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Grants:PEG/WM NO/Nordic Chapter Meeting 2012

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This submission to the Wikimedia Foundation Grants Program was funded in the fiscal year 2011-12. This is a grant to an organization.

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  • This project has been funded, completed, and a project report has been reviewed and accepted by WMF Staff.
  • To review a list of other funded submissions by fiscal year, please visit the Requests subpage, and to review the WMF Grants Program criteria for funding please visit the Grants:Index.

Legal name of organization or individual requesting this grant
Wikimedia Norway (WMNO)
For organizations: Are you a for-profit entity? Yes
For organizations: If non-profit (US) or equivalent (outside the US) status is available in your country, do you have or are you pursuing such status (please be specific): Yes, we are a "Frivillig organisasjon" (NGO) in the National Registry of Norway (Enhetsregisteret)
For individual applicants: Please note that if your request is accepted you will be required to provide documentation verifying your full legal name and address.
Grant contact name
Erlend Bjørtvedt
Grant contact username or email
Bjoertvedt (erlend@wikimedia.no)
Grant contact title (position)
Vice chairman, WMNO
Project lead name
Jarle Vines
Project lead username or email
Jarvin (jarle@wikimedia.no)
Project lead title (position), if any
Chairman, WMNO
Full project name
Wikimedia Nordic Chapter Meeting 2012
Amount requested in USD or local currency (USD will be assumed if no other currency is specified)
Provisional target start date
April 21, 2012
Provisional completion date
April 23, 2012

Budget breakdown

Post Amount (NOK) Comment
Hotel 2 persons WMDK 2.800 4 nights (Steen Thomassen, NN)
Hotel 4 persons WMSE 6.300 9 nights (Holger Motzkau, Jakob Hammerbäck, Bengt Oberger, Lennart Guldbrandsson)
Hotel Jarle Vines WMNO 1.400 2 nights (Jarle Vines)
Lunch Sunday meeting 2.000 10 persons
Dinner Sunday meeting 3.000 10 persons
SUM (NOK) 15.500
SUM (USD) 3.000

Project goal


The goal of the meeting is to decide on key all-Nordic programs for 2012.

The Chapter Meeting 2012 has the following agenda for resolution in the meeting:

  • Saami project - Add Sweden (and Finland?) to joint the WMNO Saami Project, a Wikimedia article project funded thus far by USD 35.000 from the Saami parliament, and prospected for further funds in 2012. A great possibility that WMNO is already utilising and WMSE and WMFI can join to mobilize the Saami population of their resective countries to write for the Saami Wikipedia.
  • Nordic Wikimedia yearbook - a project agreed upon in the previous Nordic Meeting (Gothenburg, 2011), agreeing on scope, content and budget. The yearbook will be a printed and digital brochure/leaflet that sums up the best-practice projects of the four countries, with short texts and photos, for inspiration and reference to newcomers, contacts, partners, authorities, journalists, etc.
  • FSCONS Outreach - discussing a Wikimedia presence and small seminar program at this annual, nordic conference. At the last FSCONS there was a Nordic Chapter Meeting (Gothenburg 2011) where the first projects were initially discussed. At the next conference, if realized, the aim will be to reach out to the many participants who are prospect literary or technical contributors to Wikipedia.
  • Nordic Council application - exploring most suitable projects for Nordic Council grant applications, especially within the realm of GLAM projects (Norway, Sweden), Wiki Loves Monuments 2012, Grand Photo Safari, GLAM outreach joint ventures, nordic seminars. At the previous Nordic Chapter meeting (Gothenburg 2011), specific projects were indicated for further discussion, including a possible Kattegat ferry weekend seminar.

Project scope and list of activities


Wikimedia Norway will host a low-cost Nordic Chapter Meeting in Oslo, in connection with the Wikipedia Academy 2012.

The meeting is quite separate from the academy, wwitk non-overlapping costs. Accommodation is on ultra-cheap Comfort Hotel Xpress in Oslo, at NOK 700 per night. Lunch and dinner costs are at maximum 75% of the US daily diet allowance for Oslo.

Meeting location is aquired for free in downtown Oslo. Travelling has internal funding.

because of substantial travelling distances by train, participants must arrive the night before and stay two nights.

Non-financial requirements


There are no immediate non-financial requirements.

Fit to strategy


All four agenda issues fit to strategic goal of OUTREACH and PARTICIPATION. Wikimedia Sweden and Wikimedia Norway already have established GLAM projects with external partners (Europeana, Norwegian Culture Council, etc) that are in their startup phase and are great potential for joint events. In 2011, Wikimedia Norway conducted the WLM in direct cooperation with the national Antiquarian (Riksantikvaren). The partners signal increasing willingness to expand projects. At Wikipedia Academy 2012 in Oslo the day after, the program includes two speakers from Sweden including the Nordic Museum (Nordiska Museet), and the Nordic Chapter Meeting will especially discuss the potential for GLAM outreach projects like Nordic academy, WLM 2012 with the institutions, GLAM sector seminars, photo projects, etc.

Such cooperation will move the individual chapters forward in two ways:

  • More established chapters (Sweden, Norway) will share experiences and project possibilities, possibly merging (academy) or expanding (Saami) existing projects with external partners.
  • Less established chapters (Denmark, Finland) will be able to draw heavily on the dynamic of the others, with possibility of low-effort inclusion in some of the existing projects, or at least being able to match external partners across the borders (for instance, let danish GLAM institutions get directly connected with swedish or norwegian ones through the networks developed in Wikimedia partnerships there).

Other benefits


Nordic chapters are vulnerable due to the small population size of the countries, the scarce activists will come together and get mutually inspired.

Measures of success


The meeting will be a success if we achieve at least two of the following KPIs in 2012:

  • Sweden or Finland get connected to the Saami Parliament funding scheme (Saami Wikipedia project).
  • The Nordic Yearbook is produced and distributed in 2012.
  • A joint event, grand safari, etc is realized in connection with WLM 2012.
  • a major joint seminar with external outreach is realized, for example at FSCONS 2012.
  • A Nordic Council project application is developed and executed on.
  • Several GLAM institutions get connected across borders as result of the efforts.

Team members (optional)


Participants include:

Wikimedia Sweden:

  • Holger Motzkau, Jakob Hammerbäck, Bengt Oberger, Lennart Guldbrandsson

Wikimedia Norway:

  • Jarle Vines, Erlend Bjørtvedt, Kjetil Ree, (Ulf Larsen)

Wikimedia Denmark:

  • Steen Thomassen, NN

Wikimedia Finland:

  • (invited)