MediaWiki:Centralnotice-template-B12 1227 ThankYou 5pillars

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

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   <img class="video-thumb" src="//" height="100" width="184" />

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       <a href="//" title="">
         <img src="//" alt="Poongothai" />
         Poongothai Retired mathematics teacher
       <a href="//" title="">
         <img src="//" alt="Oarabile Mudongo" />
         Oarabile Student
       <a href="//" title="">
         <img src="//" alt="Mei Jiun" />
         Mei Jiun Scientist
       <a href="//" title="">
         <img src="//" alt="Ken" />
         Ken Construction Safety
       <a href="//" title="">
         <img src="//" alt="Ruben" />
         Ruben Language preservationist
 <img border="0" src="//" alt="Close" />

<script type="text/javascript">

 //{{{hide-cookie-name}}} WTH more wtf
   // MediaWiki:FR2012/Resources/DetermineShowHide.js
 // - This expects to be externeraly wrapped in script tags
 // This looks at cookie data and the page name to determine if a banner should be
 // shown. It then populates mw.centralNotice.bannerData.hideResult with true
 // if the banner should be shown. This will also increment the cookie count if
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 // END MediaWiki:FR2012/Resources/HidePageNameList.js
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 // END MediaWiki:FR2012/Resources/DetermineShowHide.js

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       origin: ""
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var bannerChooseRandom = function(choiceString) {

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       error = true;
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           case 'US':
               $(".us-only").css("display", "");
               $(".paymentmethod-amazon").css("display", ""); //do not set to block
       // set the form fields
       $("input[name='return_to']").val("Thank_You/" + mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage'));
       // do fun things to localize currency in the banner and form
           var id = $(this).attr("id");
           var label = $("label[for='" + id + "']");
           label.text(label.text().replace(/\$/, symbol));


function toggleMonthly( monthly ){

   if( monthly.type == "checkbox" ){
       monthly = monthly.checked;
   var onetimeonly = $(".no-monthly");
   if( monthly ){
       onetimeonly.css("display", "none");
   } else {
       onetimeonly.css("display", "");
       if( != "US" ){
           $(".paymentmethod-amazon").css("display", "none");
       if( != "AU" ){
           $(".paymentmethod-bpay").css("display", "none");

} </script>