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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Meta:FormWizard/Config/Project and the translation is 100% complete.


"@languages": "


   "@doc": "Project Grants- new proposal form wizard configuration file",
               "post-edit": "Siyabonga ngokudala ikhasi lakho le-Project Grant! Sicela uqhubeke nokuthuthukisa isiphakamiso sakho ngokugcwalisa izigaba ezisele ngezansi Qaphela ukuthi unesibopho sokwazisa imiphakathi efanele ngesiphakamiso sakho Bona imiyalelo esigabeni ‘sesaziso somphakathi Uma usuzwa ukuthi isiphakamiso sakho sesiphelile futhi sesilungele ukubuyekezwa buyekeza isimo sithi PROPOSED (isimo=PROPOSED kumakhaphu ebhokisi lemininingwane).",
               "new-page": true,
               "namespace": "Grants:",
               "portal-page": "Project/",
               "page-template": "",
               "infobox": "Probox",
               "talkpage-template": "",
               "page-home": "Grants:Projects",
               "dialog-title": "Dala isiphakamiso sakho se-Project Grant.",
               "toolkit-name": "",
               "toolkit-template": "",
               "error-not-logged-in": "Sicela ungene ngemvume kuqala ngaphambi kokuqhubeka :)",
               "edit-comment-prefix": "Creating a new Project Grant proposal ",
               "edit-comment-suffix": " (edited with FormWizard)"
           "introText": {
               "type": "text",
               "string": "Ungakhathazeki ngokuthola zonke izimpendulo zakho ziphelele kuleli fomu, ungakwazi ukwengeza futhi wenze izinguquko ekhasini lakho ngemva kokudala okusalungiswa kwakho kokuqala!"
               "projectNameTextbox": {
                       "type": "smallTextBox",
                       "placeholder": "isibonelo: Ukufinyelela kwezokuxhumana e-China",
                       "title": "Isihloko sesiphakamiso",
                       "text-1": "Lithini igama lephrojekthi yakho? Lesi kuzoba isihloko sekhasi lakho lesiphakamiso.",
                       "add-to": "infobox",
                       "validate": "doesNotExists",
               "projectSummaryTextbox": {
                       "type": "largeTextBox",
                       "placeholder": "",
                       "title": "Isifinyezo",
                       "text-1": "Sicela ufingqe kafushane iphrojekthi yakho ngemisho engu-1-2",
                       "mandatory": true,
                       "add-to": "infobox",
               "projectCategoryDropdown": {
                       "type": "dropdownList",
                       "title": "Type of project",
                       "text-1": "What category describes most of the planned work in this project?  You can add or change categories after your proposal has been created.  If you're not sure what category to choose, please select 'Uncertain'.",
                       "mandatory": true,
                       "add-to": "infobox",
                       "values": ["research","tools and software","online programs and events","offline programs and events", "uncertain"]
               "projectIdeaSection": {
                       "type": "largeTextBox",
                       "placeholder": "leave this blank!",
                       "title": "leave this blank!",
                       "section": "Project idea",
                       "mandatory": false,
                       "add-to": "section",
                       "visibility": "hidden",
                       "section-header": "Project idea",

"comment": "


                   "projectProblemSolvedTextbox": {
                           "type": "largeTextBox",
                           "placeholder": "Iyiphi inkinga ozama ukuyixazulula?",
                           "title": "Umbono wephrojekthi",
                           "text-1": "Iyiphi inkinga ozama ukuyixazulula ngokwenza le phrojekthi? Le nkinga kufanele ibe yincane ngokwanele ukuthi ulindele ukuthi isixazululwe ngokuphelele noma ikakhulukazi ekupheleni kwale phrojekthi.",
                           "section": "What is the problem you're trying to solve?",
                           "mandatory": false,
                           "add-to": "section",
                           "parent" : "projectIdeaSection",
                           "section-header": "What is the problem you're trying to solve?",
                           "comment": "Iyiphi inkinga ozama ukuyixazulula ngokwenza le phrojekthi? Le nkinga kufanele ibe yincane ngokwanele ukuthi ulindele ukuthi isixazululwe ngokuphelele noma ikakhulukazi ekupheleni kwale phrojekthi Khumbula ukubuyekeza isifundo ukuthola amathiphu okuthi ungawuphendula kanjani lo mbuzo.
" }, "projectSolutionTextbox": { "type": "largeTextBox", "text-1": "Ngenkinga oyihlonze esigabeni esidlule chaza kafushane ukuthi ungathanda ukuyisingatha kanjani le nkinga. Siyaqaphela ukuthi ziningi izindlela zokuxazulula inkinga Sithanda ukuqonda ukuthi kungani ukhethe lesi sixazululo, nokuthi kungani ucabanga ukuthi kufanelekile ukusilandela.", "placeholder": "Sithini isixazululo osihlongozayo?", "title": "", "characterLength":2000, "section": "What is your solution?", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectIdeaSection", "section-header": "What is your solution?", "comment": "Ngenkinga oyihlonze esigabeni esidlule, chaza kafushane ukuthi ungathanda ukuyisingatha kanjani le nkinga. Siyaqaphela ukuthi ziningi izindlela zokuxazulula inkinga. Sithanda ukuqonda ukuthi kungani ukhethe lesi sixazululo, nokuthi kungani ucabanga ukuthi kufanelekile ukusilandela. Khumbula ukubuyekeza isifundo ukuthola amathiphu okuthi ungawuphendula kanjani lo mbuzo.
" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"Olandelayo" }, "cancelButton":{ "type": "cancelButton", "title":"Khansela" } }, "step-2":{ "applicantTypeDropdown": { "type": "dropdownList", "title": "Applicant type", "placeholder": "select...", "text-1": "Is this grant being requested by an organization, a group, or an individual?", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"applicant_type", "values": ["Individual","Group","Organization"] }, "affiliateTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "isibonelo: WM DE", "title": "Ikhodi yokuxhumana", "text-1": "UMA LESI SIBONELELO SESIFAZANE LE-WIKIMEDIA:", "text-2": "Sicela uthayiphe ikhodi enezinhlamvu ezine yenhlangano yakho ebhokisini elingezansi. Sicela ushiye isikhala phakathi kwezinhlamvu ezimbili zokuqala nezinhlamvu ezimbili zokugcina.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"affiliate" }, "affiliateLink": { "type": "link", "href": "https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:PEG/Affiliates_list", "link": "(Bheka ikhodi yakho ehlobene enezinhlamvu ezine lapha.)" }, "projectTargetTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "isibonelo: Wikisource yesiNtaliyane neSpanishi", "title": "Iphrojekthi eqondiwe", "text-1": "Imaphi amaphrojekthi akhona e-Wikimedia nezinguqulo zolimi ezizonikezwa kangcono noma zibe nomthelela ngenxa yale phrojekthi?", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"target", "comment" :"" }, "projectGoalsSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "isibonelo: *Khuthaza abesifazane abengeziwe ukuthi babe ngabanikeli abavamile ku-Wikipedia", "title": "Imigomo yephrojekthi", "text-1" : "Iyini imigomo yakho yale phrojekthi? Imigomo yakho kufanele ichaze izinzuzo ezimbili noma ezintathu eziphezulu ezizophuma kuphrojekthi yakho. Lokhu kufanele kube izinzuzo kumaphrojekthi we-Wikimedia noma imiphakathi ye-Wikimedia. Akufanele zibe izinzuzo kuwe ngabanye.", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Project goals", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "section-header": "Project goals", "value": "", "comment": "Ziyini izinhloso zakho ngalo msebenzi? Imigomo yakho kufanele ichaze izinzuzo ezimbili noma ezintathu eziphezulu ezizophuma kuphrojekthi yakho. Lokhu kufanele kube izinzuzo kumaphrojekthi we-Wikimedia noma imiphakathi ye-Wikimedia Akufanele zibe izinzuzo kuwe ngabanye Khumbula ukubuyekeza isifundo ukuze uthole amathiphu okuthi ungawuphendula kanjani lo mbuzo.
" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"Olandelayo" }, "backButton":{ "type":"backButton", "title":"Emuva" } }, "step-3":{ "projectImpactSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "leave this blank!", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Project impact", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Project impact", "value": "", "comment": "" }, "projectMetGoalsSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "", "title": "Uzokwazi kanjani uma usufinyelele imigomo yakho?", "text-1": "Kumgomo wakho ngamunye, singathanda ukuthi uphendule imibuzo elandelayo:", "text-2": "1. Ngesikhathi sephrojekthi yakho, yini ongayenza ukuze ufinyelele lo mgomo? (Lena yimiphumela yakho.) Nazi ezinye zezimpendulo zesibonelo kulo mbuzo.", "text-3": "2. Uma iphrojekthi yakho isiphelile, izoqhubeka kanjani nokuba nomthelela omuhle emphakathini we-Wikimedia noma amaphrojekthi? (Lena imiphumela yakho.)", "text-4": "Ngempendulo yakho ngayinye cabanga ukuthi uzoluthatha kanjani lolu lwazi Ingabe uzoyithwebula ngohlolovo? Ngendaba? Uzoyilinganisa ngenombolo? Khumbula uma uhlela ukukala inombolo uzodinga ukubeka ithagethi yenombolo esiphakamisweni sakho (isb abantu abangama-45, izindatshana eziyi-10, amadokhumenti ayi-100 askeniwe).", "characterLength":2000, "section": "How will you know if you have met your goals?", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectImpactSection", "section-header": "How will you know if you have met your goals?",

"comment": "Kumgomo wakho ngamunye singathanda ukuthi uphendule imibuzo elandelayo:

  1. Phakathi nephrojekthi yakho uzokwenzani ukuze ufinyelele lo mgomo? (Lena imiphumela yakho)
  2. Uma iphrojekthi yakho isiphelile izoqhubeka kanjani nokuba nomthelela omuhle emphakathini noma kumaphrojekthi we-Wikimedia? (Lena imiphumela yakho)

Empendulweni yakho ngayinye cabanga ngokuthi uzoluthatha kanjani lolu lwazi Ingabe uzoyithwebula ngohlolovo? Ngendaba? Uzoyilinganisa ngenombolo? Khumbula uma uhlela ukukala inombolo uzodinga ukubeka ithagethi yenombolo esiphakamisweni sakho (isb abantu abangama-45, izindatshana eziyi-10 amadokhumenti ayi-100 askeniwe). Khumbula ukubuyekeza isifundo ukuze uthole amathiphu okuthi ungawuphendula kanjani lo mbuzo.

            "projectMetricsSection": {
                           "type": "largeTextBox",
                           "placeholder": "",
                           "title": "Ingabe unayo imigomo mayelana nokubamba iqhaza noma okuqukethwe?",
                           "text-1": "Ingabe noma yimiphi imigomo yakho ehlobene nokwandisa ukubamba iqhaza phakathi kwenhlangano ye-Wikimedia noma ukwandisa/ukuthuthukisa okuqukethwe kumaphrojekthi we-Wikimedia? Uma kunjalo sicela ubuyekeze isixhumanisi esingezansi futhi ufake noma imaphi amamethrikhi ahambisana nephrojekthi yakho Sicela usethe ithagethi yenombolo ngokumelene namamethrikhi uma kusebenza.",
                           "section": "Do you have any goals around participation or content?",
                           "mandatory": false,
                           "add-to": "section",
                           "parent" : "projectImpactSection",
                           "section-header": "Do you have any goals around participation or content?",
                           "comment": "Ingabe noma yimiphi imigomo yakho ehlobene nokwandisa ukubamba iqhaza phakathi kwenhlangano ye-Wikimedia noma ukwandisa/ukuthuthukisa okuqukethwe kumaphrojekthi we-Wikimedia? Uma kunjalo sicela ukuthi ubhekelawa mamethrikhi amathathu futhi ufake noma yimaphi ahambisana nephrojekthi yakho Sicela usethe ithagethi yenombolo ngokumelene namamethrikhi uma kusebenza. Khumbula ukubuyekeza isifundo ukuthola amathiphu okuthi ungawuphendula kanjani lo mbuzo.
" }, "metricsLink": { "type": "link", "href": "https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Metrics#Three_shared_metrics", "link": "(Buyekeza izinketho ezintathu zamamethrikhi lapha.)" }, "projectPlanSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "leave this blank!", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Project plan", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Project plan", "value": "", "comment": "" }, "projectActivitiesSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "example: *Build and test a gadget", "title": "Activities", "text-1": "Sitshele ukuthi uzoyenza kanjani iphrojekthi yakho. Yini wena nabanye abahleli nizochitha isikhathi senu nenza? Uzobe wenzeni ekupheleni kwephrojekthi yakho? Uzobalandela kanjani abantu abahilelekile kuphrojekthi yakho?", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Activities", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Activities", "comment": "Sitshele ukuthi uzoyenza kanjani iphrojekthi yakho. Yini wena nabanye abahleli nizochitha isikhathi senu nenza? Uzobe wenzeni ekupheleni kwephrojekthi yakho? Uzobalandela kanjani abantu abahilelekile kuphrojekthi yakho?
" }, "projectBudgetSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "example: *Project manager: 500 USD", "title": "Isabelomali", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Budget", "text-1": Uzoyisebenzisa kanjani imali oyicelayo? Faka ohlwini amaphuzu ezinhlamvu zezindleko ngayinye (Ungadala ithebula kamuva uma kudingeka) Ungakhohlwa ukufaka inani eliphelele bese ubuyekeza leli nani ku-Probox phezulu ikhasi lakho futhi!", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Budget", "comment": "Uzoyisebenzisa kanjani imali oyicelayo? Faka ohlwini lwamaphoyinti ezinhlamvu zezindleko ngayinye(Ungadala ithebula kamuva uma kudingeka) Ungakhohlwa ukufaka inani eliphelele futhi ubuyekeze leli nani ku-Probox phezulu ekhasini lakho futhi!
" }, "amountRequestedTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "isibonelo: 800 USD", "title": "Ingqikithi yemali", "text-1": "Ingakanani imali oyicelayo yalesi sikhwama? Ungakhohlwa ukucacisa ukuthi imali efakwe kuyo!", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"amount" }, "communityEngagementSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "isibonelo: Sizohlola umphakathi wethu esiwuhlosile ekuqaleni nasekupheleni kwephrojekthi futhi sibambe amaseshini empendulo abukhoma angu-3 phakathi nendawo.", "title": "Izinhlelo zokuxoxisana nomphakathi", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Community engagement", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Community engagement", "text-1": "Ukufaka komphakathi nokubamba iqhaza kusiza ukwenza amaphrojekthi aphumelele Ungabazisa kanjani abanye emphakathini wakho mayelana nephrojekthi yakho? Kungani uqondise izethameli ezithile? Uzowubandakanya kanjani umphakathi ohlose ukuwusebenzela ngesikhathi sephrojekthi yakho?", "comment": "Ukufaka komphakathi nokubamba iqhaza kusiza ukwenza amaphrojekthi aphumelele Ungabazisa kanjani abanye emphakathini wakho mayelana nephrojekthi yakho? Kungani uqondise izethameli ezithile? Uzowubandakanya kanjani umphakathi ohlose ukuwusebenzela ngesikhathi sephrojekthi yakho?
" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"Olandelayo" }, "backButton":{ "type":"backButton", "title":"Emuva" } }, "step-4":{ "getInvolvedSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Get involved", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Get involved", "value": "", "comment" :"" }, "granteeUsernameTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "isibonelo: I JethroBT (ungangezi Umsebenzisi: isiqalo)", "title": "Umnikeli", "text-1": "Sicela ufake igama lakho lomsebenzisi lapha. Uma ithimba lakho linomnikezeli ongaphezu ko-1, ungakwazi ukwengeza abantu abengeziwe ngezansi.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"grantee" }, "contactEmailTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "isibonelo: izibonelelo(_AT_)wikimedia.org", "title": "Oxhumana naye oyinhloko", "text-1": "Sicela usinikeze ikheli le-imeyili (noma igama lomsebenzisi elingathola i-imeyili) esingalisebenzisa ukuze sikuthinte. Lokhu kuzoboniswa esidlangalaleni.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"contact1" }, "roleSelectionList":{ "title": "Abanye ababambiqhaza", "text-1": "Sicela ukhombise ukuthi bangaki abantu (ngaphandle kwakho) abazobamba iqhaza kuphrojekthi yakho njengabanikeli noma abeluleki.", "text-2": "Uma ungaqinisekile okwamanje, vele weqe lo mbuzo. Ungakwazi ukwengeza izikhala ukuze uthole izibonelelo ezengeziwe kanye nabeluleki kamuva.", "type": "stepperList", "choiceList": [ { "key": "grantee", "value": 0 }, { "key": "advisor", "value": 0 } ], "hidden": [ { "key": "translations", "value": "Probox/Project/Content" }, { "key": "idealab", "value": "YES" }, { "key":"image", "value": "", "comment": "" }, { "key": "status", "value": "DRAFT", "comment": "" } ], "add-to": "infobox" }, "proboxPortal": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "portal", "value": "Project" }, "participantsSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "isibonelo:
  • PretendUserName - Bengilokhu ngihlela i-Wikiproject Fun iminyaka emi-3",
                   "title": "Abahlanganyeli",
                   "section": "Participants",
                   "text-1": "Sicela usebenzise lesi sigaba ukuze usitshele kabanzi mayelana nokuthi ubani osebenza kule phrojekthi Kulungu ngalinye lethimba sicela uchaze noma yimaphi amakhono ahlobene nephrojekthi ulwazi noma esinye isizinda onaso esingasiza ekwenzeni lo mbono ube impumelelo.",
                   "mandatory": false,
                   "add-to": "section",
                   "section-header": "Participants",
                   "parent" : "getInvolvedSection",
                   "value": "",
                   "comment": "Sicela usebenzise lesi sigaba ukuze usitshele kabanzi mayelana nokuthi ubani osebenza kule phrojekthi Kulungu ngalinye lethimba sicela uchaze noma yimaphi amakhono ahlobene nephrojekthi ulwazi noma esinye isizinda onaso esingasiza ekwenzeni lo mbono ube impumelelo.
" }, "moreParticipantsDropdown": { "type": "dropdownList", "title": "Ukubamba iqhaza kwamavolontiya", "placeholder": "select.", "text-1": "Ungathanda ukwengeza indlela yokuthi amavolontiya engeziwe ajoyine kalula iphrojekthi yakho?", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"more_participants", "values": ["No","Yes"] }, "communityNotificationSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Community notification", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Community notification", "parent" : "getInvolvedSection", "value": "Sicela unamathisele izixhumanisi ngezansi lapho imiphakathi efanele yazisiwe khona ngesiphakamiso sakho kanye nanoma yiziphi ezinye izingxoxo zomphakathi ezifanele Unomthwalo wemfanelo wokwazisa imiphakathi efanele ngesiphakamiso sakho ukuze ikusize! Kuye ngephrojekthi yakho isaziso singase sifaneleke kakhulu Kumpompi Yesigodi ikhasi lokukhuluma uhlu lwamakheli njll Udinga amathiphu esaziso?", "comment": "" }, "endorsementsSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Endorsements", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Endorsements", "parent" : "getInvolvedSection", "value": "Ingabe ucabanga ukuthi le phrojekthi kufanele ikhethelwe Isibonelelo Sephrojekthi? Sicela ungeze igama lakho nesizathu sokuthi ukuvumela le phrojekthi ngezansi! (Eminye impendulo eyakhayo yamukelekile ekhasini lengxoxo).", "comment": "" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"doneButton", "title":"Dala isiphakamiso sami" }, "backButton":{ "type":"backButton", "title":"Emuva" } } }, "expand": { "config":{ "post-edit": "Siyabonga ngokudala ikhasi lakho le-Project Grant! Sicela uqhubeke nokuthuthukisa isiphakamiso sakho ngokugcwalisa izigaba ezisele ngezansi. Qaphela ukuthi unesibopho sokwazisa imiphakathi efanele ngesiphakamiso sakho Bona imiyalelo esigabeni ‘sesaziso somphakathi Uma usuzwa ukuthi isiphakamiso sakho sesiphelile futhi sesilungele ukubuyekezwa لاbuyekeza isimo sithi PROPOSED (isimo=PROPOSED kumakhaphu ebhokisi lemininingwane).", "new-page": false, "namespace": "Grants", "portal-page": "IdeaLab", "page-template": "", "infobox": "Probox", "talkpage-template": "", "page-home": "Grants:IdeaLab", "dialog-title": "Masiguqule umbono wakho wenze isiphakamiso se-Project Grant", "error-not-logged-in": "Awungenile sicela ungene ku-akhawunti yakho ngaphambi kokuqhubeka.", "edit-comment-prefix": "Umbono owandisiwe waba Isibonelelo Sephrojekthi", "edit-comment-suffix": "(ihlelwe ne-FormWizard)", "edit-comment-default": "Expanding the proposal," }, "step-1":{ "projectCategoryDropdown": { "type": "dropdownList", "title": "Type of project", "text-1": "What category describes most of the planned work in this project? You can add or change categories after your proposal has been created. If you're not sure what category to choose, please select 'Uncertain'.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"grant_type", "values": ["research","tools and software","online programs and events","offline programs and events", "uncertain"] }, "projectImpactSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "leave this blank!", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Project impact", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Project impact", "value": "", "comment": "" }, "projectMetGoalsSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "", "title": "Uzokwazi kanjani uma usufinyelele imigomo yakho?", "text-1": "Ngenhloso yakho ngayinye ngaphansi kwesigaba Sezinjongo Zephrojekthi singathanda ukuthi uphendule imibuzo elandelayo:", "text-2": "1. Ngesikhathi sephrojekthi yakho yini ongayenza ukuze ufinyelele lo mgomo? (Lena yimiphumela yakho) Nazi ezinye zezimpendulo zesibonelo kulo mbuzo.", "text-3": "2. Uma iphrojekthi yakho isiphelile, izoqhubeka kanjani nokuba nomthelela omuhle emphakathini we-Wikimedia noma amaphrojekthi? (Lena imiphumela yakho.)", "text-4": "Ngempendulo yakho ngayinye cabanga ukuthi uzoluthatha kanjani lolu lwazi Ingabe uzoyithwebula ngohlolovo? Ngendaba? Uzoyilinganisa ngenombolo? Khumbula uma uhlela ukukala inombolo uzodinga ukubeka ithagethi yenombolo esiphakamisweni sakho (isb abantu abangama-45, izindatshana eziyi-10, amadokhumenti ayi-100 askeniwe).", "characterLength":2000, "section": "How will you know if you have met your goals?", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectImpactSection", "section-header": "How will you know if you have met your goals?",

"comment": "For each of your goals, we’d like you to answer the following questions:

  1. During your project, what will you do to achieve this goal? (These are your outputs.)
  2. Once your project is over, how will it continue to positively impact the Wikimedia community or projects? (These are your outcomes.)

For each of your answers, think about how you will capture this information. Will you capture it with a survey? With a story? Will you measure it with a number? Remember, if you plan to measure a number, you will need to set a numeric target in your proposal (e.g. 45 people, 10 articles, 100 scanned documents). Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.

            "projectMetricsSection": {
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                           "placeholder": "",
                           "title": "Ingabe unayo imigomo mayelana nokubamba iqhaza noma okuqukethwe?",
                           "text-1": "Ingabe noma yimiphi imigomo yakho ehlobene nokwandisa ukubamba iqhaza phakathi kwenhlangano ye-Wikimedia noma ukwandisa/ukuthuthukisa okuqukethwe kumaphrojekthi we-Wikimedia? Uma kunjalo sicela ubuyekeze isixhumanisi esingezansi futhi ufake noma imaphi amamethrikhi ahambisana nephrojekthi yakho Sicela usethe ithagethi yenombolo ngokumelene namamethrikhi uma kusebenza.",
                           "section": "Do you have any goals around participation or content?",
                           "mandatory": false,
                           "add-to": "section",
                           "parent" : "projectImpactSection",
                           "section-header": "Do you have any goals around participation or content?",
                           "comment": "Are any of your goals related to increasing participation within the Wikimedia movement, or increasing/improving the content on Wikimedia projects? If so, we ask that you look through these three metrics, and include any that are relevant to your project. Please set a numeric target against the metrics, if applicable. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
" }, "metricsLink": { "type": "link", "href": "https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Metrics#Three_shared_metrics", "link": "(Buyekeza izinketho ezintathu zamamethrikhi lapha.)" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"Olandelayo" }, "backButton":{ "type":"cancelButton", "title":"Khansela" } }, "step-2":{ "projectPlanSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "leave this blank!", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Project plan", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Project plan", "value": "", "comment": "" }, "projectActivitiesSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "example: *Build and test a gadget", "title": "Activities", "text-1": "Sitshele ukuthi uzoyenza kanjani iphrojekthi yakho Yini wena nabanye abahleli nizochitha isikhathi senu nenza? Uzobe wenzeni ekupheleni kwephrojekthi yakho? Uzobalandela kanjani abantu abahilelekile kuphrojekthi yakho?", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Activities", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Activities", "comment": "Tell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing? What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?
" }, "projectBudgetSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "example: *Project manager: 500 USD", "title": "Isabelomali", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Budget", "text-1": Uzoyisebenzisa kanjani imali oyicelayo? Faka ohlwini amaphuzu ezinhlamvu zezindleko ngayinye (Ungadala ithebula kamuva uma kudingeka) Ungakhohlwa ukufaka inani eliphelele bese ubuyekeza leli nani ku-Probox phezulu ikhasi lakho futhi", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Budget", "comment": "How you will use the funds you are requesting? List bullet points for each expense. (You can create a table later if needed.) Don’t forget to include a total amount, and update this amount in the Probox at the top of your page too!
" }, "amountRequestedTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: 800 USD", "title": "Ingqikithi yemali", "text-1": "Ingakanani imali oyicelayo yalesi sibonelelo? Ungakhohlwa ukucacisa ukuthi iyiphi imali oyisebenzisayo!", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"amount" }, "communityEngagementSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "isibonelo: Sizohlola umphakathi wethu esiwuhlosile ekuqaleni nasekupheleni kwephrojekthi futhi sibambe amaseshini empendulo abukhoma angu-3 phakathi nendawo.", "title": "Izinhlelo zokuxoxisana nomphakathi", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Community engagement", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Community engagement", "text-1": "Ukufaka komphakathi nokubamba iqhaza kusiza ukwenza amaphrojekthi aphumelele Ungabazisa kanjani abanye emphakathini wakho mayelana nephrojekthi yakho? Kungani uqondise izethameli ezithile? Uzowubandakanya kanjani umphakathi ohlose ukuwusebenzela ngesikhathi sephrojekthi yakho?", "comment": "Community input and participation helps make projects successful. How will you let others in your community know about your project? Why are you targeting a specific audience? How will you engage the community you’re aiming to serve during your project?
" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"Olandelayo" }, "backButton":{ "type":"backButton", "title":"Emuva" } }, "step-3":{ "applicantTypeDropdown": { "type": "dropdownList", "title": "Applicant type", "placeholder": "select...", "text-1": "Is this grant being requested by an organization, a group, or an individual?", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"applicant_type", "values": ["Individual","Group","Organization"] }, "affiliateTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: WM DE", "title": "Affiliate code", "text-1": "IF THIS GRANT IS TO A WIKIMEDIA AFFILIATE:", "text-2": "Please type the four-letter code for your organization in the box below. Please leave a space between the first two letters and the last two letters.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"affiliate" }, "affiliateLink": { "type": "link", "href": "https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:PEG/Affiliates_list", "link": "(Look up your four-letter affiliate code here.)" }, "projectTargetTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "isibonelo: Wikisource yesiNtaliyane neSpanishi", "title": "Iphrojekthi eqondiwe", "text-1": "Imaphi amaphrojekthi akhona e-Wikimedia nezinguqulo zolimi ezizonikezwa kangcono noma zibe nomthelela ngenxa yale phrojekthi?", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"target", "comment" :"" }, "granteeUsernameTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "isibonelo: Jmorgan (WMF)", "title": "Umnikeli", "text-1": "Sicela ufake igama lakho lomsebenzisi lapha Uma ithimba lakho linomnikezeli ongaphezu ko-1, ungakwazi ukwengeza abantu abengeziwe ngezansi.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"grantee" }, "contactEmailTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "isibonelo: izibonelelo(_AT_)wikimedia.org", "title": "Oxhumana naye oyinhloko", "text-1": "Sicela usinikeze ikheli le-imeyili (noma igama lomsebenzisi elingathola i-imeyili) esingalisebenzisa ukuze sikuthinte.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"contact1" }, "roleSelectionList":{ "title": "Abanye ababambiqhaza", "text-1": "Sicela ukhombise ukuthi bangaki abantu (ngaphandle kwakho) abazobamba iqhaza kuphrojekthi yakho njengabanikeli noma abeluleki.", "text-2": "Uma ungaqinisekile okwamanje, vele weqe lo mbuzo. Ungakwazi ukwengeza izikhala ukuze uthole izibonelelo ezengeziwe kanye nabeluleki kamuva.", "type": "stepperList", "add-to": "infobox", "choiceList": [ { "key": "grantee", "value": 0 }, { "key": "advisor", "value": 0 } ] }, "teamInfoSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "isibonelo: *PretendUserName Bengilokhu ngihlela i Wikiproject Fun iminyaka emi3", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Project team", "text-1": "Sicela usebenzise lesi sigaba ukuze usitshele kabanzi mayelana nokuthi ubani osebenza kule phrojekthi Kulungu ngalinye lethimba sicela uchaze noma yimaphi amakhono ahlobene nephrojekthi ulwazi noma esinye isizinda onaso esingasiza ekwenzeni lo mbono ube impumelelo.", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "section-header": "Project team", "value": "", "comment": "Please use this section to tell us more about who is working on this project. For each member of the team, please describe any project-related skills, experience, or other background you have that might help contribute to making this idea a success.
" }, "communityNotificationSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Community notification", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Community notification", "value": "Sicela unamathisele izixhumanisi ngezansi lapho imiphakathi efanele yazisiwe khona ngesiphakamiso sakho, kanye nanoma yiziphi ezinye izingxoxo zomphakathi ezifanele. Udinga amathiphu esaziso?", "comment": "" }, "round": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "round", "value": "" }, "portalProject": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "portal", "value": "Project" }, "translationsProject": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "translations", "value": "Probox/Project/Content" }, "showInIdealab": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "idealab", "value": "YES" }, "statusProject": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "status", "value": "DRAFT", "comment": "" }, "imageProject": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "image", "value": "File:IEG_key_blue.png", "comment": "" }, "nextButton": { "type":"doneButton", "title":"Nweba umbono wami" }, "backButton":{ "type": "backButton", "title":"Emuva" } } }
