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Grants:TPS/Рөстәм Нурыев/Day Siberian Tatar language

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This is a draft submission to the Wikimedia Participation Support program. It's not yet ready for review, so there is no need to comment just yet.

Day Siberian Tatar language
summaryLeading a 2-hour workshop about Siberian Tatar Wikipedia development. Practical training for Siberian Tatar Wikipedia editors.
event locationTyumen, Russia
event date(s)26-27 November 2016
amount requestedUSD 207
home countryUfa, Russia
submitted on05:03, 6 September 2016 (UTC)

Proposed participation

  • en: We, the volunteers of the Bashkir Wikipedia, watch the development and render assistance to the Siberian Tatar Wikipedia which was started in the Incubator on 10 August 2014. In 2015, we invited a Siberian Tatar community representative to the Bashkir Wiki-conference we had. The Siberian Tatar community was represented by User Sybyr (Artur Anvarov). Over the last two years, I have regularly posted ads in the Siberian Tatar public group in the social network VKontakte, inviting members to develop the Siberian Tatar Wikipedia. This year, a new chairman (Marganova Fausiya) was elected to the Tyumen Oblast Siberian Tatar NGO "National and Cultural Siberian Tatar Autonomy", and I talked to her if they could support the development of Siberian Tatar Wikipedia.

The event titled "Day of Siberian Tatar language" will be held in Tyumen on 26 November 2016, and the NGO management decided to conduct a 'round table' about the development of Siberian Tatar Wikipedia. I was invited to visit this event, and act as the facilitator at the 'round table', to be attended by scholars and the members of local (Tyumen Oblast) Siberian Tatar community.

I plan to travel to Tyumen, participate in the announced Day of Siberian Tatar language; duringthe 'round table', I plan to make a presentation about the Wikimedia international educational project, demonstrate how Wikipedia articles are edited, using an example from Siberian Tatar Wikipedia in the Incubator. I also plan to organize a Wiki-meeting with the Bashkir community in Tyumen.
Я планирую поехать в Тюмень, участвовать в праздновании Дня сибирскотатарского языка, во время «круглого стола» рассказать о международном образовательном проекте Викимедиа, показать как редактируются статьи Википедии на примере сибирскотатарского раздела в Инкубаторе. Также планирую организовать вики-встречу с башкирской общественностью, проживающей в Тюмени.

Goal and expected impact

  • en:Goals of travel to the Siberian Tatar Day event:
    1. Organize and stimulate the activity of a small group of Siberian Tatar Wikipedia volunteers. Attract ~3 dedicated users;
    2. Tell the Siberian Tatar community about the Wikimedia international educational project. Attend and make a presentation at a "round table" of ~30 attendees.
    3. Attract new users to the Wikipedia in Siberian Tatar - attract ~3 new users;
    4. Create conditions for a rapid development of Siberian Tatar Wikipedia, so it can grow out of the Incubator status within 3-6 months' time.
  • ru:Цели поездки для участия в праздновании Дня сибирскотатарского языка:
    1. активизировать деятельность небольшой группы волонтеров Википедии на сибирскотатарском языке - закрепление ~3 участников;
    2. рассказать широкому кругу общественности сибирских татар о международном образовательном проекте Викимедиа - «круглый стол» с количеством участников ~30 человек;
    3. привлечь новых участников в раздел Википедии на сибирскотатарском языке - привлечение ~3 новых участников;
    4. создать условия для скорейшего вывода сибирскотатарского раздела Википедии из Инкубатора - вывод из инкубатора через ~3-6 месяцев.

Budget breakdown

  • Train travel cost (round trip from Ufa to Tyumen to Ufa): USD 120 (RUR 7560)
  • Accommodation: USD 25 per night x 1 night = USD 25 (RUR 1575)
  • Food: USD 5 per meal х 7 meals (4 days including travel period) = USD 35 (RUR 2205)
  • Personal Income Tax: USD 27 (RUR 1701)
  • Total: USD 207 (RUR 13041)

Other instructions



  • Please reimburse for the actual reported expenses, after the travel and submission of expense report.
  • Please send the reimbursement to the bank accont of the user Dina1965.


  • Выплату производить по фактическим расходам после поездки и предоставления отчета.
  • Выплату производить на расчетный счет участника Dina1965.

