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Grants:Wikimedia UG Nigeria Grants/Wikimedia User Group Nigeria Community Support Fund/2nd round of sensitization/creating awareness of Wikipedia at Federal University of Technology Owerri, Imo state/report

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Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

Yes. I met my set out goals and to some extent i am happy with the outcome of the project. This is the second time of my appearance as a wikimedia tutor to these students. I was able to exhaust my teaching within the sketch time and students complied to the the session. Students were able to edit on their sandboxes, they created articles and added references, and did some translations.



Please report on your original project targets. Please be sure to review and provide metrics required for Rapid Grants.

No, I didn't reach my target. This is because the school management fixed debate class at the same time with Wikimedia session and so there was a clash in time as some students who are Wikimedia editors joined in the debate competition. Secondly, it rained profusely, hence, few of the students could not come to school.
Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
30 participants 17 I reached my goal of organizing a physical Training and the number of participants was slightly encouraging.
70 words to be added 1,640 words added I reached my target of sandbox optimization .
To create an article on the sandbox An article created I focused solemnly on their acquisition of editing knowledge and i achieved it because they were able to answer few questions been asked them correctly.
I expected to have (10) new participants (3) participants joined us. I had (3) new Participants joined the training session.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?

The use of Micro unit teaching strategy worked very. Also peer learning strategy worked very well (The first to learn the material was asked to teach another person and so on). Question and answer series worked very well.

  • What did not work so well?

The management idea of fixing two activities the day and at the same time did not favor this training session at all. Secondly, to rely on the school management for the provision of generating set did not work well.

  • What would you do differently next time?

I would ensure that no other activity is fixed on that day and at the same time and it would not be on a Friday. Secondly, I would not like changing and rescheduling of the dates as this also contributed to the low number of participants.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

Hall ..... N40,000 Refreshment : food= N 1000 * 40 = N40,000

             soft drinks  N250 * 40 =               N10,000
              water * N1500 * 3 packets =           N 4500

Hiring of projector N10,000 transport for the facilitators N5000 * 2 = N 10,000 Data for the facilitators N1000 * 2 = N2000 Data for students N500 * 17 = N8,500 Data for (2) teachers * N2000 photo coverage = N5000 Fuel = N 3000 transport for students N500 * 17 = N8,500 Transportation fare for (2) teachers = N2000

Total = N145,500

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

yes (N10,500) Note: The balance from student's data would be used for this week's data reimbursement for online meet-up.


==Anything else==

Anything else you want to share about your project?

The students looked forward to me saying ""take this as a token"" but such did not come ,so, I look forward to the next event to avail them an appreciation gift as a token. Thanks

Attached herein is the outreach dashboard of the event: https://outreachdashboard.wmflabs.org/courses/Wikimedia_User_Group_Nigeria/Sensitization_of_Wikipedia_in_FUTO_Secondary_School,_Owerri_and_Edith-a-ton


Questions about Sandbox editing FUTO secondary school Refreshing moment versus peer to peer learning Refreshment versus micro teaching Peer to peer learning during FUTO secondary school event Facilitators and students at the heat of the training