Module:List tuning sessions

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Module documentation
return {
	main = function ( frame )
		local args = frame.args
		local dep = args.dep
		local startYear = 2019
		local currentDate ='*t');
		local currentMonth = currentDate.month
		-- The fiscal year starts in July (07), end of first quarter is start of October
		-- Start showing the year at the start of October, the earliest time that
		-- the first report of the year can be published.
		-- ("Ideally the sessions take place within four weeks of a quarter close,
		-- however we are still evaluating the schedule for the remainder of this
		-- fiscal year" - LHamilton (WMF) )
		-- local currentYear = currentDate.year - ( currentDate.month < 10 and 1 or 0 )
		-- local lastQuarter = math.floor( ( ( currentMonth + 2 ) % 12 ) / 3 ) -- 0-indexed
		-- Tuning session reports ended in FY21-22 Q3
		local currentYear = 2021
		local lastQuarter = 2
		local result = ""
		while startYear <= currentYear do
			local quarter = 0
			local untilQuarter = startYear == currentYear and lastQuarter or 3
			while quarter <= untilQuarter and quarter < 4 do
				local ordWord = ( { 'first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth' } )[ quarter + 1 ]
				local ordNum = ( { '1st', '2nd', '3rd', '4th' } )[ quarter + 1 ]
				local pattern1 = string.format(
					'File:Wikimedia Foundation %s quarter %s-%s tuning session - %s.pdf',
					ordWord, startYear, startYear + 1, dep
				local pattern2 = string.format(
					'File:Wikimedia Foundation %s Quarter %s-%s Tuning Session - %s.pdf',
					ordNum, startYear, startYear + 1, dep
				local linkText = string.format( '%s-%s, %s quarter', startYear, startYear + 1, ordWord )
				if pattern1 ).fileExists then
					result = result .. '\n* [[:' .. pattern1 .. '|' .. linkText .. ']]'
					result = result .. '\n* [[:' .. pattern2 .. '|' .. linkText .. ']]'
				quarter = quarter + 1
			startYear = startYear + 1
		return result