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Joe Enis

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Joe Enis


Sample Student: This page is an example of how a student's page might appear in Wikiversity, showing the professor's evaluation of the student, the student's evaluation of the professor and of the course, and the specifics of grades and scores for projects and papers. All information on this page is fictitious, for example only.

Professor's Comments


Joe has a sharp logical mind that can penetrate to the fatal flaw in any logical argument. He has made some significant observations on the nature of logic which have relevance to Gestalt theory.

Student's Comments


One of the most interesting things I learned from this course was the very existence of a form of analogical reasoning that is quite different from the stark Boolean logic more commonly seen in philosophy.

Detailed Grades


Paper 1: The Thinking of Thoughts. Grade B+

Comments: This is an interesting paper with a new twist on the relation between logic and analogy.

Exam 1: Score 82, Grade B

Paper 2: Circular reasoning computed by feedback algorithm.

Comments: Circular reasoning is often a flag for a failure of logic. In this paper Joe shows how circular reasoning need not be logically flawed, but can be computed by progressive approximation with a feedback loop using analogical logic.

Exam 2: Score 56, Grade C

Paper 3: Analytical analogies, and analogical analyses. Grade: A+

Comments: In this paper Joe juxtaposes the analogical and analytical approaches to logic, and draws the parallels between the two, relating many logical phenomena to analogical phenomena in the physical world.

Exam 3: Score 83, Grade B

Paper 4: Analogical Logic to Escape the Travelling Salesman Paradox. Grade: A+

Comments: In this paper Joe outdoes himself and presents an insightful analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of an analogical logic system, as compared to strict Boolean logic.

Exam 4: Score 73, Grade B-

Course Grade: A+