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Grants:TPS/Nischayn22/SMWCon 2012

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User name
User location (country)
Event name
SMWCon Fall 2012
Event Web site
Event date(s)
October 24-26 2012
Event location (city)
Cologne, Germany
Amount requested (remember to specify currency!)
USD 1554 (Request for advance disbursement)

Budget breakdown

  • Travel: INR 70,000 = USD 1296 (approx)

(Bangalore,India to Cologne,Germany Economy round-trip)

  • Accommodation: EUR 50 per night x 3 nights = EUR 150 = USD 184 (approx)
  • Visa : EUR 60 = USD 74 (approx)[1]

Proposed Participation


I am an active contributor to MediaWiki (contributions). I have been selected in Google Summer of Code under WikiMedia Foundation for my project GreenSMW . At SMWCon I will meet with other MediaWiki developers and Wikimedia staff to exchange ideas that solve technical problems and create new features, I will thus have the chance to work on technical issues directly with other MW developers. I will also be giving a talk about my GSoC (Google Summer of Code) work, where I will be speaking about performance improvements I did, this will be helpful in usage of MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki in wikis (most of these provide free knowledge). I will also be encouraging others to contribute to MediaWiki by illustrating how beneficial it has been to me.

Goal and Expected Impact


As a result of my participation, I will be able to contribute more to MediaWiki and specifically to Wikidata (I will be meeting with members of the Wikidata team). As a result of my talk, audiences will understand and share more technical details in MediaWiki.

Other sources of Scholarships


I have also looked for other scholarships and Google's Open Source Programs Office is ready to endorse USD 500 for such a GSoC mentor approved travel. However, this isn't a public announcement and will be awarded only after the program. In that case, I will return USD 500 to Wikimedia Grants.


  1. A waiver might be awarded see here