Grants:PEG/WM ES/Conferences and meeting for tenth anniversary of the Galipedia/Report
- Report accepted
- To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:PEG/WM ES/Conferences and meeting for tenth anniversary of the Galipedia.
- You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
- You are welcome to Email grants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.
Compliance and completion
[edit]- Did you comply with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?
- Is your project completed?
- Did you use any of the grant funds?
Activities and lessons learned
- Provide a detailed list of activities performed to complete this project, descriptions of these activities, and the amount of time spent on each activity. This section should also include a list of participants, or a link to pictures, blog posts, or videos from the project or event.
- We have organized a series of conferences with the participation of different lecturers that have had a good received between different communities and it have had a big diffusion in the media.
- List of lecturers:
- Wikiskills, Jose Manuel Abuin Mosquera, Project Tecnician at CESGA, aprox. 1 hour
- O lema da Wikipedia es ti, Antonio Gregorio Montes, Galipedia administrator, aprox. 1 hour
- Internet e activismo cultural: unha ollada desde o corazón da crise económica, Manuel Gago Mariño, Director of and teacher at University of Santiago de Compostela, aprox. 1 hour
- Conocimiento libre y democracia, Javier de la Cueva, lawyer, intelectual property expert, aprox. 1 hour
- We had to withdraw of the program the round table Empresas galegas con licenza libre! because two of the participants could not assist by problems of last hour.
- We have the photos at Commons at
- We are working editing the videos of the speechs and we will upload them in a few weeks.
Lessons learned
[edit]- What went well?
- It was very good the implication of the lecturers, facilitating our work at all times.
- What did not go well?
- We had problems with the reservation of the airplane tickets, if it is necessary to use this transport mean, it has to be scheduled much earlier time to avoid extra costs.
- Other thing was that we had planned to reach three lectures from out of the Autonomous Community of Galicia but we can't do it because several lecturers did not answer to our request and others were not available in the dates of the event. Finally we could only count with Javier de la Cueva.
- What would you do differently if you planned a similar project?
- What we would do different is that we would reduce the number of activities in order to have enough time for later discussion on them. Addionally, the conference should finish late, as assistants cannot usually stay till the end of it.
- Other thing that we would do is to add a budget category for general administration expenses in travels, mail, telephone, etc. for organize the conference.
Project goal and measures of success
[edit]Project goal
[edit]- Provide the project goal here.
- Wikimedia España will try to celebrate the Galipedia 10th anniversary with a bunch of speakers, galician speakers and non-galician, talking about the project, free culture and free licenses. We want to publicize this project, a wikipedia in galician, one of the four encyclopedias in this language, and the only of free access. Our goal will be increase the number of editors in this project and this event is complementary with the events that the Galipedia's community is developing.
- Did you achieve your project goal? How do you know your goal was achieved? Please answer in 1 - 2 paragraphs.
- We have achieved some of the aims since we have achieved that it increased the presence of the project in the media. The aim that have achieved half has been the number of assistants since the assistance was a bit lower of which we had foreseen. One thing that we have achieved was images of all the lecturers and even we have achieved the videos of his conferences, in brief we will upload them to Commons.
Measures of success
[edit]- number of attendees. If lower than 30, we will regard that as a failure.
- media stories. If more than 2 positive stories, we will regard that as a success.
- photos and videos. If we fail to cover these event with photos and videos and upload them under a free license, we regard that as a failure. All the speakers need to have photo in Commons.
- We can't reach the number of attendees, only 15-20 persons atendee the event
- We reach the goal of media stories, a great number of media announced and followed the event. This is the list:
- A Galipedia celebrará o 9 de marzo o seu décimo aniversario Baía Edicións
- A Galipedia, a nosa enciclopedia en liña, festexa os seus 10 anos de vida Código Cero
- A Galipedia prepara o seu décimo aniversario rozando os 100.000 artigos Praza Pública
- A Galipedia celebrará o 9 de marzo o seu décimo aniversario Praza Pública
- 10 anos da Galipedia nunha soa xornada Capítulo 0, blog de Manuel Gago
- Portada en Chuza!
- La Galipedia celebra su décimo aniversario Osluca
- Cultura: o décimo aniversario da Galipedia vai ser celebrado cun ciclo de charlas en Santiago Flickr de Xornal Certo
- Galipedia celebra su décimo aniversario Berenguela
- Unha serie de obradoiros arrouparán a celebración do 10º aniversario da Galipedia Globedia
- A Galipedia celebrará o 9 de marzo o seu décimo aniversario
- Na Wikipedia en galego, 100.000 artigos… e ATI, tamén Asociación de Técnicos de Informática
- Cultura: o décimo aniversario da Galipedia vai ser celebrado cun ciclo de charlas en Santiago Xornal Certo
- A Galipedia, 10 anos xa: actividade en Ribadeo Blog Ribadeando
- Santiago: conferencias con motivo do 10º aniversario da Galipedia Axenda cultural AELG
- A Galipedia, a Wikipedia en galego, cumpre 10 anos CESGA
- A Universidade de Santiago, comprometida co software libre Xornal da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
- La USC colabora en la celebración del X aniversario de la Galipedia El correo gallego
- A USC colabora este sábado na celebración do X aniversario da Galipedia en Santiago Radio Obradoiro
- A Galipedia prepara o seu décimo aniversario rozando os 100.000 artigos Anpa Agromar Agolada
- Galipedia: décimo aniversario Foros de Xenealoxía
- Os grandes partidos son uns analfabetos dixitais. Confunden o saber fregar a pantalla do iPad con coñecer a tecnoloxía otra noticia en Praza Pública
- A Galipedia fai dez anos e o Apalabrados ten xa versión en galego Television of Galicia
- About photos, we reached this goal at 100% because we have recorded in video all the speechs and in a few days we will upload them to Commons. We have a category in Commons too with other photos.
- You can view the videos of the conferences:
- WikiSkills (in spanish)
- Aniversario Galipedia, Agremon, A Galipedia es ti.ogv A Galipedia es ti (in galician)
- Aniversario Galipedia, Manuel Gago, Internet e activismo cultural.ogv Internet e activismo cultural (in galician)
- Aniversario Galipedia, Javier de la Cueva, Conocimiento libre y democracia.ogv Conocimiento libre y democracia (in spanish)
- Provide an overall assessment of how your project went according to these measures.
- In general we have fulfilled our aims since our main interest was to promote the Galipedia and this has achieved to 100%, even with an appearance in the news of the regional television.
[edit]- What impact did this project have on WMF's mission and the strategic goals? Please answer in 1 -2 paragraphs and include specific measures of impact such as the number of readers or editors reached by a particular project, or the number of articles edited or improved.
- We do not have reliable quantifiable data of the increase of editors or readers, but in the last weeks we have noticed in the project an increase in the number of registered users and it could be derived from this activity. Also we have had contacts with 5 people in the conferences interested in the project, of which finally 3 have turned into new users and they are all teachers at a Secundary school with plans to introduce the use of Galipedia in education. This is very important point if we take into account that the number of active users of the Galipedia is closely of 300.
Reporting and documentation of expenditures
[edit]Documentation of expenditures has been received by WMF.
- Did you send documentation of all expenses paid with grant funds to grants at wikimedia dot org, according to the guidelines here? Answer "Yes" or "No".
[edit]Number | Category | Item description | Unit | Number of units | Actual cost per unit | Actual total | Budgeted total | Currency | Notes |
1 | Travel, accommodation and expenses for three speakers from out of Galicia | eDreams administration fees for airplane ticket for Javier de la Cueva | 1 fees | 1 | 17,12 | 17,12 | 1500 | EUR | Travel, accommodation and expenses category is divided in many items. We estimated to invite to three lecturers of out of Galicia but finally we only could contact only with one. |
2 | Travel, accommodation and expenses for three speakers from out of Galicia | Ryanair airplane tickets for Javier de la Cueva | 1 ticket | 1 | 200,36 | 200,36 | 1500 | EUR | Travel, accommodation and expenses category is divided in many items. We estimated to invite to three lecturers of out of Galicia but finally we only could contact only with one. Airplane tickets for Javier de la Cueva from Madrid to Santiago de Compostela and Santiago de Compostela to Madrid. |
3 | Travel, accommodation and expenses for three speakers from out of Galicia | Accommodation for Javier de la Cueva | 1 hotel accommodation | 1 | 52,50 | 52,50 | 1500 | EUR | Travel, accommodation and expenses category is divided in many items. We estimated to invite to three lecturers of out of Galicia but finally we only could contact only with one. |
4 | Travel and expenses for three speakers from Galicia | Meal for lecturers | 1 meal | 1 | 125,80 | 125,80 | 225 | EUR | Meal for 6 persons, this item comes from Travel and expenses for three speakers from Galicia and Travel, accommodation and expenses for three speakers from out of Galicia budget categories because it includes the meal of all the lecturers. |
5 | Travel and expenses for three speakers from Galicia | Travel from Ribadeo to Santiago de Compostela and return | 1 travel | 400 | 0,19 | 76 | 225 | EUR | Travel from Ribadeo to Santiago de Compostela and return, for Antonio Gregorio Montes. We estimated a cost of 0,19 € for km. and 200 km from Ribadeo to Santiago and vice versa. |
6 | T-shirts for publicise Galipedia with slogan: "Galipedia needs you" in galician | T-shirts for publicise Galipedia | 1 Package | 80 | 4,55 | 440,44 | 480 | EUR | We achieve a better price to the planned thanks to the collaboration of a wikipedian and therefore we increase the number of T-shirts, yet still went down of the budget. |
7 | Galipedia cakes | Cakes and candles for celebration | 2 cakes and candle | 2 | 33,05 | 66,10 | 115 | EUR | |
8 | Galipedia cakes | Disposal utensils | 1 | 1 | 8,59 | 8,59 | 115 | EUR | |
9 | Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses | Diesel oil | 1 litre | 28,86 | 1,386 | 40 | 180 | EUR | Travel for Elisardo Juncal from A Coruña to Santiago de Compostela to organise the conferences. |
10 | Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses | Toll gate | 1 toll gate | 1 | 6,20 | 6,20 | 180 | EUR | Travel for Elisardo Juncal from A Coruña to Santiago de Compostela to organise the conferences. |
11 | Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses | Toll gate | 1 toll gate | 1 | 6,20 | 6,20 | 180 | EUR | Travel for Elisardo Juncal from A Coruña to Santiago de Compostela to organise the conferences. |
12 | Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses | Print posters | 1 | 1 | 4,25 | 4,25 | 180 | EUR | We make some posters to publicise WM-ES association. |
13 | Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses | marker | 1 marker | 1 | 2,82 | 2,82 | 180 | EUR | We make some posters to publicise WM-ES association. |
- Total project budget (from your approved grant submission)
- 2500 EUR
- Total amount requested from WMF (from your approved grant submission, this total will be the same as the total project budget if the WMF grant is your only funding source)
- 2500 EUR
- Total amount spent on this project (this total should be the total calculated from the table above)
- 1046,38 EUR
- Total amount of WMF grant funds spent on this project (this total will be the same as the total amount spent if the WMF grant is your only funding source)
- 1046,38 EUR
- Are there additional sources of revenue that funded any part of this project? List them here.
- No
Remaining funds
[edit]The funds remaining from this grant may be allocated to another grant submission if it is approved: [[{{{submission}}}]].
- Are there any grant funds remaining?
- Please list the total amount (specify currency) remaining here. (This is the amount you did not use, or the amount you still have after completing your grant.)
- 1453,62 EUR
- If funds are remaining they must be returned to WMF, reallocated to mission-aligned activities, or applied to another approved grant.
- Please state here if you intend to return unused funds to WMF, submit a request for reallocation, or submit a new grant request, and then follow the instructions on your approved grant submission.
- We want to submit a Startup grant for Wikimedia España