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Slavopedia/Slovio copyright status

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From posxt@... Fri Jul 29 03:01:35 2005
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To some people the question of Slovio copyright is a bit confusing.
Essentially Slovio, as a language to be used by anyone who pleases to
use it, and thus it is copyright-free for users. The main reason there
is a copyright notice is to keep the further development of Slovio
focused and concentrated. We wanted to prevent fragmentation of the
effort to further develop and improve this language by irresponsible
"language inventors" who simply steal what they can from Slovio and
create their own language and thus confuse the whole effort and the
public. We feel that any effort to create a Slavic encyclopedia using
this language, for example on Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia, don't
affect this effort, since it keeps the language development focused,
therefore such effort at promoting this universal language and
communication have our permission, as long as they don't attempt to
change the language. Any changes of the language should be first
discussed and carefully considered. However any use for writing books
or encyclopedias is definitely copyright-free. Please keep it focused,
and standard, it will help everyone. Should you have any further
questions please contact us. Fax: 001-206-666-2469, sms: +421903315800