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Requests for comment/Administrative abuse by User:SergeyJ

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

The following request for comments is closed. The request was successfully resolved

User SergeyJ tends to rather authoritative way of performing his duties.

From my personal POV, he developed a kind of ownership over project. As a result, I personally have to spend much time arguing on various matters instead of doing something useful. The community is very small and passive, so I don't consider discussing the matter locally. Томми Нёрд 18:14, 26 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
The most important contradiction is that SergeyJ stands for heavy use of edit count as a basis for admission to votes and discussions. (500 edits = 1 vote (sic!) and so on, obligatory feedback form with contribution score on user page and so on) I do believe, that such policy is anti-wiki and may repel potential contributors. Томми Нёрд 18:19, 26 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Данный участник все значительно упростил. Действительно, в нашем проекте было обсуждено и было принято решение иметь связь между тем сколько пользы принес участник проекту и тем как сильно он может влиять на некоторые стратегические вопросы развития Викиверситета. Я не вижу в этом ничего плохого, этим мы избавляемся от пустой болтовни, и различных конфликтов, когда новые участники приходят в проект и все хотят переделать по своему, не учитывая устоявшихся традиций. И в этом мнении меня поддержали тогда многие постоянные участники.
  • С данным участником все так и получилось. Он пришел и стал настаивать безусловно только на своем мнении не считаясь с тем, что думают остальные. В частности он хотел назвать страницу "Английский язык:распространённые ошибки:британский вариант" это очень не естественное название для русского языка. Участнику было предложено назвать естественным образом "Распространенные ошибки в британском варианте английского языка". Он указал на какие мнимые проблемы для бота, ему был в виде исключения предложен вариант "Материалы: английский язык~распространённые ошибки~британский вариант". Он и от этого принципиально отказался, не поясняя ничего. Участник только предупрежден, что он спорит по вопросам, которые не заслуживают серьезного внимания и тратит время других для того чтобы протолкнуть свою личную точку зрения.
  • В итоге, здесь Томми Нёрд решил обвинить меня в авторитаризме, хотя ему предлагались все возможные варианты от которых он просто демонстративно отказывался. SergeyJ 20:11, 26 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

  • Autotransfer
  • The given participant has considerably simplified all. Really, in our project it has been discussed and the decision was accepted to have communication meanwhile how many advantage has brought the participant to the project and those as it can strongly influence some strategic questions of development of Vikiversiteta. I do not see in it anything bad, it we get rid of an idle talk, and various conflicts when new participants come to the project and all wish to alter on the, disregarding the settled traditions. And in this opinion me have supported then many constant participants.
  • With the given participant all and has turned out. It has come and began to insist certainly only on the opinion without reckoning with that the others think. In particular he wished to name page "English language: widespread errors: the British variant" it very much not the natural name for Russian. It was offered to participant to name naturally "Widespread errors in the British variant of English language". He has specified in what imaginary problems for a bot, the variant has been by way of exception offered it - [Materials: English language ~ widespread errors ~ the British variant]. He and has essentially refused it, without explaining anything. The participant only is warned that he argues on questions which do not deserve a close attention and wastes time others to push the personal point of view.

SergeyJ supposes I'm working on "course", while I'm working on self-preparation materials. Also he seems to lack understanding of difference between "Common mistakes in american slang pronunciation" and "Common mistakes:English:American variant(:by russian speakers):pronunciation" link.Томми Нёрд 09:57, 27 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

  • As a result, here Tommi Nyord has decided to accuse me of authoritarianism though all possible variants from which it simply in a pointed manner were offered it refused.

Question from Ottava Rima


My limited understanding of Meta RfC standards makes me believe that opening a project specific RfC on Meta should only be done as a last resort. As such, have you opened up an RfC or the such on the specific project and, if so, can you please link to it? Ottava Rima 22:30, 26 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Really sorry to bother you, but I don't think that local discussion will be constructive. Few active members, you know. Томми Нёрд 09:28, 27 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
please see ActiveUsers on v:ru and you will conclude there should be enough active users to discuss it locally imho. oscar 12:27, 27 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
may i suggest the issues are first addressed locally and a link provided to that discussion here please? thanks and all the best, oscar 13:12, 27 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
chances are we'll end up here. Anyway, thanks for advice - we'll try. Томми Нёрд 14:13, 27 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
thank you very much for your understanding. don't give up too soon; imho there is always a good chance the lot of you will achieve mutual understanding and agreement. after all, we are all working for the same goals here, keeping that in mind always helps attuning to a variety of possible means to achieve it. good luck and very best, oscar 18:02, 27 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
On some issues we made a compromise, some issues seem no longer important. I think, it's over. Томми Нёрд 21:24, 3 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Closed as solved


this request is closed as solved. oscar 22:26, 3 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]