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Welcome back from Wikimania 2016!





Option 3: New Creation: What was one useful outcome that was created at the event for the Wikimedia movement?
Add a link to something new that was created as a result of your participation in this event (for example, you might link to a new tool that you and your co-participants worked on at the Hackathon, or to pages created in a workshop you participated in).

Support for high resolution "PanoSpheres" Example Image. During the hackathon I developed high resolution spherical panorama support for the panoviewer tool on commons. I optimized the user experience by serving a low resolution preview while spawning a pre-processing step in the toll labs grid infrastructure. A notification pops up as soon as the high resolution version of the panorama is available. I got positive feedback during Wikimania and in the weeks after. The viewer will make the spherical panorama content on Commons more accessible, while delivering an interactive experience. Spherical panorama images are becoming increasingly more popular with the availability od smartphones (with pre installed panosphere apps) and spherical panorama cameras.

During Wikimania I talked to a staffer about moving the panorama viewer into production (a task has since been created on phabricator). I've had a videoconference with a Wikimedia engineer shortly after Wikimania to follow up on this and to explore options to use some of the existing infrastructure (viewing panoramas is a reprojection problem closely related to geograpohical maps).

I also developed a proof of concept for a MultiMediaViewer integration of the panoviwer.


Assisted with the Mobile Video Workshop

  • Panoviewer (contact James Forrester about integration). Planning video support (Jan Ainali), follow up with engineering (Juri Astrakhan)
  • Attended presentation on PAWS (Yuvi).
  • Discussed founding of Rich media user group on Commons (follow up with Martin Kraft)
  • Started work on Image Rating tool backend (thumbs up thumbs down), conversation with privacy guy from the WMF legal team at lunch
  • Attended simple show workshop
  • Talked about drafting regular users into impromptu panels for conflict resolution (ajraddaz on meta)

Anything else[edit]

Hackathon Showcase bit about the PanoViewer