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Research infrastructures for social sciences and humanities

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Research infrastructures for social sciences and humanities (SSH) is an overview of existing research infrastructures in the disciplinary fields of social sciences and humanities (SSH) and their presence on Wikidata.

Research infrastructures for social sciences and humanities


International initiatives

Infrastructure Wikidata URL Description Typology Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
Wikidata https://www.wikidata.org
Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org
Wikisource https://wikisource.org/ Digital library with transcriptions
Internet Archive d:Q461 https://archive.org/ Digital library

National initiatives (except Switzerland)

Infrastructure Wikidata URL Description Typology Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
BNF Catalogue d:Q15222191 https://catalogue.bnf.fr/index.do France
INHA (France) d:Q3152376 https://www.inha.fr/fr/ressources/outils-documentaires.html France
Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) of the German National Library d:Q36578
Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) d:Q611299 Getty Vocabularies
Union List of Artist Names (ULAN) d:Q2494649 Getty Vocabularies
Getty Thesaurus of art terms
TextGrid d:Q2407715 https://textgrid.de/en
HESTIA - the Herodotus Encoded Space-Text-Imaging Archive nn https://hestia.open.ac.uk
Steve.Museum project d:Q7611738 https://www.steve.museum/
NINES - Networked Infrastructure for Nineteenth- Century Electronic Scholarship nn https://nines.org/
Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)
CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model
ODISSEI Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations d:Q97040124 https://odissei-data.nl The Netherlands
SSHOC-NL Social Science and Humanities Open Cloud for the Netherlands d:Q124341521 The Netherlands
CLARIAH-NL Common Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities d:Q120245593 https://www.clariah.nl/ The Netherlands