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Grants talk:Project/Rapid/Semester Funding for Meetups in Rain Semester 2018/2019 Session, Wikimedia Fan Club, University of Ibadan

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Latest comment: 5 years ago by Adefanike in topic Approved

Hello Adefanike I sincerely apologize we were not able to review this grant request before the dates you proposed in this grant request passed. Can you please let us know if you are still planning to carry out these meetups in the new year? If so change the dates on your proposal and we can move forward with a review. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 00:36, 12 January 2019 (UTC)Reply

 thank you, WJifar (WMF) we, the club is willing to go ahead with our plans with the dates changed accordingly.

Comments from WMF


Hello Adefanike, thank you so much for updating your dates to reflect the new year. I would just like to request one change to your proposal before we can move forward:

  • I see that you have a budget line item for t-shirts. As you can see it's the most expensive item on your budget. We normally allow t-shirts for contests and for those who make special contributions. Given that this is going to be a monthly meetup and you have other items to offer such as pins, notebooks and certificates, I would like to remove this item from your budget all together.

Please let me know if this works for you and I can proceed with approval. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 01:35, 25 January 2019 (UTC)Reply

 Hello WJifar (WMF), thank you for your request for a change to our grant proposal. But I will like to state that our intention for the inclusion of the T-shirts in the first place is to use it as a veritable source of advertisement for our Club, due to the simple fact that we are mainly a students' community. We have seen, first hand, how people are attracted to us and asked what we actually do when they read the 'I EDIT WIKIPEDIA' inscriptions on the very very few T-shirts that our members have (only 3 of us have the t-shirts!)

However, ma'am, if we still have to do without the T-shirts, based on your own understanding of the purpose for which it is usually made available, then we will not mind removing it from the grant proposal. thank you. Adefanike (talk) 07:27, 25 January 2019 (UTC) _______________________Reply

Hello Adefanike, Thank you for your comments. I think it is a great opportunity to leverage all advantages of the academic environment (reaching out to new target audience, as you said, utilizing knowledge from different disciplines and more).

But I do have a few questions I would like to clarify before moving on to approval:

  • I'm not completely clear about how many Club members are active at the moment. And how many more new contributors are you planing to recruit with this program?
  • What do you mean by :"we will focus on specific activity, which we would have decided on through our social media platforms"? Is there a decision making process you are doing on social media?
  • Is there any formal partnership with the University? (It's o.k if not, but it will probably make the project more sustainable for the long run).
  • Regarding the Impact section - the meaning is to specify target goals to be achieved in the further, so after the project will end, you will be able to estimate whether or not it was successful. I think you mentioned the current objectives, instead of further goals. Did I understand it correctly? If so, please amend this section.

Regarding the budget section:

  • Refreshment - you mentioned the cost is 98.36 per meeting, and that there will be 3 meetings, but you wrote only 98.36 on the Total. Do you want to amend this?
  • Swag - as said before, we tend not to fund T-shirts accept for contests, but I do understand your desire to attract attention at the campus, so we can approve this, but as a one time thing. Meaning you will not be able to ask for t-shirts for further club members (accept for contests). Let me know what you decide.
  • What is 'Internet Data' - what are you required to pay for? (given that there is already an Internet broadband payment).
  • Rollup Banner - my suggestion is just to make it relatively generic (without specifying a year for example) so you can use it in the future as well.
  • Coordinator's travel support - do you mean for travel reimbursement? Just make sure to save the Receipts as required.

Waiting to hear from you. Thanks! CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 11:33, 7 February 2019 (UTC)Reply


 Thank you CAlmog (WMF) on behalf of Wikimedia Fan Club, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
 In an attempt at answering your questions, in the order they are asked:
  • By focusing on specific activity for each meetup, I will like to use the example of our last meetup again where the targeted activity was editing on wikidata. The next meetup's targeted activity is Nigerian languages. And our social media platforms are the vehicle upon which we drive the awareness for our activities, that is, we share the information through the platforms.
  • Yes, we have a formal relationship with the University. By this, I mean we have been registered with the school as an organisation within the student's body and have been assigned a Lecturer as our Welfare officer/Adviser
  • Amendments made.

Regarding the budget section:

  • I am very sorry and don't have an excuse for this error, I must have failed to crosscheck my calculations. Amended.
  • As regards to t-shirts, thank you for understanding our desires and needs. However, as it regards to our being able to only ask for t-shirts for contests in the future, I will like to reiterate once again that we are a mostly student community and student turnover is inevitable. Hope the foundation will consider this in the future.
  • For internet data and broadband, I will like to differentiate them by using an analogy of a sim card (representing the broadband) and the airtime, without which the sim card is useless (representing internet data). In Nigeria, subscribers pay for both airtime (for calls and messaging) and data (for internet uses). And I will like to state here that this issue of paying for data has been a great challenge for us as a mostly student club. The leaders in this club have had, several times to personally make data available for members in order to encourage them to edit.
  • Yes, definitely the roll up banner will be generic. But we have been making banners and posters which are placed at strategic places in the school depicting our name, what we do, and contacts of the leaders of the Club, and these have been yielding positive results.
  • Yes, travel reimbursement and some time, accommodation for a night or two, when we have a two to three-day program, like we had in October 2018 for resource persons or members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria

Thank you for your time taken to go through our grant. Needless to say, approving this grant will help facilitate the further progress of the club. Adefanike (talk) 07:11, 9 February 2019 (UTC)Reply



Thank you Adefanike for the additional information. It was very meaningful and helps us get the full picture. I have approved this grant and sent you instructions for processing the grant. Best, CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 14:02, 14 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Thank you CAlmog (WMF), the club appreciate your time and effort on her welfare.Adefanike (talk) 14:59, 14 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Good day CAlmog (WMF), thanks once again for your help. However, I wish to make a request for permission to change the dates on the approved grant for Wikimedia Fan Club, University of Ibadan, Nigeria because of the current political situation in our country.

The shift in the earlier scheduled elections in our nation necessitates this request.

it will be a great relief to the club if this permission is granted.

We will like to have the dates on our grant to read March 21, 2019 as start date and May 23, 2019 as end date.

thank you for your kind consideration of this request.

awaiting your response in order to fulfill the post grant approval requirements

thank you. Adefanike (talk) 06:07, 21 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hi Adefanike,

Your request to change the dates for the Grant proposal is Approved. You can go ahead and change on Meta. After doing so, please don't forger to follow the instructions to provide the information and documents needed to process your grant. You must complete these next steps to receive your grant funds.

Good luck! CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 14:36, 21 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Thank you! Adefanike (talk) 18:14, 21 February 2019 (UTC)Reply