikimedia España/Plan Estratégico/2016-18

Please add your grants metrics to this sheet. Note that requirements for shared metrics have changed for grants starting 1 January 2017 or later. Please visit this worksheet to view global metrics targets and progress.



Please describe any changes to your programs for the upcoming funding period, including the addition of new programs or any programs you are no longer doing. Include your rationale for any major changes to your programs here.

Please use the templates provided to add information about each program you are planning for the upcoming funding period.


Over the next year:
  • Increase the quality and quantity of content of Wikimedia projects, with 15,000 media files added (1,500 unique images used) and 1,500 articles improved or created.
  • Increase the number of editors, emphasizing on women, involving 100 new editors in content activities.
  • Involve cultural institutions in the diffussion of free culture and knowledge.
  • Achievement of free materials by involving cultural institutions in the development of quality content, with 3,000 files released by 2 partners.
  • Continue effective collaboration with six institutions we work with that involve 50 active editors.
  • Organizing six writing and photography contests to get quality content and attract new volunteers.
  • Collaboration with six cultural institutions to get quality content and disseminate the values of Wikimedia movement.
  • Organizing workshops and twelve edit-a-thons to attract new editors and improve content.
  • Events coverage, specially sports, concerts, social and culture, a total of 20 events, to get quality images of topics usually difficult to illustrate.
  • Organizing Wiki Takes events to get quality content.


Over the next year:
  • Consolidate the internal infraestructure of the chapter to increase the supporting of local groups.
  • Increase collaboration with local communities by partnering with 50 volunteers on eight different projects in ten different regions of Spain.
  • Increase membership from 125 to 160.
  • Increase diffusion and visibility of the chapter in society. This can be measured thanks to statistics: followers on social media (Twitter and Facebook), number of blog posts and visits to them, and number of mentions in the press.
  • Six members meetings in different regions of Spain.
  • Annual Assembly, organizing parallel activitities.
  • Increasing membership through campaigns and diffusion of our activities.
  • Supporting local communities in the organization of activities and proyects.
  • Improving the visibility of the chapter´s activity through the blog, website and social networks and offer merchandising in the activities.

Staff and contractors


Please describe any changes to your staffing plan for the upcoming funding period. These should include increases in staff or contractor hours, new staff positions, or staff positions you are removing. Include your rationale for any staffing changes here.

For each new staff or contractor position, please use the template provided to add information about each new staff or contractor you are planning for the upcoming funding period (or to describe significant increases in hours or changes in job descriptions for existing staff). You are not required to provide this information for existing staff where no changes are required.

Communications Manager

  1. Please link to a detailed job description, which shows how this staff person will help your organization achieve its goals.
    Two different needs:
    - Activity consolidation growth. Institutions of different sorts demand in a regular basis our presence and we are interested in attending wherever is needed. Activities and projects, free content, educational collaboration, involving editors are some of the benefits of their work. Also, volunteers require resources to carry out activities, therefore a coordination is required. This is covered by our Programme Coordinator.
    - Improve communications and dissemination of the chapter activity. Both, textual and visual communication, are key areas: a better communication gets wider visibility and higher participation in our activities and projects. These topics are covered mostly by volunteers at this moment but they not always can be involved in such tasks, so we think that hiring a professional is the best way to ensure this key aspect.
    In order to address this problem, we need a new employee, starting work at midyear: a Communications Manager, responsible for communications and corporate image, who manages our blog and our social networks according to a plan, writes and disseminates press releases, and works to ensure and improve our presence and our visual identity.
  2. How long is this staff person or contractor's planned engagement with your organization, and how many hours will they work over the course of this grant?
    As per Convenio Colectivo del Sector Oficinas y Despachos de la Provincia de Valladolid the yearly number of working hours in 2017 will be 1,760, so the half (six months) is 880, and there will be 23 working days of vacation, so the half (six months) is 11.5.
  3. Use a percentage of that person's total hours to show how they will spend their time on different programs and activities.
    20% blog, 25% social networks, 20% identity, 20% press, 15% community.

Budget and resource plan


Link to a detailed budget for the upcoming funding period. This budget should include all of your organizations expenses. Please specify which expenses will be covered from your APG.

Wikimedia España/Presupuesto Anual/2017

Midpoint report


This is a brief report on the grantee's progress during the midpoint reporting period: 1 January - 30 June 2017.

Program story


Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.

La Manchuela de Albacete report.pdf



Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program progress. This should including reporting against each of the SMART objectives form your proposal.


  • Increase the quality and quantity of content of Wikimedia projects, with 15,000 media files added (1,500 unique images used) and 2,000 articles improved or created.
  • Increase the number of editors, emphasizing on women, involving 100 new editors in content activities.
  • Involve cultural institutions in the diffussion of free culture and knowledge.
  • Achievement of free materials by involving cultural institutions in the development of quality content, with 3,000 files released by 2 partners.
  • Continue effective collaboration with six institutions we work with that involve 50 active editors.

Content program has three main objectives in 2017: increase the quality and quantity of content in Wikimedia projects, increase the number of editors and involve cultural and educational institutions in the participation and diffusion of the Wikimedia projects. In these first six months we have focused on two types of content: articles and multimedia files, mainly images. The total of multimedia files added, as of July 15, were 18 769 and 1146 of them were already used (6.11%), with a total of 2663 different uses in the different Wikimedia projects.

An important part of this amount of images comes from two institutions that decided to publish material under a free license, therefore being possible its use in Wikimedia commons: the González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Decorative Arts of Valencia uploaded 25 images of artworks from their collections and we uploaded 9854 old images from the Marín Collection, provided to GureGipuzkoa by Kutxa Fototeka (Kutxa Photograph Library). Other images come mainly from the contest Wiki Loves Earth 2017 (2494), events coverage (1461), the project No Spanish municipality without a photograph (1787) and Wiki Takes La Manchuela (1868).

This was the third year we organize Wiki Loves Earth. Although the results obtained are lower than previous years, we consider the participation very good: each new edition helps to reduce a good number of natural spaces without a photo, so one of the objectives, to illustrate photographically each element, is being got year after year (we already have 964 photographed sites, out of a total of 1449). In this edition 189 participants uploaded 2494 photographs of 307 different natural spaces.

Events coverage continues being a success. In these first six months, a total of 26 events have been documented, mainly sports events and focused on sports rarely visualized by the media: swimming, rally, handball, slalom .. Also covered a few concerts and highlighting was the coverage, for the first time, of the Goya Awards, the most important prizes of the Spanish cinema, where we took many photographs of actors, actresses, directors and producers.

The project No Spanish municipality without a photograph continues step by step. Thanks to the work of many volunteers throughout Spain, the number of municipalities has been reduced to about 1000, but the difficulty is increasing and obtaining the photographs costs more. Most of the remaining municipalities are in rural areas, away from the major roads and highways, and it takes time to reach them. However, despite these problems, it is very positive to see how in these months 1787 photographs have already been obtained and several provinces are close to being completed.

As a spin off of that project, we organized the Wiki Takes La Manchuela whose objective was to document an entire shire in the province of Albacete. Most of the villages were barely documented, or without photographs, so there was a lot of work to do. We spent three days covering the area, divided into three groups to achieve the task, and the results were very good: 1869 photos and the whole shire documented in Commons.

In terms of articles, thanks to the different activities organized, a total of 896 have been edited, of which 821 were new. Not only were articles in Wikipedia but, thanks to our work in favor of diversity, also in Wikidata, Wikinews, Wikivoyage, Wikiquote and Wikibooks. An important part of those articles were edited in the 14 editathons that we organized in these first months. Seven of those 14 events were dedicated exclusively to reduce the gender gap and making women more visible on Wikipedia. Also to be highlighted is the one dedicated to create content on LGBT issues, as part of the Wikipedia for Peace initiative, held in the context of the WorldPride Madrid 2017 and gathering 15 participants from various european countries. Another important editathon was the II Wikimedia Pentathlon, which focused on editing content about La Manchuela in five different Wikimedia projects. The rest of events focused mainly on heritage: architecture and sculpture.

Other events to promote the edition of articles were contests or challenges. They were a total of five, of which four focused on women: African women, women and girls in science, poetesses (in the context of the Poetry Day) and women writers (in the context of the International Book Day), the latter on Wikiquote. Also to generate content, but in this case multimedia, we organized a year more Wiki Woves Earth. To all this we must add the education program. The collaboration with different universities and secondary schools, involving students in the edition of Wikipedia, has achieved 220 articles more edited, of which 100 were new, and 195 files in Wikimedia Commons.

The second objective was to increase the number of editors, with special attention to new editors and women. In total, 441 people participated in content activities, of which 272 were new. Due to the privacy of the online activities (like challenges or contests) it is not possible to know other data of interest, but in the face-to-face events (editathons) 194 people participated, of which 104 were women (representing 53%) and 119 were new publishers.

The third objective was to involve cultural institutions in free knowledge and participation in Wikimedia projects. We have collaborated with many institutions, but we highlight the work done with seven of them for their involvement in the diffusion of Wikimedia and the organization of content activities. In total 158 editors participated in these activities. The University of Granada was involved, for example, in four edition events, focused on heritage and women, in the second year that we collaborate together. We also continued our collaboration with the University of Valencia, the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Valencia City Council, involved in women's events.

For the third year we collaborate with the National Archaeological Museum, committed from the beginning in the organization of activities and this year, in addition to an event on women and archeology, will hold another event on Roman baths. Also to be highlighted is the edition event organized, for the second year, with the Complutense University of Madrid, which involved a good number of students in a content activity on the history of communication in Asia. Finally, we should also highlight the involvement, for the second year, of the González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Decorative Arts of Valencia, which on this occasion wanted to upload images under free license to Wikimedia Commons.

In addition to these initiatives, we have met with other institutes to start collaborating in the coming months. For example the Southern Foundation, IE Business School, Archive of the Royal Chancery, National Museum of Sculpture, two public libraries in Madrid, Congress of Deputies and Archaeological Museum of Murcia.

On the other hand, it is remarkable that we have renewed the MoU with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport that facilitates the collaboration with the network of 17 state museums.


  • Consolidate the internal infraestructure of the chapter to increase the supporting of local groups.
  • Increase collaboration with local communities by partnering with 50 volunteers on eight different projects in ten different regions of Spain.
  • Increase membership from 125 to 160.
  • Increase diffusion and visibility of the chapter in society. This can be measured thanks to statistics: followers on social media (Twitter and Facebook), number of blog posts and visits to them, and number of mentions in the press.

The dispersion of the members of the chapter is very high. We have presence in almost all regions of Spain and that, which may seem like a problem, is a very valuable resource because it allows us to reach much more public. To foster cohesion and the relationship between members, one of our purposes is to hold meetings in different parts of the country. In these months we have had three meetings in Granada, Madrid and Valencia, involving 14 members. More meetings are scheduled in these next months, to add our annual general assembly. In addition, the Wiki Loves contests 2016 Awards Ceremony, held in Madrid, brought together more than 20 members, volunteers and sympathizers.

This dispersion facilitates the organization of activities in many regions. As an example, on this map you can check the location of the different activities of the chapter in these first six months: meetings, talks, workshops, editatones, events coverage... In all of them, a total of 91 members were involved in ten different regions. In these first six months, the main focus organizing editathons were the Land of Valencia, Madrid, Castile and Leon and Andalusia, involving 35 members. The education program has mobilized 9 members in 4 different regions: Andalusa, Castile and Leon, the Land of Valencia and Galicia.

Event coverage or photo scavenger hunts have involved 13 members in five different regions. To highlight the work done by a member in Galicia, with a multitude of sport events, Wiki Takes La Manchuela involving five members or taking photographs of the German military cemetery of Cuacos de Yuste, with two members. These last two are highlighted because they were carried in regions where the chapter is barely present, Extremadura and Castila-La Mancha. Finally, the organization of talks or workshops has been very dispersed, across eight different regions, and has involved 34 members, with an attendance of almost 1000 people.

To support the organization of activities in a growing number of provinces and regions it is necessary to increase the number of members. In this respect, growth is slow but continuous and in June 2017 we have 139 members, 109 men and 30 women. This increasement is obtained not only by the organization of activities but also by the diffusion that is carried out through the different social media; the blog, in which in 2017 we published 17 posts, and our accounts on Twitter and Facebook that have, as of July 15, 3387 and 1418 followers respectively.

We participated in the press in twelve occasions, with 4 interventions in newspapers, 5 in radio and 3 in television. The mentions were mainly due to Wiki Loves Earth, the Las Edades del Hombre editathon and the exhibition More women in Wikipedia, in the University of Valencia. Also to be highlighted is the publication of the article "Wikimedia España and the dissemination of cultural heritage" in the number 91 of the magazine PH, of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage.



Please report your organization's total spending during the reporting period, or link to a financial document showing your total spending.


Final report


This is the final report for your grant, describing your outcomes from the period 1 January - 31 December 2017.

Program story


Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.

Women Writers Day 2017

Learning story


Please link to one learning story that shows how your organization documents lessons learned and adapts its programs accordingly.

Sociological analysis from a gender perspective



Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program results. You should report on each of the objectives you included in your Simple APG application.


  • Increase the quality and quantity of content of Wikimedia projects, with 15,000 media files added (1,500 unique images used) and 2,000 articles improved or created.
  • Increase the number of editors, emphasizing on women, involving 100 new editors in content activities.
  • Involve cultural institutions in the diffussion of free culture and knowledge.
  • Achievement of free materials by involving cultural institutions in the development of quality content, with 3,000 files released by 2 partners.
  • Continue effective collaboration with six institutions we work with that involve 50 active editors.

Content program had three main objectives in 2017: increase the quality and quantity of content in Wikimedia projects, increase the number of editors and involve cultural and educational institutions in the participation and dissemination of Wikimedia projects. Throughout the year we have worked mainly on two types of content: Wikipedia articles and multimedia files, mostly images. The total of multimedia files added, at the beginning of January 2018, was 26,551 and 2553 were used, which represents 9.62%, with a total of 7241 different uses in the different Wikimedia projects.

One of the almost 10,000 photographs from Kutxateka

An important part of these images, almost 10,000, comes from two institutions that published material under a free license, so it is possible to use it on Wikimedia Commons: the González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Decorative Arts of Valencia uploaded 25 images of artworks from its collections, and we uploaded 9854 old images from the Marin Collection, provided to GureGipuzkoa by Kutxa Fototeka (Kutxa Photograph Library). Another important percentage comes from the Wiki Loves contests; 2494 from Wiki Loves Earth, 4584 from Wiki Loves Monuments and 2543 from Wiki Loves Folk. Another photo contest was Wiki Science Competition, which added 159 images. Other projects were No Spanish municipality without a photograph, with 3098 images added, Wiki Takes La Manchuela, with 1869 images, and Wiki Takes Alboraia, with 412. Finally, event coverage added more than 43 events, which meant 3026 images.

This was the third year that we organized Wiki Loves Earth. Although the results obtained are lower than in previous years, we consider that participation is very good: each new edition helps reduce a good number of natural parks without a photo, so one of the objectives, to illustrate each element photographically, is obtained year after year (we already have 964 photographed sites, out of a total of 1449). In the 2017 edition, 189 participants uploaded 2494 photographs of 307 different natural parks.

The seventh edition of Wiki Loves Monuments in Spain contributed approximately half of the images that the previous edition. We consider that this is due to the fact that our objective is still monuments and municipalities without a previous photo in Commons, which reduces the number of elements to be photographed by the participants. However, this is facilitating that step by step we obtain photographs of all the monuments of the country, our long-term goal.

In 2017 we celebrated the second edition of Wiki Loves Folk; both the participation and the number of images obtained have been higher than the first year, which encourages us to continue with the organization and propose it to other Wikimedia groups. Precisely, in this edition was in for the first time another organization, Amical Wikimedia, which promoted the contest between its community at two times of the year, coinciding with some of the most emblematic festivals of the Land of Valencia.

Quality image of the swimmer Mireia Belmonte thanks the event coverage

In 2017 we collaborated, for the first time, in the organization of the local edition of the Wiki Science Competition. We created a landing page in Commons and spread it through our communication channels. It coincided at the same time as Wiki Loves Folk, which could affect to achieve a greater participation, but 159 images were obtained.

Event coverage continues to be a success. In 2017 a total of 43 events were documented, mainly sporting events and focused on sports rarely visualized in society and even on Wikipedia: swimming, rally, handball, slalom, motorcycling or athletics. Also some concerts were covered and it was of special importance the coverage, for the first time, of the Goya Awards, the most important prizes of Spanish cinema, where we took many photographs of actors, actresses, directors and producers. In addition, we have promoted Wikinews associated with event coverage, and in some cases, especially motorcycling, it has been a success, with a new editor who has been editing Wikinews most of the year.

Thanks to the Wiki Takes La Manchuela, we documented valious and unknown rural heritage

The project No Spanish municipality without a photograph continues step by step. Thanks to the work of many volunteers throughout Spain, the number of municipalities has been reduced to less than 800, but the difficulty is increasing and obtaining the photographs costs more. Most of the remaining municipalities are located in rural areas, away from major roads and highways, and it takes time to reach them. However, several provinces have been completed this year and thanks to the organization of several planned Wiki Takes, we thinks that the completion of the project can be given in 2018-19. As a spin-off of that project, we organized the Wiki Takes La Manchuela, whose objective was to document a whole region in the province of Albacete. Most of the villages were barely documented, or without photographs, so there was a lot of work to be done. We spent three days covering the area, divided into three groups to achieve the task, and the results were very good: 1869 photos and all the region documented in Commons.

With the same objective, to document an area for Commons, we organized Wiki Takes Alboraia, focused on a rural area, characteristic for its orchards, around Valencia. In total 412 photos were obtained. Another Wiki Takes was the Cathedral of Murcia, organized as a playful activity in the context of our annual conference, which in 2017 took place in Murcia. A guided tour was organized, during which they explained the different spaces of the cathedral complex, and photographs were taken along the visit. Other activities for obtaining photographs have been several scavenger hunts; the first was in the German cemetery of Cuacos de Yuste, which was our contribution to the Europeana 1914-1918 initiative. Another, the taking of photographs in the reservoir of Barrios de Luna, that due to the drought allowed to cross its channel and photograph the villages that were flooded after its construction. And finally, the taking of photographs in Lanzarote, where various cultural and natural aspects of the island were documented.

Art+Feminism Editathon in Valencia

About the articles, thanks to the different activities organized, a total of 2488 have been edited and 1623 of them were new. Not only were articles in Wikipedia but also in Wikidata, Wikinews, Wikivoyage, Wikiquote and Wikibooks. An important part of those articles was edited in the 24 editathons that we organized throughout the year. Fourteen of those events were devoted exclusively to diversity issues, such as reducing the gender gap and making women more visible on Wikipedia, or as the one dedicated to LGBT issues. The first included several events in the context of the International Woman and Girl in Science Day and International Women's Day, in which it was edited about scientists, African women, Art+Feminism, designers, archaeologists, architects and writers. The second was part of the Wikipedia for Peace initiative; this was organized in the context of the WorldPride Madrid 2017 and brought together 15 participants from several European countries. Another event to be highlighted was the II Wikimedia Pentathlon, which focused on editing content on La Manchuela in five different Wikimedia projects.

Wikipedia for Peace Editathon in Madrid

The other face-to-face events focused mainly on heritage, like architecture, sculpture and Roman Thermae, although other topics were also worked on such as the history of communication in Asia or the city of Montreal, which we organized together with the Canadian embassy in the context of Wikimania 2017. Other event was the Wikidata Edithaton within the Global Legislative Openness Week (GLOW), with the collaboration of MySociety.

Presentation of the editathon on history of communication in asia, at the Complutense University of Madrid
Editathon at the Embassy of Canada

Other events to promote the edition of articles were online contests or challenges. There were a total of eight, of which three focused on women: African women, poetesses (in the context of Poetry Day) and writers (in the context of International Book Day), the latter on Wikiquote. The rest were devoted to improving the quality of Wikipedia, such as the Wikify Challenge or the Referenciaton, or content as diverse as members of the Spanish parliament, the month of Asia or Intercultur, which seeks the translation of articles between the different languages ​​of the Iberian Peninsula.

To all this we must add the education program. The collaboration with different universities and secondary schools seeks to make known how Wikipedia works, its rules, and encourages the participation of students in the encyclopedia. A total of 16 collaborations have been developed, mainly with universities, in which 292 articles have been edited, 169 of them are new, and 195 files on Wikimedia Commons.

The second objective was to increase the number of editors, with special attention to new editors and women. In total, 1288 people participated in content activities, 778 were new. Due to the privacy of online activities (such as challenges or contests) it is not possible to know other data of interest, but in face-to-face events (editathons) 288 people participated, 152 were women (representing 52%) and 150 were new editors.

The third objective was to involve cultural institutions in free knowledge and participation in Wikimedia projects. We have collaborated with a significant number of institutions; we highlight the work done with those who have participated in the dissemination of Wikimedia and the organization of activities.

The University of Granada organized, for example, four edition events, focused on heritage and women, in the second year that we collaborated together. The events to make women visible were counted on with the collaboration of the University of Valencia, the Polytechnic University of Valencia, the City Council of Valencia, the University of Burgos and the University of Jaén, the latter a new collaboration. With the National Library of Spain we returned to organize the Writers Day, with the same success of the previous year. The Las Edades del Hombre Foundation collaborated in the event on sculpture and religious art and we collaborated for the first time with an embassy, ​​in this case Canada, which, given the good results, encourages us to look for more similar collaborations to work with content from other geographical areas .

For the third year we collaborated with the National Archaeological Museum, committed from the beginning in organizing activities and this year, in addition to an event on women and archeology, another event was held on Roman Thermae. The edition event organized, for the second year in a row, with the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, involved a large number of students in a content activity on the history of communication in Asia. Finally, it is worth mentioning the participation, for the second year in a row, of the González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Decorative Arts of Valencia, which on this occasion uploaded images under a free license to Wikimedia Commons.

In addition to these initiatives, we have met with other institutions to start collaborating in the coming months. For example, the South Foundation, the Archive of the Royal Chancellery, the National Museum of Sculpture, the Sorolla Museum, two public libraries in Madrid, the Congress of Deputies and the Archaeological Museum of Murcia.

On the other hand, it is remarkable that we have renewed the memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports that facilitates collaboration with the network of 17 state museums.

Objective Goal Status
Increase the quality and quantity of content of Wikimedia projects 15,000 media files added.
1,500 unique images used.
2,000 articles improved or created.
Increase the number of editors, emphasizing on women 100 new editors
Women editors (% of participation)
Achievement of free materials Releasement of 3,000 files by 2 partners.
Continue effective collaborations Collaboration with six institutions we work previously
Involve 50 active editors.


  • Consolidate the internal infraestructure of the chapter to increase the supporting of local groups.
  • Increase collaboration with local communities by partnering with 50 volunteers on eight different projects in ten different regions of Spain.
  • Increase membership from 125 to 160.
  • Increase diffusion and visibility of the chapter in society. This can be measured thanks to statistics: followers on social media (Twitter and Facebook), number of blog posts and visits to them, and number of mentions in the press.

Unlike other Wikimedia groups, where most of its members are in the capital of the country, the chapter has representation in almost all regions of Spain (only in one region there are no members, apart from the two autonomous cities Ceuta and Melilla) and that, which may seem a problem at the organizational level, is a very valuable resource because it allows us to reach much more public and diversify our activities.

Wikimeeting in Valladolid

In order to foster cohesion and the relationship between members, one of our purposes is to hold meetings regularly in different parts of the country. In 2017 we have had five meetings in Granada, Madrid, Valencia, Valladolid and Zaragoza, in which 29 members participated. The award ceremony of the 2016 Wiki Loves contests, held in Madrid in June, brought together more than 20 members, volunteers and supporters.

Another notable event is our annual conference, organized at the same time that our annual assembly. Each year it is organized in a different city, with the aim of bringing the event to a different audience and facilitating the attendance of the members, since it is not always easy to go because of that geographical dispersion.

One of the sessions from our annual conference

About fifteen speakers, belonging to organizations such as the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), the Mozilla Foundation, the University of Murcia and Wikimedia Spain itself, gave lectures and workshops and participated in round tables during the conference. The event, whose entry was free and organized in collaboration with the University of Murcia, took place at the Archaeological Museum of Murcia between September 15 and 17.

Explanation of the Wiki Takes Cathedral of Murcia

The first day three projects related to free knowledge in the Region of Murcia were presented: Makers of Murcia, coverage of events for Commons and Wikinews and OpenStreetMap and the quality of the sources referenced in free maps. Next, a colloquium on journalism, current affairs and Wikipedia was held to discuss journalism in the digital age and the role of information in the construction of democratic societies. To end the first day, a dialogue was offered on open science and free technology, in which the importance of making the sum of knowledge accessible to all was exposed.

The second day there was a presentation on linguistic diversity and translation in the Wikimedia projects, in which initiatives related to translation in the university field and Wikipedia as an educational tool were presented. In the rest of the morning, training sessions on extended photography, spherophones and 3D, and Wikidata and consultations with SPARQL. The rest of the day a cooperative session was held among members of the chapter, to define the future and the role of the association within the ecosystem by free knowledge in Spain, and the annual assembly of Wikimedia Spain. Finally, on the third day, the Wiki Takes activity was carried out at the Cathedral of Murcia, to increase the number of free images on the monument available in the Wikimedia Commons.

The dispersion of members facilitates the organization of activities in many regions. As an example, on this map can be checked the location of the different activities of the chapter during 2017: meetings, talks, workshops, editathons, scavenger hunts, event coverage. After reviewing our activity report, we detected some errors in the midreport count in relation to the number of volunteers involved. In total 70 members participated in 13 different regions, mainly in Galicia, Castile and León, Madrid, Land of Valencia and Andalusia. The editing events mobilized 17 volunteers in 5 regions while the education program involved 11 members in 5 regions.

Event coverage or scavanger hunts has involved 23 members in 9 different regions. It is remarkable the work done by a member in Galicia, with a multitude of sporting events, who even attended events in Portugal and France, Wiki Takes La Manchuela involving five members or taking pictures of the German military cemetery in Cuacos de Yuste, the reservoir of Barrios de Luna or Lanzarote, with two members in each case. The events of Manchuela and Cuacos de Yuste stand out because they were taken away in regions where the chapter is hardly present, Extremadura and Castile-La Mancha. Finally, the organization of talks or workshops has been very dispersed, in 9 different regions, and it has involved 19 members, with an attendance of more than 1700 people.

In order to continue supporting the organization of activities in a growing number of provinces and regions, it is necessary to increase the number of members. In this sense, the growth of the chapter is slow but continuous and by the end of 2017 we are 147 members, 107 men and 40 women (27%). This increase is obtained not only by the organization of the activities but also by the diffusion that is carried out through the different social networks; the blog, in which we published 50 post in 2017, and our accounts on Twitter and Facebook that have, at the beginning of 2018, 3818 and 1520 followers, respectively.

We participated in the press on 27 occasions, with 8 interventions in newspapers, 12 on radio, 6 on television and 1 on another type of media. The mentions were mainly due to Wiki Loves Earth, the Edades del Hombre Editathon, the exhibition More Women in Wikipedia at the University of Valencia, the Wikimedia Spain Conference in Murcia or the Writers Day. It also highlights the publication of the article "Wikimedia Spain and the dissemination of cultural heritage" in number 91 of PH magazine, Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage.



Please link to a detailed financial report for your spending during the grant period. This should be in the same format as your detailed budget from your Simple APG application.


Please include the total amount of Simple APG funds you spent during the grant period.

65,000 EUR