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Grants:Wikimedia UG Nigeria Grants/Wikimedia User Group Nigeria Community Support Fund/Resonating Legacies: Documenting the Profound Quotes of Nigerian Heroes, Heroines, and Leaders

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Project summary[edit]

Briefly summarize your project proposal.

Resonating Legacies is an innovative and ambitious project proposal that aims to revolutionize the content on Wikiquote by bridging the gap in documenting the profound quotes of Nigerian heroes, heroines, and leaders. This unique initiative recognizes the lack of representation and coverage of Nigerian figures on Wikiquote and seeks to train editors to curate and add compelling quotes from these influential personalities.
The importance of this project cannot be overstated. Nigerian heroes, heroines, and leaders have played pivotal roles in shaping the country's history, culture, and progress. Their profound quotes encapsulate their wisdom, vision, and invaluable contributions to society. However, these voices have been underrepresented on Wikiquote, limiting the access and visibility of their inspiring words to a global audience.
This Project will bridge this Gap by training editors to research, verify, and contribute quotes from a diverse range of Nigerian figures. Through comprehensive and accurate documentation, the project will showcase the rich tapestry of Nigerian thought leaders, showcasing their wisdom and insights on various subjects such as politics, literature, arts, science, and more.
The successful implementation of this project will have a profound impact on Wikiquote and the world at large. By adding the profound quotes of Nigerian heroes, heroines, and leaders, Wikiquote will become a more inclusive and comprehensive platform that represents the diversity of global thought. This expansion of content will not only enrich the experience of Wikiquote users but also contribute to a deeper understanding and appreciation of Nigerian history, culture, and leadership.

Wikimedia Project[edit]

Please state the Wikimedia project your project will focus majorly on (e.g. Wikipedia, Wikidata, etc). It is advisable to focus on one Wikimedia project, but a maximum of two projects is allowed.


Contact person and Location[edit]

Please state the contact details of the contact person(s) for this project including email(s) and location. For more than one contact person, indicate same details for everyone

  • Full name: Adetayo Ayodele Raphael
  • Email address:ayodelerance@gmail.com
  • Location: Ojo, Lagos

Project class[edit]

Please state if this grant is for individual project or network/club project

  • Individual Project

Timeline of activities[edit]

Please state the timeline of your activities, and include the start and end date for your project

  • Start date: 5th August 2023
  • End date: 30th August 2023

Project Goal[edit]

Choose one or more of the following goals. Feel free to add or delete goals as required by your project.

  1. Recruit New Editors: Actively engage and recruit new editors, particularly those with an interest in Nigerian history, culture, and leadership. This will help expand the contributor base and ensure a diverse range of perspectives in documenting the profound quotes of Nigerian heroes, heroines, and leaders.
  1. Add or Improve Content: Encourage editors to not only add new quotes but also improve existing content on Wikiquote related to Nigerian figures. This includes ensuring accurate attributions, providing context, and expanding biographical information to enhance the overall quality and depth of the quotes section.

Project Plan[edit]


Tell us how you'll carry out your project. Be sure to answer the following questions:

1. Are you doing one editathon or training or a series of editathons or trainings?

One Training and Two virtual Event and Edit a thons with an online contest
  • Physical Training : This is a hands-on and interactive learning experience for editors. Led by experienced facilitators, the training equips participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute effectively to documenting the profound quotes of Nigerian heroes, heroines, and leaders on Wikiquote. Through engaging exercises and workshops, participants enhance their editing skills, learn attribution guidelines, and gain a deeper understanding of the project's objectives. The training fosters a collaborative environment where participants can exchange insights, ideas, and establish connections with fellow contributors. Ultimately, the physical training empowers editors to curate valuable content, expand the representation of Nigerian thought and wisdom, and preserve the legacies of Nigerian figures for future generations.
  • Two Virtual Event: These events are designed to actively involve a diverse audience in the documentation of profound quotes from Nigerian heroes, heroines, and leaders. Through expert speakers, engaging discussions, and interactive sessions,edit a thons and training,the virtual events provide a platform to explore the significance, historical context, and impact of these quotes. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute their insights, exchange knowledge,edit and collaborate on refining and expanding the representation of Nigerian thought and wisdom. These events serve as a means to foster intellectual discourse, celebrate Nigerian culture and history, and encourage active participation in preserving the legacies of Nigerian figures.
  • Contest: The event concludes with an Online Contest that encourages participants to make edit and create pages of the favorite quotes from Nigerian heroes, heroines, and leaders. The contest aims to recognize and incentivize contributions by offering prizes to the top three participants.By actively engaging in the contest, participants contribute to the preservation of profound quotes and foster a sense of achievement and motivation.

2. How have you let relevant Wikimedia communities know about this proposal? You are required to provide links to on-wiki pages to inform these communities about your proposed work. Examples of places where this can be done include community discussion pages, affiliate discussion pages, or relevant project talk pages.
You may also provide information about external social media channels you may be using.

The project has been shared with Wikimedia User Group community through their on-wiki communication channels, including community discussion pages and affiliate discussion pages. This information has been shared by posting a formal write-up on the discussion pages, encouraging community members to provide feedback and support[[1]]

3. How will you let participants know about the edit-a-thon? In what ways will you be communicating with them?
For example, these can include on-wiki spaces, social media channels, mailing lists, messaging apps, or physical/online gatherings.

Target Participants: The project aims to engage a diverse range of individuals, including scholars, researchers, students, historians, cultural enthusiasts, new and existing wikimedian editors and the general public with an interest in Nigerian history, culture, and leadership.
Create Awareness: The Resonating Legacies project will create awareness about the edit-a-thon through a multi-faceted approach. E-Fliers, engaging social media campaigns, targeted email outreach, collaborations with organizations, and engaging content will be utilized to spread the event. By leveraging these strategies and utilizing designated messaging channels and platforms, the project aims to generate widespread awareness among the target participants about the edit-a-thon, encouraging their active participation and fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for Nigerian history, culture, and leadership.

4. Do you have experienced Wikimedia editors to lead the event? Please provide links to the usernames of these individuals.
For example: User:Kaizenify

5. Do participants have the equipment or skills needed to participate and contribute high quality content? If not, how will you support them?

Yes, they have the necessary skills and equipment,this project takes into consideration participants' equipment and skills by providing necessary resources, training opportunities, and a supportive community to ensure their ability to contribute high-quality content.

6. How will you engage participants after the event(s)?

After the event, there will be a continued engagement by inviting participants to become members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria. This membership will provide them with ongoing support and opportunities for collaboration within a dedicated community. Additionally, participants will be added to a dedicated WhatsApp group, where they can receive real-time updates, seek assistance, and engage in discussions with fellow contributors. Regular communication through email, social media updates, and online forums will ensure participants stay informed about project developments, upcoming initiatives, and opportunities to contribute. The project team will actively seek feedback from participants, creating a feedback loop that helps improve the project and ensures a sustained and meaningful engagement long after the initial event.

7. Is there anything else you want to tell us about this project?

This project holds tremendous potential for positive outcomes. By documenting the profound quotes of Nigerian heroes, heroines, and leaders, the project will create a comprehensive repository of wisdom and inspiration that celebrates Nigeria's rich cultural heritage. Moreover, the project is committed to following the Wikimedia youth policy, ensuring meaningful participation and inclusivity for young contributors, as well as adhering to the friendly space policy, which guarantees a safe and respectful environment for all participants. By upholding these policies, the project promotes collaboration, diversity, and the principles of equity, making it a worthy investment in preserving Nigerian legacies and inspiring a global audience.


How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets:

  1. Number of events: 3 ( 1 physical and two virtual event)
  2. Number of participants : 25
  3. Number of new editors: 10
  4. Number of of articles created or improved : 350 articles Created and improved
  5. Number of repeat participants (for projects that include a series of events): 25

Metrics tracking[edit]

How do you plan to track your project metrics? Outreach dashboard and X tools to track editors edits and contributions


What resources do you have? Include information on who is organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).

Ayodelerance(Project lead): I have extensive experience and notable achievements within the Wikimedia community. my expertise and dedication are exemplified by my co-facilitation as a trainer of the Africa Women in Education Wikiquote event, where I played a crucial role in empowering and amplifying the voices of African women in education. my contributions have been recognized through numerous wins in Wikiquote events, demonstrating my commitment to the platform and my ability to curate and document profound quotes effectively. my experience and track record of success make me an invaluable editor in carrying out this project, ensuring its quality, impact, and alignment with the Wikimedia mission of knowledge sharing and preservation.
Kojodavid(Co-Facilitator):He brings valuable expertise and notable achievements to the team. With over 100 edits on Wikiquote, he has made significant contributions to wikiquote. Notably, he achieved success by winning the African Women in Education Wikiquote event. His dedication to amplifying the voices of African women in education through wikiquote demonstrates his commitment to diversity and inclusivity. His contributions and expertise as a co-facilitator enrich the project, ensuring a comprehensive and representative documentation of the profound quotes of Nigerian heroes, heroines, and leaders.
Evaristus07(logistics and Jury): With meticulous attention to detail and organizational skills, he ensures smooth project coordination and oversees the judging process. his expertise in managing logistics and facilitating communication among team members contributes to the project's overall efficiency. his commitment to upholding project standards and ensuring fairness in the selection process is integral to the project's success. his valuable contributions play a vital role in the project's overall execution and achievement of its objectives.

What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.

  • Venue: NGN 40,000
  • Refreshment and Takeaway packs (2500 * 25) : NGN 62,500
  • Projector and Camera Rentals: NGN 15,000
  • Internet services(1,000*25*3) : NGN 75,000
  • Branding and T shirt for Faciliators(3*4000):NGN12,000
  • E fliers(3000) and roll up banner(12,000):NGN15,000
  • Soouvenirs(Pen and jotters)(1000*25):NGN 25,000
  • Airtime for communication(2000)+ Transportation(2500)+ data for team members(2500)(7,000*3):NGN21,000
  • Prizes for contributors:NGN50,000
  • Contigencies,Miscellaneous and Logistics: NGN 20,000
  • TOTAL : 335,500


Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!

#Kojodavid (talk) 19:58, 15 July 2023 (UTC)[edit]

STRONG SUPPORTThis project is a valuable contribution to Nigerian history and culture. It will preserve the wisdom and insights of our nation's most important figures, and it will inspire future generations to live up to their example. The quotes in Resonating Legacies are not just words on a page. They are powerful reminders of the challenges and triumphs that Nigerians have faced throughout our history. They are also a call to action for us to continue to build a better future for our country


STRONG SUPPORT Resonating Legacies is an outstanding project that documents the profound quotes of Nigerian heroes, heroines, and leaders, capturing the essence of Nigerian history and culture. By preserving and showcasing these quotes, the project inspires, enlightens, and empowers individuals, fostering cross-cultural understanding and celebrating the remarkable contributions of Nigerian thought leaders. Resonating Legacies has the potential to ignite a renewed appreciation for Nigerian wisdom on a global scale, leaving a lasting impact that resonates with people from all walks of life.

Submit your report[edit]