Content translation | link | "Wikipedia:Content translation tool" |
Huggle | revert | "Reverted edits by.*?WP:HG" |
ProveIt | regex | "with \[\[Wikipedia:ProveIt" |
link | "Wikipedia:ProveIt" |
namespaces | |
Redirect | regex | "Redirected page to \[\[.*?\]\]" |
link | "Project:Redirect" |
WikiLove | regex | "new WikiLove message" |
link | "Project:WikiLove" |
namespaces | |
Advisor.js | regex | "\(using \[\[(User:Cameltrader#Advisor.js|User:PC-XT\/Advisor)\|Advisor.js" |
link | "WP:ADVISOR" |
AFCH | regex | "WP:AFCH" |
link | "Project:AFCH" |
namespaces | |
AFC/R HS | regex | "Using \[\[User:PhantomTech\/scripts\/AFCRHS\.js|\(\[\[User:Enterprisey\/AFCRHS" |
link | "User:Enterprisey/AFCRHS" |
namespaces | |
AFC-add-project-tags.js | regex | "\(\[\[MediaWiki:AFC-add-project-tags\.js\|assisted" |
link | "Wikipedia:WikiProject Articles for creation/Add WikiProject tags" |
namespaces | |
AfD closures | regex | "^\[\[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion\/.*?closed as" |
link | "Project:Articles for deletion" |
namespaces | |
Archiving script | regex | "\[\[(User:Equazcion\/OneClickArchiver|User:Technical 13\/1CA|User:Evad37\/OneClickArchiver)\|OneClickArchive[rd]|Removed \d+ threads? to \[\[|Added threads from \[\[" |
link | "Project:OneClickArchiver" |
AutoEd | regex | "using \[\[(Wikipedia|WP):AutoEd\|AutoEd" |
link | "Project:AutoEd" |
autoFormatter | regex | "using (\[\[:meta:User:TMg\/autoFormatter|autoFormatter)" |
link | "meta:User:TMg/autoFormatter" |
AutoSpell | regex | "User:Symplectic_Map\/AutoSpell\|Script-assisted" |
link | "User:Symplectic_Map/AutoSpell" |
namespaces | |
BDCS | regex | "\(\[\[User:SD0001\/BDCS\|BDCS\]\]\)" |
link | "User:SD0001/BDCS" |
namespaces | |
Bot revert | regex | "^Reverting possible (vandalism|test edit).*by.*\(Bot|BOT( EDIT)?\)$|^BOT (- )?(Reverted edits? by|rv)|^vandalism from \[\[.*?\(\d+\) - reverted" |
link | "Project:Bots" |
revert | true |
Capricorn | regex | "\(\[\[User:Kephir\/gadgets\/sagittarius\||\(\[\[User:Sam Sailor\/Scripts\/Sagittarius\+\||\[\[User:Wugapodes\/Capricorn\||\[\[User:MJL\/Archer" |
link | "User:Wugapodes/Capricorn" |
Checklinks | regex | "using \[\[w:WP:CHECKLINKS" |
link | "Project:CHECKLINKS" |
Citation bot | regex | "\[\[WP:UCB\|Assisted by Citation bot|via #UCB_Gadget" |
link | "Project:UCB" |
closemfd.js | regex | "closemfd\.js" |
link | "User:Doug/closemfd.js" |
namespaces | |
closetfd.js | regex | "closetfd\.js" |
link | "User:Doug/closetfd.js" |
namespaces | |
CSD Helper | regex | "\(\[\[User:Ale_jrb\/Scripts\|CSDH" |
link | "Project:CSDH" |
Correct typos in one click | regex | "- \[\[Wikipedia:Correct typos in one click\|Fix a typo in one click" |
link | "Wikipedia:Correct typos in one click" |
namespaces | |
Dabfix | regex | "using \[\[tools:~dispenser\/cgi-bin\/" |
link | "Special:GoToInterwiki/toollabs:dispenser/cgi-bin/" |
Dab solver | regex | "using \[\[(tools:~dispenser\/view\/Dab_solver|WP:DABSOLVER)\|Dab solver|(Disambiguated|Unlinked|Help needed): \[\[|Disambiguated \d+ links|Repaired link.*?\[\[Wikipedia:WikiProject Disambiguation\|please help" |
link | "Project:DABSOLVER" |
Dashes | regex | "using (a \[\[User:GregU\/dashes\.js\|script|\[\[User:Ohconfucius\/dashes\.js\]\])" |
link | "User:Ohconfucius/dashes" |
delsort | regex | "(Wikipedia|WP):FWDS|User:APerson\/delsort\|delsort\.js|User:Enterprisey\/delsort\|assisted" |
link | "WP:DELSORT" |
namespaces | |
deOrphan | regex | "\[\[User:Technical_13\/Scripts\/OrphanStatus\||\[\[User:DannyS712\/deOrphan\|" |
link | "User:DannyS712/deOrphan" |
namespaces | |
DisamAssist | regex | "using \[\[User:Qwertyytrewqqwerty\/DisamAssist" |
link | "User:Qwertyytrewqqwerty/DisamAssist" |
namespaces | |
Draftify | regex | "WP:DFY\|DFY" |
link | "Project:DFY" |
namespaces | |
Draft no cat | regex | "using \[\[User:DannyS712\/Draft no cat\|Draft no cat\]\]" |
link | "User:DannyS712/Draft no cat" |
namespaces | |
draft-sorter | regex | "\(draft-sorter\.js\)" |
link | "User:Enterprisey/draft-sorter" |
namespaces | |
Dumb quotes | regex | "User:DemonDays64\/Scripts\/Dumb quotes.js\|script\]\] per \[" |
link | "User:DemonDays64/Scripts/Dumb quotes" |
namespaces | |
editProtectedHelper | tags | |
regex | "WP:EPH|EPH" |
link | "Project:EPH" |
talk_namespaces | true |
effp-helper | regex | "\(\[\[User:Suffusion of Yellow\/effp-helper(\.js)?\|effp-helper\]\]\)" |
link | "User:Suffusion of Yellow/effp-helper" |
findargdups | regex | "\[\[:en:User:Frietjes\/findargdups" |
link | "User:Frietjes/findargdups" |
Find Link | regex | "using \[\[:en:User:Edward\/Find link\|Find link" |
link | "User:Edward/Find link" |
namespaces | |
File Upload Wizard | regex | "using \[\[Wikipedia:File_Upload_Wizard\|" |
link | "Wikipedia:File Upload Wizard" |
namespaces | |
For the Common Good | regex | "WP:FTCG\|FtCG" |
link | "Project:FTCG" |
namespaces | |
Heading editor | regex | "\[\[User:The Evil IP address\/hdedit\|script\]\]" |
link | "User:The Evil IP address/hdedit" |
Hot Default Sort | regex | "using \[\[User:BrandonXLF\/HotDefaultSort\|Hot Default Sort\]\]" |
link | "User:BrandonXLF/HotDefaultSort" |
Igloo | regex | "Wikipedia:Igloo" |
link | "w:en:Wikipedia:Igloo" |
Mike's Wiki Tool | regex | "User:MichaelBillington\/MWT\|MWT|Mike's Wiki Tool" |
link | "Project:Mike's Wiki Tool" |
namespaces | |
MoveToDraft | regex | "\[\[User:Evad37\/MoveToDraft\.js" |
link | "User:Evad37/MoveToDraft" |
namespaces | |
OABot | tags | "OAuth CID: 817" |
"OAuth CID: 1779" |
link | "Project:OABOT" |
namespaces | |
Ohconfucius script | regex | "\[\[(User:Ohconfucius\/[^\]|]*?|(WP|Wikipedia):MOSNUMscript)\|script" |
link | "Project:MOSNUMscript" |
namespaces | |
Page curation | regex | "using \[\[Wikipedia:Page Curation\|Page Curation" |
tags | |
link | "w:en:Wikipedia:Page_Curation/Help" |
namespaces | |
Page swap | regex | "\/pageswap(\.js)?\|pageswap\]\]" |
link | "WP:PAGESWAP" |
Pending changes revert | regex | "^(\[\[Help:Reverting\|Reverted\]\]|Reverted) \d+ (\[\[Wikipedia:Pending changes\|pending\]\]|pending) edits? (to revision \d+|by \[\[Special:(Contribs|Contributions)\/.*?\|.*?\]\])" |
link | "Project:Pending changes" |
revert | true |
namespaces | |
Rater | regex | "\[\[(WP:RATER|User:(Evad37\/rater.js|Kephir\/gadgets\/rater))" |
link | "WP:RATER" |
talk_namespaces | true |
Red Link Recovery Live | regex | "\[\[w:en:WP:RLR\|You can help!" |
link | "en:WP:RLR" |
RedWarn | tags | |
regex | "\[\[(WP|Wikipedia):REDWARN\|\(RedWarn|\[\[w:en:WP:RW\|\(RW|\(\[\[w:en:Wikipedia:RedWarn\|RW" |
link | "WP:REDWARN" |
Reflinks | regex | "\[\[(tools:~dispenser\/view\/Reflinks|WP:REFLINKS)\|Reflinks" |
link | "Project:REFLINKS" |
RefRenamer | regex | "using \[\[User:Nardog\/RefRenamer\|RefRenamer\]\]" |
link | "User:Nardog/RefRenamer" |
Reply link | regex | "\(\[\[w:en:User:Enterprisey\/reply-link\|reply-link\]\]\)" |
link | "User:Enterprisey/reply-link" |
talk_namespaces | true |
contribs | true |
responseHelper | regex | "\(using \[\[User:MusikAnimal\/responseHelper\|responseHelper" |
link | "User:MusikAnimal/responseHelper" |
namespaces | |
cv-revdel | regex | "using \[\[User:Primefac\/revdel|User:Enterprisey\/cv-revdel\|" |
link | "User:Enterprisey/cv-revdel" |
SBHandler | regex | "sing \[\[User:Beetstra\/SBH\|" |
link | "User:Beetstra/SBH" |
namespaces | |
Script Installer | regex | "\[\[User:Equazcion\/ScriptInstaller\|Script Installer|\(\[\[User:Enterprisey\/script-installer\|script-installer\]\]\)" |
link | "User:Enterprisey/script-installer" |
namespaces | |
Shortdesc helper | regex | "Shortdesc helper\|Shortdesc helper\]\]\)" |
tags | |
link | "Wikipedia:Shortdesc helper" |
namespaces | |
Snuggle | regex | "WP:Snuggle\|Sn\]\]" |
link | "Project:Snuggle" |
SPI Helper | regex | "^(Archiving case (to|from)|Adding sockpuppetry (tag|block notice) per) \[\[Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations|\(using \[\[:w:en:(User:GeneralNotability\/spihelper|WP:SPIH)" |
link | "User:GeneralNotability/spihelper" |
namespaces | |
StubSorter | regex | "using \[\[User:SD0001\/StubSorter\|StubSorter\]\]" |
link | "User:SD0001/StubSorter" |
namespaces | |
STiki | regex | "WP:ST(iki|IKI)" |
tags | |
link | "w:en:Wikipedia:STiki" |
revert | "Reverted \d+.*WP:(STiki|STIKI)" |
namespaces | |
stubsearch | regex | "\[\[User:Danski454\/stubsearch\|a tool" |
link | "User:Danski454/stubsearch" |
namespaces | |
stubtagtab.js | regex | "using \[\[User:MC10\/stubtagtab.js" |
link | "User:MC10/stubtagtab.js" |
namespaces | |
SWHandler | regex | "sing \[\[User:Beetstra\/SWH\|" |
link | "User:Beetstra/SWH" |
namespaces | |
The Wikipedia Adventure | regex | "simulated automatically as part of \[\[WP:The Wikipedia Adventure\|" |
link | "Project:TWA" |
namespaces | |
Twinkle | regex | "(Wikipedia|WP):(TW|TWINKLE|Twinkle|FRIENDLY)" |
tags | |
link | "Project:Twinkle" |
revert | "^Reverted.*(WP:(TW|TWINKLE|Twinkle)|Wikipedia:Twinkle)" |
unblock-review | regex | "\(\[\[User:Enterprisey\/unblock-review" |
link | "User:Enterprisey/unblock-review" |
namespaces | |
undo-last-edit | regex | "\(\[\[User:Enterprisey\/undo-last-edit\.js\|undo-last-edit\]\]\)" |
link | "User:Enterprisey/undo-last-edit" |
revert | true |
userRightsManager | regex | "using \[\[User:MusikAnimal\/userRightsManager\|userRightsManager\]\]" |
link | "User:MusikAnimal/userRightsManager" |
namespaces | |
Vada | regex | "\(\[\[WP:Vada\]\]\)" |
link | "Project:Vada" |
WikiPatroller | regex | "User:Jfmantis\/WikiPatroller" |
link | "User:Jfmantis/WikiPatroller" |
namespaces | |
XFDcloser | regex | "\(\[\[WP:XFDC" |
link | "WP:XFDcloser" |
Xunlink | regex | "\(\[\[User:Evad37\/Xunlink" |
link | "User:Evad37/Xunlink" |
namespaces | |
YABBR | tags | |
link | "User:Enterprisey/YABBR" |
namespaces | |