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*العنوان title ويكيبيديا للأبد!
تاريخ النشر date 2004-02-21
الاسم الأول للمؤلف first فلان
لقب المؤلف last الفلاني
مؤلف مشارك (إذا وجد)‏ coauthors صفاء راتب راتب صفاء
وصلة المؤلف (إذا وجد)‏ authorlink فلان الفلاني
العمل (اسم الصحيفة، الخ.)‏ work الأهرام
دار النشر publisher مؤسسة ويكيميديا
العنوان url http://ar.wikipedia.org
تاريخ مراجعة المصدر accessdate 2006-07-23
الصفحات pages B14
اللغة (إن لم تكن العربية)‏ lang English



{{cite news | first={$first} | last={$last} | coauthors= {$coauthors} |authorlink= {$authorlink} | title={$title} | date={$date} | publisher={$publisher} | url ={$url} | work ={$work} | pages ={$pages} | accessdate = {$accessdate} | language = {$lang} }}

ورقة بحثية في مجلة/مقال في دورية



*Paper/Article title title=bib.title Self-replication and scrapie
*Journal/Periodical name journal=bib.journal Nature
Date date 1967-02-27
Author's first name first John
Author's last name last Smith
Coauthors (if any) coauthors=bib.author Mary Black, Joel Stein
Volume volume=bib.volume 215
Issue issue 105
Pages pages=bib.pages 1043-4
PMID pmid 4964084
DOI doi 10.1038/2151043a0
URL url http://example.com
Format (if not HTML) format PDF
Date you reviewed the source accessdate 2006-07-23
BibTex @bibtex You can use BibTex
to fill in some of the values



{{cite journal|title={$title}|journal={$journal}|date={$date}|first={$first}|last={$last}|coauthors={$coauthors}|volume={$volume}|issue={$issue}|pages={$pages}|pmid={$pmid}|doi={$doi}|url={$url}|format={$format}|accessdate={$accessdate} }}

تقرير في مؤتمر أو ورقة بحثية



*Paper title contribution=bib.title Face recognition using eigenfaces
*Conference/report title title Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Editor's first name edfirst John
Editor's last name edlast Smith
Coeditors coeditors=bib.author J. Doe, J. Bond et al.
Publisher publisher IEEE
Place place Palo Alto, California
Date date 1999-10-24
Year year 19991
Author's first name first M.
Author's last name last Turk
Coauthors (if any) coauthors=bib.author A. Petland
Pages pages=bib.pages 1043-4
PMID pmid 4964084
DOI doi 10.1038/2151043a0
URL url http://example.com
Format (if not HTML) format PDF
Date you reviewed the source accessdate 2006-07-23
BibTex @bibtex You can use BibTex
to fill in some of the values



{{Citation | first={$first} | last={$last} | coauthors={$coauthors} | contribution={$contribution} | title={$title} | editor-first={$edfirst} | editor-last={$edlast} | coeditors={$coeditors} | publisher={$publisher} | place={$place} | pages={$pages} | date={$date} | year={$year} | pmid={$pmid} | doi={$doi} | contribution-url={$url} | format={$format} | accessdate={$accessdate} }}

موقع عادي



*URL url http://example.com
Page title title The Last Website on the Net!
Date you reviewed the source accessdate 2006-12-30
Author's first name first John
Author's last name last Smith
Coauthors (if any) coauthors Mary Black, Joel Stein
Work (newspaper name, etc.) work The London Times
Publisher publisher Wikimedia Foundation
Date date 1967-12-30
Format (if not HTML) format PDF
Language (if not English) language German
URL of archived copy of page (i.e. at the Internet Archive) archiveurl http://example.net
Date page was archived archivedate 2006-12-30



{{cite web|url={$url} <!title>|title={$title}</!title> <!accessdate>|accessdate={$accessdate}</!accessdate> <!last>|last={$last}</!last> <!first>|first={$first}</!first> <!coauthors>|coauthors={$coauthors}</!coauthors> <!date>|date={$date}</!date> <!format>|format={$format}</!format> <!work>|work={$work}</!work> <!publisher>|publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!language>|language={$language}</!language> <!archiveurl>|archiveurl={$archiveurl}</!archiveurl> <!archivedate>|archivedate={$archivedate}</!archivedate> }}




*Author's last name last Shakespeare
Author's first name first William
Author's Wikipedia page authorlink William Shakespeare
Co-authors coauthors Earl of Oxford
*Title title Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Publisher publisher Washington Square Press
Publication date date 2003-12-30
Publication location location New York, New York
Pages pages 50-51
URL url
DOI (Digital object identifier) doi 10.1007/b62130
ID id
ISBN isbn 978-0743477123



{{cite book | last = {$last} | first = {$first} | authorlink = {$authorlink} | coauthors = {$coauthors} | title = {$title} | publisher = {$publisher} | date = {$date} | location = {$location} | pages = {$pages} | url = {$url} | doi = {$doi} | id = {$id} | isbn = {$isbn} }}

مدخلة في موسوعة



*Encyclopedia encyclopedia Jewish Encyclopedia
*Article title title Jacob ben Asher
Quote quote German codifier and Biblical commentator;
Volume volume 10
Pages pages 27-28
Publication date date 1906-12-30
Publication year year 1906
Article author first name first Solomon
Article author last name last Schechter
Article author author Solomon Schechter
Article author link authorlink Solomon Schechter
Article co-authors coauthors M. Seligsohn
Edition edition 1st edition.
Editor editor Isidore Singer, Ph.D.
URL url http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com
Date you reviewed the source accessdate 2007-12-30
Publisher publisher Funk & Wagnalls
Publication location location New York, New York
DOI doi 10.1038/2151043a0
ID id



{{cite encyclopedia |last={$last} |first={$first} |author={$author} |authorlink={$authorlink} |coauthors={$coauthors} |editor={$editor} |encyclopedia={$encyclopedia} |title={$title} |url={$url} |accessdate={$accessdate} |edition={$edition} |date={$date} |year={$year} |publisher={$publisher} |volume={$volume} |location={$location} |doi={$doi} |id={$id} |pages={$pages} |quote={$quote} }}

