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Welcome back from Wikimania 2015!




Russian Wikipedia


Option 1: Shared Experience:

I have given two interviews about Wikimania, Wikipedia and Wikimedia at all in Uzbekistan to a radio and a news website. Here are the links:

Also, I have started a Cheese week in Russian Wikipedia, by the inspiration of Wikimedia France and their cheese proect, currently writing articles about cheeses: ru:Википедия:Кандидаты на работу недели/2015, 32-я неделя - competition

My cheese-articles:

  1. ru:Оахака (сыр)
  2. ru:Веисслакер
  3. ru:Хандкёзе
  4. ru:Буттеркёзе
  5. ru:Роомано
  6. ru:Паррано (сыр)
  7. ru:Аньехо
  8. ru:Граскаас
  9. ru:Альтенбургер
  10. ru:Ланкаширский сыр
  11. ru:Миш (сыр)

Option 2: Learning Pattern:

I've learned how to edit items in Wikidata in three lectures and Workshop, so now I'm in there, also actively translating by using Content translations after a great Translate-a-thon.

Option 3: New Creation:

ru:Дионисадес - created in Translate-a-thon, my first article, created via Content translations. Now I use it every day.



I have met many people and got useful connections for my future work in Wikimedia projects. Now, I know whom to ask in different variety of questions

Anything else


Here are some photos with Jimbo :)